> “I’m sure I’ll be much more relaxed the second time I’m pregnant,” I assured my obstetrician three years ago while pregnant with my first child. “Oh no,” she said. “You’ll worry more. Everyone does. I think that women know more about all the things that can go wrong, and they start to obsess about […]


November 8, 2006

>The Pregnant Pause

>My husband likes to tell people he lives in a women’s dormitory. He acts like he’s joking, but with 31, 16, 13 and 2-year-old females in the house, he’s definitely the odd man out. The hallways reek of perfume. The tables and countertops are littered with Disney Princess dolls, stray earrings and lip gloss containers. […]


November 7, 2006

>The News We’ve Been Waiting For

>Last night, we rented Monster House, a big budget, computer-animated movie about a house that attacks and eats people. The movie was cute (heightened by Baby dancing around at the end, chanting “Yay, mean old man, Yay mean old man!”) but when I went upstairs to go to bed, it hit me like a Steve […]


November 6, 2006

>The Monsters in Our Closets

>I decided to try FlyLady and might just write a column about it. Some of her suggestions are good, but some seem a little wacky. For example when I told my husband that he needed to wipe down the sink after every use because keeping my sink clean was my way of saying, “I love […]


November 5, 2006


>”So we played this game today in group time,” my 16-year-old said, “where the teacher read out statements and we had to name the person in the group who best fit the statement. And guess which two statements everyone said fit me?” “I don’t know, what?” “I will be a stay-at-home mom‘ and ‘I am […]


November 3, 2006

>The Day My Stepdaughter Joined the Mommy Wars

>”Come give Daddy a hug,” Hubs wheedled the other day as Baby sat in my lap. “No! I Mommy’s baby! I do not! Like! DADDY!” I couldn’t help but giggle as Baby turned her face into the crook of my arm. I felt bad for Hubs, but what could I say? Of course Baby loved […]


November 2, 2006

>Bratty Boot Camp

> It’s Perfect Post Awards day, a time for bloggers to show other bloggers just how much they enjoyed one of their posts from the preceding month. MommaK and I came up with the Perfect Post concept and have been amazed both at the number of people who’ve participated and at the amazing talent that’s […]


November 1, 2006

>October Perfect Post Awards!

>This post originally appeared on the Nashville Scene blog. Simply handing out candy on Halloween is so 2004. Instead, think of this holiday as an opportunity for self-promotion. Struggling songwriters, head on over to Leiper’s Fork and pass out those demo CDs! Bloggers, don’t forget to scrawl your URL on your candy wrappers! Arbonne consultants, […]


October 31, 2006

>Halloween=Free Advertising!

>Like many of you, I’ve been reading all the Internet brouhaha over whether mommybloggers are exploiting their kids for Internet fame. I mean, does anyone really believe that bullshit? I’m pretty sure that most of the most well-known mommybloggers out there started off like the rest of us did, with maybe ten hits a day […]


October 31, 2006

>Can You Tell I’ve Gotten One Too Many Searches for ‘Sweetney Troll’?

>Question: What happens when a blogger takes her parents to her next-door-neighbors’ kid’s birthday party? Answer: Someone will spill the beans about her blog! Yes, friends, you’ll find that all nude pictures have been removed from Suburban Turmoil, along with the references to illicit drugs and wild partying. The ‘rents are in the house. I […]


October 29, 2006

>A Stunning Turn of Events