The Dreaded Friendly Hug

  1. purejoy says:

    Gah. The awkward hug. Been there, suffered through that.
    How about meeting the daughter’s new boyfriend? I go for the handshake, he zeros in for the hug. Oh, a hugger, I say. And then we proceed to have this super-awkward hug! Like the frontal-no-wait!-side-hug. Gah again. If you didn’t want to commit to the hug in the first place, then why initiate the hug??
    I’m not a fan of the limp butt-out-so-my-body-doesn’t-come-anywhere-near-you kind of hug. Either hug or don’t bother.

    • Anonymous says:

      LOL. The limp butt-out-so-my-body-doesn’t-come-anywhere-near-you kind of hugbutt-out-so-my-body-doesn’t-come-anywhere-near-you kind of hug is TOTALLY MY KIND OF HUG.

      So when we meet, uhhh, let’s just shake hands? 😉

  2. Sam McCutcheon says:

    I grew up in the south but I’m still not much of a hugger. My husband jokes about the invisible hula hoop that I maintain at all times. You basically have to be a best friend or a really close relative to break it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m an uptight northerner living in an uptight northerner kind of town, who somehow has gravitated to a “hugging” church. Gah. I’ve finally gotten used to it with the women; there are a few men who are huggers, but my body language must clearly state “hugs off!” as I’ve not had to face the question.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think my body language says the same thing- because I have had a few men begin to bob in for a hug and then quickly abandon the idea- which is perhaps most awkward of all!!

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m living in the same type of town, and my conservative church has become more huggy in the last year or two. So far, it’s just women hugging women. I know the pastors are against men hugging women they aren’t related to. It’s biblical for men to keep their hands off women they aren’t married to. I hope my church stays “uptight” in this regard, because I won’t hug any men other than my husband, sons, and brother. What’s wrong with shaking hands?!

  4. There’s always the church-friendly “side hug!”

  5. Oh yeah, and I shook my boss’s hand at church the other day after he shook my husband’s hand. That was pretty weird too. Since, you know, I see him every day so the hand shaking was unnecessary for me. But a hug would have definitely been worse.

  6. Prescott says:

    If I’m sensing an awkward hug coming on, I just say, “Oh, sorry, I’m kind of sweaty.” Works every time!

  7. I’m more of an armpit to armpit man hugger. You know — one armed, around the shoulder, quick pat on the back/shoulder. Unless I know the man, and then it is a full body hug and a smooch. But a loud MUAH kind of smooch so the wife knows I don’t have designs on her man. As if.

  8. Julie Marsh says:

    Did you see my recent tweet about how I inexplicably hugged the electrician? I think I’m off hugging for life now.

  9. AC says:

    This is tangential, but sometimes when I’m holding hands with male acquaintances (like prayer circle in Sunday School or similar) I spend the majority of the time worrying I’m holding their hand too tight, or too loose, or that my palms are sweaty, or clammy…instead of, y’know, praying. Holding hands: also awkward.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ha! No kidding. Also being told to introduce yourself to your neighbor sometimes at church. AWKWARD.

  10. Margaret says:

    Ugh. The almost-hug where one or the other decides at the last minute that there shall be no hugging is what makes me the most uncomfortable. I never know if a hug is the right thing to do unless a hugging protocol has been previously established.

    I live in New England (it’s not just the weather that’s chilly…) and we’re hoping to move to parts much more southerly. I’m going to need lessons in being a good southern lady when it comes to the hugging thing.

  11. Babybloomr says:

    Yeah, we call those the “AVOID THE GROIN!!!” hugs– verrry popular in the Christian circles I run in. And I’m right in there with your Mom, those full frontal hugs may indeed = Warning: Fast Girl!
    (Except in my case. Then it’s more likely just another example of my near-legendary lack of depth perception.)

  12. My friend Michelle has perfected what we call the “Hug-5”. When you sense an unwanted friendly hug coming in (ESPECIALLY from a member of the opposite sex), you quickly throw your right hand up and pretend that you’re mistaking their arm moving toward you for a high-5, and turn your body so that you can squarely, and pre-emptively, high-5 their right hand.

    Works every time.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s awesome. AWESOME. I’m dying for someone to try to hug me now, just so I can try this! It’s like taking the awkward and sending it right back atcha!

  13. Dana says:

    Ugh my step-sister is one of those that hugs EVERYBODY… And ten I Stan there next to them and wonder if I am obligated to hug said person as well… Gah!

  14. Amy says:

    I’m a hugger, my whole circle of friends hug. Even the spouses. We have also introduced the cheek/air kiss thing. But I promise if we meet Lindsay, I won’t hug! We laugh when someone new comes around the whole group. We state we’re huggers and that seems to make everyone comfortable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh no, I hug women all the time. It’s the men where things get tricky! When there’s a question as to whether I should hug or not hug and a woman’s involved, I tend to hug. Once or twice that has ended up being weird, but it generally turns out okay. 😉

      • Amy says:

        Cool, if I ever get to move back to Nashville (meaning a new job) we will have to meet up for a coffee and a hug! And I promise, I am not a hooch! I just like to hug! LOL

  15. Bwa ha ha. I’m one of those evil West Coast huggers. I hug everyone. I was made that way. But yeah, I get it. If I get the “don’t hug me” vibe I can usually tune into it and cool it. So I think you’re safe with me.

  16. S. says:

    Gee! All we have here is the European double-cheek kiss. It is perfectly acceptable to replace this with air-kisses, in which you make the motions (particularly with man-friends) but do not make any actual physical contact. A lot less stressful than what you’re describing.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have tried air kissing, but too often, the person moves while I’m trying to do it and I end up ACTUALLY kissing them, and then… you guessed it… AWKWARD.

  17. Jo says:

    You all better never come and live in Belgium – they all kiss each other! On the cheek, but still!!

    When you see your friends you kiss them on the cheek. When they leave, you kiss them on the cheek (men & women)
    O and not to mention men kiss men on the cheek! There are even some people who kiss their colleagues every morning when they get to the office and again every afternoon before they leave.

    Then there is the 1 kiss vs the 2 kisses version (1 kiss per cheek ) not to mention the 3 kisses version – and unless you know the person very well you tend to forget what it is that they do. The whole 2 kisses vs 3 kisses tend to depend if they are Flemish speaking or French speaking (after all my years here I still get it wrong).

    What really gets me is that people kiss you on the cheek when they just met you. So you are out with friends and they run into friends who you don’t know … introductions … and then kiss kiss kiss – why on earth would I want to kiss someone I have just met?

    But what I really don’t like is: You go to a place eg. the local pub (everyone hangs out in pubs here with their kids after work it’s not dingy or dirty or sinister at all, well it’s not at 6 in the afternoon or on a Sat. or Sunday afternoon when everyone is in there watching sport) ok back to my point. So you walk in and as usual you have to kiss everyone (cause you know everyone) but then there is that certain person who you just can’t stand! They will, inevitably be smack bang between 2 of your good friends so you can’t exactly walk in kiss kiss everyone until you get to this person, nod your head and move on to kiss the next person – that is awkward!

    • Anonymous says:

      WOW. You’re right, the social kiss in Belgium is WAY more awkward than the friendly hug in the south. It’s all about perspective, right? I FEEL BETTER NOW. 😉

  18. ColleenerBeaner says:

    I can be hugger but it depends who you are. My family and close friends (including guys) get big bear hugs all the time. Then there are people I’m not as close to but still have hung out with a few times. They get the ass-out-please-don’t-touch-me-groin-to-groin hug. Then there are people I work with or my boyfriends’ friends who, for some reason, are all huggers. They get the I’m-just-going-to-stand-next-to-you-and-put-my-arm-around-and-act-like-we’re-hugging. The one-armed hug is my go to in awkward hugging situations.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh yes, the one-armed hug. Very familiar with that. But now I want to turn one into a “hug five.” (see hilarious comment below for more info on that!)

  19. brooke says:

    My MIL is a hugger and kisser… right on the lips. A little awkward for the first couple of years. lol

  20. Jaime says:

    Hugging is most definitely awkward. Even when I’m hugging my father-in-law goodbye, he gets all weirdo. It turns into a armed, pat on the back thing. Soooo uncomfortable!

  21. Mel says:

    I’m not a hugger. Never have been. I had a friend that “required” 12 hugs a day. She told everyone – and hugged them all and told them what number they were for the day. I got used to her doing it, but I still HATE hugging. It’s just too intimate for me.

  22. bereccah says:

    Girl I have a male CLIENT who always wanted to hug. That about put me over the edge. He’s not a creep at all but I’m not a fan of crossing the personal/professional line…
    My usual move for aquaintances is thus – the one side air kiss with the opposite hand as the kissing cheek on the person’s shoulder. Personal enough without full frontal.

  23. Melody says:

    I haaaaate hugs. Unless they’re with family or someone has died.
    I don’t understand the rules that go with them and I really wish we could all agree that fully body contact is not needed to say hello!

  24. Laura Cooper says:

    Try being 4’11”.  When a short person goes to hug, our head can end up nestled in the armpit of a man or a woman.  AWKWARD!

  25. Kelley says:

    Hysterical. I do a lot of friendly hugs w my hubs fraternity brothers- likely bc we don’t see one another as often and are just excited to all see one another- and he’s the same way w my “sisters”. I think the closeness of dorms and such in college lend to that. But, friends w hubs who came around later or friend- couples I don’t really do the hug with.

    However. There is a guy that is a fraternity brother and my DH and I spent a lot of time w him, esp when we had first began dating- anyway, it’d been years since I’d seen him and I saw him at a college function. When I saw him he was holding a drink and a smoke- total class- and so I thinking his hands are full, hug him. It was STRANGE. Weird. Something was wrong.

    Come to find out, after his father’s death, he became OCD and totally anxiety ridden-esp w personal space issues and I MADE him hug me!!!!!!!! I totally set him back years in therapy! Oh the shame of being a happy hugger!

  26. Kelley says:

    Hysterical. I do a lot of friendly hugs w my hubs fraternity brothers- likely bc we don’t see one another as often and are just excited to all see one another- and he’s the same way w my “sisters”. I think the closeness of dorms and such in college lend to that. But, friends w hubs who came around later or friend- couples I don’t really do the hug with.

    However. There is a guy that is a fraternity brother and my DH and I spent a lot of time w him, esp when we had first began dating- anyway, it’d been years since I’d seen him and I saw him at a college function. When I saw him he was holding a drink and a smoke- total class- and so I thinking his hands are full, hug him. It was STRANGE. Weird. Something was wrong.

    Come to find out, after his father’s death, he became OCD and totally anxiety ridden-esp w personal space issues and I MADE him hug me!!!!!!!! I totally set him back years in therapy! Oh the shame of being a happy hugger!

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  29. […] I took a phone call from Nick Jonas (NO LIE.), bemoaned that most awkward of social interactions: the friendly hug and spoke up for my daughter when she couldn’t do it herself.  I inadvertently started […]

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