1. Melizzard says:

    >Totally without question, her loss. She doesn’t know what she’s missing. Hold your head up high and sweat and pant without shame.

  2. >I think you should play a little bit of reverse-Jedi-mind- psychology and act like you don’t recognize her the next time you see her.

  3. >Ha ha! That would be hilariously weird! I thought of sending an e-mail that said, “You know, if you don’t want to get together, it’s completely okay,” but I couldn’t think of a way to do that that wouldn’t sound snippy, you know, in the annoying way that that woman would sound. Clearly, I am way too bothered about being that woman…

  4. gertie says:

    >Sometimes people aren’t all that happy with how their lives turned out. And just a guess, but I would imagine you are pretty well known and you have a pretty cool life… on TV, Emmy, writer, great kids… etc. Perhaps, just perhaps, she was a little uhm… intimidated.

  5. Megan says:

    >Maybe she’s busy—or maybe she’s just a jealous bitch.

  6. Anonymous says:

    >Oh Gneida, who is this Marta (mass transit acronym, I imagine her unusally tall), and why don’t I remember the rubber cockroach prank? Sounds classic! Was this GAC or West? If I were were closer to Nashville, we would definitely meet for drinks (not all of your old HS friends have become assholes). Much love–s.

  7. Sugar says:

    >I’m thinking the same thing Gertie’s thinking… she might not be at all happy with herself right now. Even if you were a total schlep, which of course you’re not, she might just want to stay in her cocoon of whatever’s comfortable. Not that I know anything about that feeling… a friend once told me something like that… at the Y, I think…

  8. Meximom says:

    >Just take the high road, say hello from afar, and call it a day. You tried your bestest to invite her out. Non-chalance is the best way to deal with this one. Besides, you have TOTAL squatter rights at the Y. You were there first. Ha!

  9. >Eulg? Eulg Kcits? If you’re ever on the ellipticals at the Y in Nashville, look me up!! M-maybe we could meet for coffee!

  10. >Booooo her. She does not understand what she’s missing out on. I’d love to be able to get together with you.

  11. Courtenay says:

    >maybe she’s just jealous bec you look so much better than her. that’s what my mom would say.www.lifespearliscast.blogspot.com

  12. >Going through the same thing with a friend from high school. Trade emails about how great it would be to get together, get so far as to potentially set a date and then — nothing. Silence for a while and then it picks up again until an almost date is made. About to give up on this on but it’s so confusing because all the signs are there. Ugh.

  13. cacklinrose says:

    >Maybe her plate’s full right now. Remain friendly with the waving and the helloing.When I’m at the Y I hate it when I see people I know or knew. The Y is my ME time when I put on my headphones and in my head I’m a rock star/super model/anywhere but here. Those are difficult places to get to when you realize someone else might be watching you.

  14. kwr221 says:

    >Geesh, what’s NOT to like about catching up with a blast form the past?

  15. Anonymous says:

    >Hi – Sorry I’ve been a bitch.I’m just not that into you.Marta

  16. kwr221 says:

    >I have a fondness for all things Y.Keep the stories coming.:-)

  17. Anonymous says:

    >Sorry, LindsI’ve just been busy.The real marta

  18. Ashley says:

    >I just saw your last comment! Woohoo! By the way, did you know you only live like 2 hours from me? I am not stalking you, I swear. I am just amazed. I thought nobody lived out by me. Woot.

  19. Anonymous says:

    >Apologies Lindsay.I’m in the process of gender reassignment and how do I explain that one?The Real Real Marta

  20. Daisy says:

    >What’s weird is that she didn’t recognize you! Anyway, it really is her loss, too bad for her.

  21. Lizzi says:

    >Next time you see her working out, tell her the attitude adjustment machines are over on the other side – y’know, just in case she was wondering.

  22. Amberlv says:

    >You shouldn’t feel like that woman,she should! I don’t even know you and have never even commented on your blog before, but I’m a faithful reader and I must say… she is totally missing out. Her loss! Wanna have coffee with me instead? I can’t catch up on old times, but it would be fun. I live in Memphis, so we could meet half way. hehehe

  23. Ringleader says:

    >Sorry to delete I am not smart enough to know how to edit a comment.. anyhoo- she probably reads your blog and is afraid if she gets together with you, you will blog about how she doesn’t flush again. Oh wait, thats MARTINA, not Marta… my bad- but still…No- probably like what the others said, maybe she lives in a van down by the river (that gets wifi)with her baby daddy and works as a sign twirler in front of a mattress superstore…so your awesomeness is a little intimidating… OR…maybe… SHE IS MARZIPAN! Dun-dun-dun…

  24. >I’m just in awe you got to see Duran Duran.

  25. Anonymous says:

    >OBVIOUSLY that is it. OBVIOUSLY you have found Marzipan.

  26. Miss Britt says:

    >Lindsey, do you get a manicure before you go to the gym?If not, I assure you that you are not that woman.(And if so.. um.. er…)

  27. anna says:

    >Why would you look on in horror at Simon Le Bon doing anything?Signed,The ReflexPS MARTA SUX

  28. punxxi says:

    >Hi Lindsey, I left you something on my blog!

  29. >I have done this a few times. I am quite a social person and I get all excited about a new or re-discovered friend. After a few weeks realize I am doing all the “we-should-get-togethers” and all the inviting and getting absolutely nowhere. Then I feel like a sad little puppy who has been jumping up to lick the face of someone who turns out to hate dogs… Maybe some people are just more discerning than I am ;-)PS She is totally jealousPPS Just blank her. That’s what she would do to you.

  30. >I agree with a few others that commented. Marta is probably just not having a good life right now and is afraid you’ll find out how unhappy she really is. And you walk into that Y with your head held high! That was your “turf” first!

  31. >Maybe she reads this blog and is just totally jealous of your life. Or maybe she was afraid she’d end up the subject of the blog? That’d be pretty funny.I thought of you today when one of my students puked at morning swim practice and then insisted that she was fine to go to school, where she then proceeded to continue throwing up. And when she called her mom to go home her mom told her to “stick it out” and made her stay at school, puking, the entire rest of the day.

  32. ThatGirl says:

    >You’re over thinking, girl… She’s probably not used to people being so genuine. She’ll come around, but if she doesn’t, you’ve done what you can.

  33. >Oh dear! I hate it when people don’t have the guts to say what they feel. Her strange e-mail was certainly saying SOMETHING…but what? What could she be saying? That she doesn’t have any room in her life for more friends? She knows who you are and what you do and she doesn’t like you? Or is she afraid to let you know something about her? It’s her loss…but I’m not the first to suggest it. I’m just immature enough that I’d shut her out completely. Shroud her in an invisibility cloak of my own invention. Give her a little taste…

  34. Anonymous says:

    >Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s just jealous or intimidated by you. I did that same thing to someone I saw at our gym. I hadn’t seen her for maybe 15 years and she said a couple of times that we should get together for coffee or something. We never finalized any plans but were still really friendly when we saw each other. I really did like her I just always seemed to have a schedule I thought I needed to stick to. Now we’ve moved and I don’t know anyone, I wish I had someone to from the past to visit with. Also, some people have a thing about people from “high school”, think it’s beneath them???

  35. lifeguard says:

    >The woman has a serious case of the Nashvilles. Maybe she is a member of the GH Moms club and had to sign an oath not to talk to you..

  36. K'man says:

    >she isn’t that busy. She is avoiding you.Buy a van and start stalking her. Maybe the two older girls will help if you let them drive the van.

  37. >This happens to me a lot and it is hard to not take it personally. Maybe she looks back on her past in horror whereas you embrace it. Either way, it’s obviously she’s not cool any more!

  38. Anonymous says:

    >She’s just not that into you. Leave it at that. Not everyone we meet (or re-meet) is going to fawn all over us, worship us. Leave it and move on.

  39. Ladybird says:

    >I would just smile and go on my merry way. Like Melizzard said, she doesn’t know what she is missing.Totally unrelated, but I love seeing you and your family in the television commercials!

  40. >Once in a while, I’ll cross paths with someone from my high school. I’m always content to limit it to howdys, how ya been, what’s new, and take it easy, and go on about business. Things just ain’t what they were back in high school.

  41. Anonymous says:

    >There are lots of other possible reasons:Amnesia?Cult?Reprogramming after being in Cult?Lobotomy? (check for scar on forehead)I like the suggestion of a relaxed “Hi” from afar. Put it back in her court.notdamarta

  42. Marsha says:

    >The thing is, if you had been genuine friends in high school, you wouldn’t have been out of touch over the last 15 years. So you’re really just strangers who happen to have shared a few experiences long, long ago. You’re both entirely different people now. Not really the basis to start a friendship.I really think that this is Marta’s issue, not yours. I think she’d probably be the same way with anyone else from HS. Maybe she has an uber-respectable life now. I wouldn’t like my pals from HS to show up at the Christian school I teach at and tell all my colleagues about my “wild child” past! Thankfully I live nearly 1000 miles away from my HS now.

  43. >I know.It’s just so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.*sobbing*

  44. Anonymous says:

    >I have (had) a dear friend who came out of the closet and removed all of his old friends from his life. Sad part is we all knew he was gay and were cool about back in the day.It was an issue in his mind, but was something he couldn’t get passed.Or maybe she’s just been busy : )

  45. betty says:

    >you’re the roach. amd she’s the teacher. whatevah.

  46. P&P Fit says:

    >I agree with those who have said it’s her, not you. And those who said her current life may not ‘live up to’ what she was (or thought she was) in HS. I actually went home years ago for a reunion and tried to look up (it’s a s m a l l town)someone I’d been friendly with in HS. My mom often bumped into her in town and had told her I was coming for the reunion. We went to see her and she wouldn’t even come out of her house. She was very embarrassed of her appearance and the fact that she was ‘the’ popular girl in HS and now had 4 kids, one more on the way and had gained lots of weight. No more ‘perky cheerleader’ she said. She felt all she was now was a SAHM (which I think is one of the hardest jobs ever and I totally respect it). She, however, did not like her life. We finally got her to come out and visit and I told her I wasn’t here to see her ‘then’ but her ‘now’. It was a fun visit but I think she was still horrified. I guess some people just feel they are a certain type person in HS and if their adult life doesn’t measure up they try and ‘hide’. Sad. I’m sure you both would have had fun catching up. Her loss!

  47. Ringleader says:

    >I don’t think anyone expects an old friend to “fawn allover OR worship us”- that’s kind of a presumptive leap, Anonymous, nor does that sound in the least like what Lindsey was hoping for. But, it would be nice if people in general, not just in this kind of sitch would just be direct and not waste other’s time and emotional energy. I hate when people beat around the bush, give vague answers or just say what they think I want to hear.

  48. Brianna says:

    >I’m going to get a little crazy here…… and argue that maybe she’s just little lazy and generally not all that interested in putting any effort into a reunion. I mean, some people are just fine with their circle of people the way it is and don’t feel like they need any “new” members. I doubt it’s personal…

  49. Sugar says:

    >Maybe, and I’m just spit-balling, maybe she doesn’t like that you foist that base scatology all over the internet. Do you know I can NOT get that damn line out of my head. For some reason, every morning, as I walk downstairs for coffee, I giggle to myself, half asleep… “foisting base scatology… hee hee… where’s my mug…”

  50. Anonymous says:

    >When I was 15 years out of high school, I was struggling with infertility and avoided my high school chums because it was just too painful. Who knows her story?

  51. >I’ve had the same thing happen (kinda sorta) with AssBook. Oops. FACEbook, Kia. Duh.I’ve “reconnected” with someone from long ago and far away, exchanged a few messages, then suggested a get-together for coffee or a playdate or something. Nada. No response. Nothing. I know how to take a hint. Kinda sorta…

  52. Veep Veep says:

    >It’s her loss! Not sure what the big deal is for her to catch up with you. I’m exactly the same as you when I see someone I haven’t seen in years.

  53. Anonymous says:

    >There isn’t much to say that everyone hasn’t already said, but I do agree that your accomplishments might be intimidating to her, which is def her problem, not yours.I return to Cincy, OH every year and attend some rockin’ festivals….mainly to see old friends. (Catholics know how to party up there! LOL) It’s tough when you see someone that you’ve completely bonded with in your past and then they completely ignore you. The luster of my high school years has been tarnished by these mini reunions. It can be as simple as someone that has gained weight and you haven’t, so they don’t want to be seen by you. It’s sad, but I guess it’s all part of growing up. Boo hoo 🙁

  54. After Hours says:

    >yeah, she’s just busy…that’s right.

  55. Chris says:

    >A kinda-sorta same thing happened to me this week – my daughter started kindergarten (we live one community over from where I grew up) and I met the PTO president – I recognized her immediately and say, “Hey, Wendy, haven’t seen you in ages!” Blank stare, crickets chirping…….she said, “Do I know you?” I said, “Uh, yeah, we went to high school together, I’m Chris _________? remember?” More crickets. Sigh. Guess I’m not going to be “in” with the PTO prez…..

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