Last Saturday night, my husband, kids and I went to a party. We wore the right kind of party clothes and arrived bearing appropriate party food and drink… yet as soon as we walked in the door and I saw the startled faces of my friends, I knew something was very, very wrong. It was […]


November 10, 2014

Kids Not Invited? Just Put Them in the Coat Closet!

I was taught as a child that Election Day was one of the very best things about being an American-  It was a chance for all adult citizens, no matter their income or background, to have an equal say in who governed their towns, their states, and their country. I couldn’t wait to vote for […]


November 4, 2014

Election Day

My daughter has officially entered the tween years– and Halloween just got a whole lot more problematic. In years past, her wishes to dress as a witch or mermaid or princess were pretty easy to fulfill. We went online, found a suitable girls’ costume that would be warm enough for a chilly night of Trick […]


October 27, 2014

Hoochieween Begins at Ten

A blog post I wrote called 10 Brutal Truths About Being a Stepmom ran in the Huffington Post recently, and while the vast majority of the e-mails and comments I’ve received as a result have been positive, not everyone was happy with the post. One of my Truths in particular raised the hackles of some […]


October 10, 2014

A Stepmom is Not a Mom, and That’s Okay

For years now, one thing and one thing alone has been sucking the magic, wonder, and joy right out of my Christmas– The *@!#ing Elf on the Shelf. It all began five years ago, when my daughter came home from kindergarten and solemnly informed us that every kid at school except her had an Elf […]


October 8, 2014

The Elf-on-the-Shelf Now Does Birthdays. Oh Hell.

Dear Winning Team Parents, Congratulations! Your seven-year-old boys beat our seven-year-old boys, although ‘beat’ seems like a weak term for what just happened, dontcha think? It’s probably more appropriate to say that your team pulverized us. Left us for dead. Wrung us out and hung us up to dry. It was brutal for us to […]


September 22, 2014

Notes From the Losing Team

As you may know, my family had an opportunity to test drive a Chevrolet Traverse for a week. It happened the week we went to the beach, so we were really able to put it through its paces! You can see all the things that I was excited about trying out in my first post. The […]


September 19, 2014

Our Chevrolet Traverse Test-Drive

With two kids in two different schools this year and a budding career as a travel writer and TV host, I’m spending more time in the car than I have in a long time- and so now, more than ever, the kind of car we drive matters. Here’s a list of what’s important to me […]


September 12, 2014

We’re Trying Out the Chevy Traverse!

I can’t even glance at my Pinterest feed lately without seeing it everywhere — Effing. BURLAP. Yes, friends, that coarse brown fabric so popular with pioneers, farmers, and coffee bean roasters now has caught the attention of DIY’ers across the nation- Our country’s craftiest are literally going bonkers over burlap. They’re fraying it. Ruffling it. […]


September 9, 2014

Enough With the Burlap

My son has had a fever for three days now and we are all getting a little stir-crazy here at the Ferrier house- My kids have gotten so bored that they are doing the unthinkable this morning- THEY ARE CLEANING THEIR ROOMS. I kid you not. My daughter is a bit of a neat freak […]


August 29, 2014

Oh. The Horror.