>All My Gay Sons

  1. >BWAH-HA-HA-HA! I love your positive outlook on the possibilities for the future. You crack me up on a daily basis! Thank You.

  2. EM says:

    >uh oh, based on what you wrote, my husband is pretty definitely gay. except that he REALLY likes to have sex with me. hmmm. maybe i’m more masculine than i realized. this could be a problem.

  3. >I have tried to decide which I would “tolerate” more … a gay son or a lesbian daughter. I have decided that having a gay son wouldn’t be all that bad. I already love musical theater and the Golden Girls… wait. Am I a gay man in a woman’s body? Or do those two just cancel one another out?

  4. Amanda says:

    >That’s funny!!! Did you ever see Family Stone. Your post just reminded me of that movie. It’s a great movie btw.How are you feeling

  5. surcie says:

    >My son loves musicals and putting on “lipstick” (Chapstick.) What this means for his furture, I have no idea.Becoming a stay-at-home mom has severely limited my opportunities for friendships with gay men (and everyone else, for that matter). I like the idea of adopting one, however. Tim Gunn on Project Runway is my current fave.BTW, congrats on your pregnancy! Can’t wait to read how Baby takes to the idea of not being the only baby.

  6. >the only problem i would have with my son being gay, is that would mean NO GRANDCHILDREN. i haven’t been going through everything i’ve been going through not to be given grandchildren, i’d feel cheated.

  7. Crazy MomCat says:

    >We had wondered about this having a son too. He went through a phase from about 3-5 where he only liked to play with “grils.” The boys who lived around us were really aggressive and mean and his girl friends all liked to play make-believe and do way more exciting things.Then, came kindergarten and the banning of girls phase where he wanted nothing to do with that. Add to that, his favorite channel is SPEED-TV and he’s starting to become a freak baseball watcher like his Dad and I no longer wonder about the gay thing. Damn, I was looking forward to all those musicals too.

  8. >I wondered this too when my son was born. I didn’t go all crazy with the decorating and highlights though. I just figured we could cruise for guys together.

  9. Jennifer says:

    >I get the feeling my son is not gay. Boo hoo.

  10. Lahdeedah says:

    >Worse.He might not be gay. He may turn out just metrosexual.Think then, of all the shopping time, all the swapping recipes and all the decorating consulting that you WON’T get to enjoy, because he’s off with your annoying daughter-in-law on a tri-state, Ca,OrWa wine-tasting trip…

  11. MommaK says:

    >I’m not male – but can I apply? :-)Hope you’re having a wonderful vacation! I miss you!xo

  12. >That was an awesome read!

  13. Nut's mom says:

    >you can send him to college out here in metropolis. hahaha… I would totally hang out with him and introduce him to all the happeneing gay places! and all my gay friend’s kids (because unlike the rest of the country, we allow gay adoption here.):)

  14. Erin says:

    >ROFLMAO! Love this!

  15. B.E.C.K. says:

    >This is actually pretty timely for me, as I was thinking about the same thing, except I would first tell my son he’s still totally on the hook to give me grandchildren — I don’t care where they come from. Then we’ll go for manis and pedis right after the gym. ;^)

  16. d34dpuppy says:

    >oooh adopt me!

  17. Raehan says:

    >You rock, Lucy girl! Great post. I bet you have another girl, though. If we ever have a boy, that boy is going to be pretty miserable if he doesn’t like musicals. Poor thing.

  18. mark says:

    >well for those that dont know this….woman that hang out with gays are called fag hags and we as gay men love them to death…go shopping together eat out and of coarse look at men together…lol….I think that is why female are more adapt to except gay men than men are they are scared to show their female side…lol….this day and age it is more common for someone to know a gay person….

  19. >OMG, you forever crack me up girl! But you know, related to one or not, every gal needs a gay companion. Luckily I have a gay brother so I got one built in, no searching necessary! 🙂 Very cute post, good luck with your gay quest! 🙂

  20. Susan says:

    >My mother referrs to Charlie as her “gay grandson,” primarily because of his fondness for shoes and bags and tiaras.And he does give GREAT fashion advice.u

  21. ChoosingJoy says:

    >My maid of honor was my best friend, Jon. I knew my husband was going to fit in just fine when Jon said “Should I wear pink taffeta or chiffon?” and my husband said “Neither. Unless, of course, you are clean-shaven. Then either will do.” Jon has always helped me arrange things when I move–hang pictures, etc. The first time, he came in and saw me pushing a chair into a corner. He yelled “Stop! Stop! *heavy sigh* You straight people would live in an UGLY world if it wasn’t for us!”Every woman needs a gay man in her life.

  22. Jodi says:

    >HAHAHAHA. That was a GREAT post. Awesome. I was just thinking about this the other day too but I can’t remember why now. (a sure sign of motherhood, memory issues) And I am quite sure my boys are not gay ‘cuz they like boobs already, just like their Dad. Damn my bad luck!

  23. >My J has some interests and habits that cause us to wonder if he’ll be gay. But if he is we’re keeping him anyway, so I can’t help you with the adoptee portion of this post.

  24. Bonnie B says:

    >I want a gay son too. I once had a gay friend and we had fun at the mall and at the theater– we even bought this teapot from Russia and used to have tea at my house, but my husband got jealous. So my gay friend and his cat had to go:(

  25. mrsmogul says:

    >WIth a gay son you can talk about fashion, he could cut your hair LOL anyway I’ve known lots of gay men who I THOUGHT COULD HAVE BEEN STRAIGHT! As long as the love is there 🙂

  26. Lisa says:

    >That was great!! (I always dream of everything I’ll have when we’re older too!)

  27. >I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. One can only hope.

  28. doow says:

    >If I was religious, I’d pray for a gay son for you. But possibly that wouldn’t go down so well upstairs, so maybe it’s just as well I’m not religious. Thanks for the giggle.

  29. Vanessa says:

    >Did you see the movie, “The Family Stone?” It’s awful, except for the scene where the mom, Diane Keaton, says that she wished all her sons were gay, that way none of them would ever leave her. She makes a good point!

  30. Diana says:

    >LOL! Great post, loved it!

  31. BlondeMom says:

    >That’s HILARIOUS. Yes, a gay son would come in handy, particularly for shopping without ridicule as I am afraid my two sweet daughters will some day dis everything I pick out for them. And gay men are sassy, but in a fun way. 🙂

  32. kittenpie says:

    >I do love the idea of a gay son – but what if he’s not? yeah, I don’t know what to do with a teenage guy’s guy either. Maybe I’ll just stick with the one kid… (I keep typing kittenpoi today – maybe a hint I need to go to Hawaii soon?)

  33. >…not that there’s anything wrong with that!

  34. Onetallmomma says:

    >My third child is a boy. Poor guy, we have enough pics of him dressed up in tutus to torture him throughout his entire adolescence and beyond. His older sister’s treated him as if he were a big doll…and of course, he was thrilled with any attention they threw his way.He now dances ballet and lets his sis’s paint his toe nails pink. He’s eight. He also loves blood, swords, guns and scaring the crap out of his Mother!It could go either way at this point.

  35. demondoll says:

    >Ah, how wonderful it would be! And could I pretty please visit you and your gay son? Because you two would be so much fun 😀

  36. wordgirl says:

    >Same here. I just want my kids to grow up loving someone and being loved in return. Happy, halthy and productive.

  37. ~*~Lei-L@~*~ says:

    >I wish more people thought like you! Gay guys are SO much fun to dance with. You got a weirdo humping your leg while dancing, all you do is switch with your friend!!! (Yes, this has happened to me, and yes, the friend switched to get rid of the weirdo!!)Thanks for the great post!

  38. >I think thoughts like these have crossed the mind at least once of every mother to a boy. I remember a time when ‘acceptance’ was not nearly so prevalent. I can’t tell you how good it is to see (and read) that those days look to be long gone!

  39. Marie says:

    >LOL!Good to see that those crazy hormones aren’t affecting your sense of humor!

  40. QueenieCarly says:

    >I can’t even count the number of times I laughed out loud while reading that post. Well done! And if you do end up with a son who happens to be gay, I hope he,ll fulfill all of your expectations. One of my best friends is a gay man who is the biggest football fan I’ve ever known (Raiders, no less) and could not be less interested in home decor. He’d be a great disappointment to you. ; )

  41. >I don’t know about other mothers of sons, but I definitely consider the possibility every time my son traipses across gender lines – like when my daughter eggs him on to wear heels and press-on nails, or imitate some character on TV (he’s good. very good.). Honestly, it wouldn’t make one iota of difference to me. I love him with every ounce of my being.

  42. mark says:

    >my mom has been really cool with me being gay..at first when she found out she was hurt but then she came to relize that i was who i was and she couldnt do a damn thing about it…so she was there for me and got to know alot of friends and when i turned 21(many yrs ago) she let me have a birthday party and I was allowed to invite anyone..which ended up being lesbians, drag queens, gay friends and even a male stripper friend of mine.. that night was fun for all..my mother had alittle bit too much wine (she doesnt drink) and the male stripper fed her fritto’s and she loved that…we ar best friends now and live together and do alot of things together…for those that have a gay son and dont talk to them ..your missing out on fun and for those that dont have one then find one and start having all the fun…

  43. >LOL!! You are the best!!

  44. yellojkt says:

    >I like showtunes and David Sedaris, so now I know I’m really gay. That clears so much up. I just need to figure out how to tell my wife. But I think she suspects already.

  45. Clio says:

    >So, is your husband rooting for Baby to start showing some butch tendencies?Statistically, the more stressful your life during pregnancy the more likely you are to have a child with homosexual tendencies. The stress chemicals mess with the baby. In addition, second sons (born of the same mother) have a greater chance of being gay than first sons, and third sons more than second sons, and the chances go up with each son born to the same mother. Researchers think that it may have something to do with a woman’s immune system getting more efficient at attacking a (literally) foreign body.But since I don’t wish you a stressful pregnancy, and this would be a first son if it is a boy, I can’t help you there I guess. Good luck on the gay son adoption!

  46. Christina says:

    >My two brother in laws are gay, and I totally love what you had to say!

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