BlogHer 07 Part Last: The Saga of the Stinky Cheese

  1. Jenn says:

    >Okay, see, now what you did not say is the politeness between me and Busy Mom before the Item in Question was found in our bathroom. “Ummm, stomach issues, Jenn?” “No. You?”The fear of seeing and touching that cheese to get it off of the floor was terrifying. I am still having cheese flashbacks.I wonder where it ended up! Just thankfully not with me. I know for sure I would have been kicked off of the plane accused of terrorism if I had it. Ahhhh, the cheese stands alone. Trust me on this…it will show up again. mwhahahaha

  2. Jenn says:

    >Oh, as if I was not laughing hard enough before…look at the FEAR on your face. Hilarious!

  3. Blonde Chick says:

    >OMG! The stories you all tell just make me want to go next year even more!This is the best laugh I’ve had in ages! Great post!

  4. Sarah says:

    >This is hysterical! I had to laugh out loud. I want to go to BlogHer!

  5. >That is hilarious!Hmmm, it would have been funny too to have kept it Real Simple and slipped it in a particular Real Simple swag bag.

  6. Y says:

    >Dude. I still heave when I think of that smell. The funniest thing in the world is that you’re all “Y, I need your help!” and I got all excited because someone needed me!And then I found out you just needed me to cover while you put that shit in someone’s bag.AHHAHAHA*Dry Heaves*

  7. ~Nancy~ says:

    >Oh, I love it!It so reminds me of my cheese story. The last time Feller and I went to Paris, we had time to eat the complimentary breakfast buffet at our hotel before our flight. I was not very hungry, so I stashed some cheese, croissants, and jam in my carry on…and forgot about it. It is a long flight from France…even longer when you think the man in front of you is letting toots the whole way. As we prepared to land at Dulles, I reorganized my carry on and found the stinky cheese. I was cracking up as I told the feller about it. He looked at me, very dead pan, and said, “oh. I thought YOU had been cutting the cheese.” All that way, all those hours and he was suspecting ME! He won’t eat cheese anymore, by the way. Viva la fromage’!

  8. Anonymous says:

    >THAT. IS. SOOOO. Freakin’. FUNNY!!!!!!

  9. >That is crazy!!! HAHAHA I love it.

  10. Mrs. Chicky says:

    >OMG. This is the best thing I’ve read in a really long time. I’m crying here.

  11. >Oh hell…my face hurts.All that, and nobody even cut the cheese.*ducks and runs*

  12. Kimberly says:

    >If I ever smell that shit again I think I may need therapy. Really, it was making me feel like Bruce Banner when he would begin turning into the Hulk. Damn that cheese!!!

  13. halimah says:

    >I haven’t laughed so hard I cried in a long time. Thank you.

  14. fortylicious says:

    >I am laughing out loud!!

  15. Kathy says:

    >I smelled it first hand. Musty fungus-y rotting hot garbage was what came to mind.Last I smelled it, it was under the BlogHerAds table…

  16. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Foul, foul, foul! Thanks for the bigole laugh! 🙂

  17. Mom101 says:

    >Oh so THAT’S what was going on! Someone (maybe Jen?) tried to hand me that bag with the line, “anyone you want to play a joke on?” I swear, from the smell I thought there was one of Drew’s diapers in there.

  18. >Clever is as clever does. Nice “movement”, Lucinda.

  19. >Hilarious. Now I’ll have to ask friends who went if they remember stink. You sure have got me thinking about doing more with this blogging thing. And going to BlogHer next year. From Canada. (Freakin’ expensive!)Happy to find your blog. Thanks, Sk*rt!Warmly,Natasha(Oh, and the pageant moms: You made me want to cry and scream with your post. I’m so angry that this is not considered child abuse by social services! HOW CAN PEOPLE BE THIS INSANE? HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? Those girls are going to be serial killers in the future, mark my words.)

  20. Arianne says:

    >omg, what memories you made. “something is wrong with it” is so deadpan hilarious. the understatement of the year, sounds like.

  21. Izzy says:

    >You forgot the part where I accused one of you of farting after eating one of those sauerkraut laden Chicago hot dogs!You probably didn’t hear me amidst all the uncontrollable giggling and snickering. Silly me, I thought you guys were laughing about the mystery fart!Thank God one of you guys asked me for something from in my purse. It was then that I spotted “the item” and threw it on the floor like it was on fire!I can honestly say I have never, EVER smelled anything that BAD in my entire life! It was worse than emptying a Diaper Genie full of solid-food poopy diapers.When Karen and I took the shuttle back to the Pier later on, we smelled IT emanating from the back of the bus. That poor, poor bus driver…

  22. Rick says:

    >Heh. Some buddies and I played the same game on a camping trip… with a dead fish we found floating in the lake. The last “recipient” found it on top of his car manifold… once he got home.

  23. Joan S. says:

    >Oh. My. Goodness. I laughed my way through the blog…then laughed even harder at the comments. SO freakin’ funny! Thanks for that.

  24. Karen Rani says:

    >You DO know what happened to it, wench! Oh my GOD I’m SOOOOO gonna slap you. Dear ST readers – Ms. Lindsay had ME hold that damned bag and some other BlogHer walked near me and proclaimed, “Ugh! It smells like FISH!”(uh yeah lady, like the trash bins behind a sushi restaurant on a hot day!)Lindsay chimed, “Ohhhh Karen has had GAS all day!”I carried that cheese and passed it on. And Lindsay…may I remind you I have the keys to your blog. Ahem.

  25. Bitsy Parker says:

    >I just want to know who is going to get that cheese in the mail!

  26. Chris says:

    >The BEST post ever concerning BlogHer….Um, where the hell were you 20 years ago when I really needed me some funny friends?

  27. Anonymous says:

    >Did it end up in Penelope’s bag?

  28. >How cheesy.LOL.Just extremely glad the cheese didn’t find it’s way to my quarters.Rednecks are always blamed when things start to stink.

  29. >Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, tells a story like Suburban Turmoil.

  30. raehan says:

    >Dry-heaves and all, this is the first post that made me wish I had been at the conference.My kind of humor.

  31. BOSSY says:

    >And really, Who Has More Fun Than Us High School Students!

  32. Poppy Fields says:

    >As a resident of stinky cheese country…that was funny. But, you know over here, they leave that cheese out at room temperature on purpose so that they can eat it when it’s at it’s stnky best.

  33. MizMell says:

    >How very clever of you–to turn a bad situation in to a fun memory.

  34. Crazy MomCat says:

    >HILarious! You guys are my kind of people! HA!

  35. emily says:

    >That is hilarious – I love that you added pictures!

  36. Belinda says:

    >Regretting missing you while at BlogHer just a *tiny* bit less now.

  37. Jeri says:

    >Your descriptions of the cheese smell are a hoot! That must have been some nasty cheese.

  38. Lisa says:

    >Oh that was pretty funny. (I didn’t realize someone took a pic… I’m in it next to Izzy.) I didn’t realize I was so close to you all… “Hi!” (Waves frantically!)

  39. Jenn says:

    >Mom-101: The first time I touched that cheese was in that photo. I did not want my hands to smell like that FOREVER! Not me passing it off. Maybe trying to get it passed off so neither Busy Mom nor I had it back (EVER), but trust me when I say, never touched the cheese until that well timed Kodak moment! 🙂

  40. Elizabeth says:

    >And this cheese is something people eat? That they think is appropriate to put in a gift basket? Because nothing says “you’re special” like two ounces of cheese that smell like rotting garbage and poopy diapers at the same time. You poor things!

  41. Queeny says:

    >That post paints a vivid picture. I think I can actually smell that cheese. Oh, nah, that’s my son’s gym shoes.

  42. SUEB0B says:

    >I am so glad I missed out on this. The sad part is, being a vegetarian, I would have assumed that it was ME.

  43. Lawyer Mama says:

    >Oh dear GOD! I could not STOP laughing!

  44. […] and more about forming friendships and improving our writing. We bonded over mean speakers and stinky cheese, we talked and laughed and cried into the wee hours of the […]

  45. […] In 2007, I somehow convinced my husband that I just HAD to go to Chicago for BlogHer ’07, and meet all of these amazing online friends in person.  I giddily took pictures with everyone I saw, like Sarah and Susan  Tanis, and really, it was like one big girls’ weekend. We laughed together, cried together, laughed until we cried together. We played hot potato with a stinky cheese. […]

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