An Open Letter to Parents About Youth Recreational Sports

  1. modfrugal says:

    Oh how I wish this were the letter sent out! My oldest threw in the towel in middle school because he “wasn’t good enough” and lost ALL interest in ANY sports due to the eye rolling, deep sighs and insulting comments from team mates and parents when he’d miss the ball etc…
    It’s heartbreaking and I felt so helpless against the system and culture that youth sports has become.

  2. Suzanne Owen says:

    I second modfrugal’s comment. I’m just happy to see my boys active and enjoying themselves. It makes no sense to me that some parents, coaches and players think that criticizing a child’s abilities and efforts is the way to inspire them to keep playing and improve. Some of the comments I’ve overheard were just heartless. Can’t it just be for fun with the added benefit of improved physical fitness?

  3. kellyhenderson says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes! We are having a hard time finding recreational leagues for our 1st grader! We had hoped he could stay in our church/school league for a few years but so many are leaving for more competitive leagues, we barely made a 10 person baseball team. Now we are forced to start looking elsewhere for fall soccer. He just wants to have fun and we don’t want to burn him out by the time he’s 10. It’s ridiculous.

    Our 10 year old daughter dances and even with that, as she has gotten older, her class size has shrunk because so many girls do competitive dance now.

  4. mamalang says:

    Our Little League makes every parent sign a code of conduct, and they really work hard to ensure that parents and coaches are staying true to it. That doesn’t mean spectators don’t get out of hand, but generally speaking, it feels like a mostly positive experience. Sadly, I find the grandparents or aunts/uncles, etc are way worse than the parents.

  5. Tony says:

    “Coaches yelling at kids for not running fast enough, not listening, or making technical mistakes.”

    I would argue that this is exactly what coaches should be doing. If a child isn’t paying attention or is not applying themselves, a coach should be there to get them back on track. Little Suzy or Billy will be OK if a coach does that in a respectful, non-demeaning manner.

    Sports are a great way to teach children important lessons like how to play within the rules, fair play, teamwork, giving your best effort, overcoming disappointment, etc. I coached six-year-old baseball last year, and one of our players started out the season completely disinterested in a sport he knew nothing about. Every time he batted or got on base I had to tell him what he needed to be doing, sometimes repeatedly, sometimes urgently. By the end of the year he eventually “got it” and was clearly enjoying himself. Would he have been better off if I had just let him do whatever he wanted, even if it was the wrong thing to do within the context of the baseball game?

    Of course no one should be berating anybody, but a coach is there to provide some structure that will help the child. If you’re not actually going to care about doing things correctly, then why not just have the kids run around on a playground instead? Nothing wrong with that.

    • modfrugal says:

      I understand, and agree with your point, and there are GREAT coaches for every über-competitive screamer out there. There are ways to offer guidance and structure without demeaning and bullying children in front of their peers…which encourages their team mates to do the same, thus the unhealthy cycle begins.

    • sunshipballoons says:

      Right — respectful, non-demeaning manner. Not “yelling at kids.” Nobody is saying that they can’t help the kids with their weaknesses, including effort.

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      The key word there is “yelling.” Children don’t respond well when they’re being yelled at, any more than adults do. My husband coached for over a decade and he used to be a yeller- Then he read a book on coaching that changed everything for him, and he never yelled again- And looking back, I’d say his teams did even better after that. I’ll ask him what the book was called and post it here.

  6. Soccer Dad says:

    Susan, Modfrugal – Really?? So you are saying the schools should just let anyone play, no matter their skills or ability? Do you think that is fair to the child that loves the sport, and has but in extra work and practice and training to improve? That is why it is called “tryouts”. Recreational sports are different. That is when you pay for child to have the chance to play and learn in a less competitive environment. If they don’t succeed at a sport, then they don’t succeed. I can not sing. Should I be allowed on the chorus and school and keep the talented students from winning awards because of my lack of ability. If your son lost All interest in Any sport, that is your fault, not the coaches.

    • modfrugal says:

      Gosh, I thought the title and point of this post was recreational sports, not competitive league/travel league sports for those who are wanting that level of play. I don’t expect my son to be allowed to play on a competitive team if he isn’t good enough, but that’s not what recreational sports are, as you just said yourself.

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