Lindsay raced through the kitchen, eyeing the oven clock as she passed. If she left right away, she’d arrive at her son’s school just in time for the afternoon bell. Grabbing her keys and purse from the counter, she hustled through the door with a determined look on her face. Lindsay hated being late. “Okay, […]

Family, Fun, Humor

December 7, 2021

True Story

I’ve written more than a few posts over the years about a subject that’s near and dear to the hearts of parents everywhere: The car rider pick-up line. As a work-from-home parent, I’ve never been able to come up with a compelling reason as to why I couldn’t take the kids to and from school […]

Family, Fun, Humor

November 4, 2021

Everything I Thought I Knew About the Car Rider Pick-Up Line was Wrong

“I’m going to make a quick phone call,” I told my 14-year-old son not long ago, after picking him up from school. “Who are you calling?” he asked. “You’ll see,” I told him. I speed-dialed Dennis Ferrier and put the phone on speaker. “Hello?” Dennis said. “Hey!” I said. “I just wanted to let you […]

Family, Fun, Humor

September 25, 2021

Notes From the Mom of a Teenage Boy

Our youngest has always been easy. He’s a natural self-starter and sailed through elementary and middle school rarely needing help or reminders from us, which is good because after 20 years of parenting, you get… well… TIRED. Even better, he’s managed to make it this far without losing his agreeable disposition. Although I had braced […]

Family, Fun

May 28, 2021

The Last One Grows Up

“I’m still coming to see you Thursday, but I have a Zoom appointment at noon that I can’t reschedule,” I told my mom on the phone recently, “So I’m just going to leave in the morning, pull over somewhere, and do the appointment in my car. Then I’ll finish the drive once it’s over.” I […]

Family, Fun, Humor

March 17, 2021

Forever Young

First, there was ice. It poured from the sky, covering the streets of Nashville on Valentine’s Day evening. In ordinary times, this would have caused a whole lot of chaos and grumbling across the city about ruined date nights and cancelled reservations. But these are not ordinary times. Since there’s nothing romantic about dinner for […]

Deep Thoughts, Family, Fun

February 24, 2021

We’ve Changed, and Our Snow Week Proved It

Truth be told, I’d rather close the book on 2020 and never, ever look back. But this blog is a record of my life, after all, and when historians carefully pore over these entries centuries from now for insight into how suburban white women lived during the (guessing here) Doucebaggian Period of American History, I’m […]

Deep Thoughts, Family, Fun

January 8, 2021

What I Learned From 2020

Masks 2020

Here’s something I’ve never shared with you before: I have a child with an autoimmune disease. It’s something I haven’t written about because like many autoimmune diseases, it’s an invisible illness. Although my child has struggled and life since diagnosis hasn’t been easy, you probably wouldn’t have any idea my kid had anything going on […]

Deep Thoughts, Family, Fun

March 23, 2020

Still Wondering Why You Should Stay at Home? Read This.


Each afternoon when I pick up my 12-year-old son from school, we perform a time-honored ritual that’s shared by millions of moms and sons every single day. (begin scene) “How was school?” I ask him. “Fine,” he answers. “What happened today?” I ask him. “Nothing,” he answers. (end scene) Of course, I usually press him […]

Family, Fun, Humor

January 30, 2020

The Candyman

The Candyman's in Town

There are many things I’m sure I’ll miss when my children are grown. I’ll miss their laughter and noise and chatter. Their companionship, their hugs and hand squeezes. There are also a few things I won’t miss — I won’t miss driving the kids to school and doctor’s appointments and practices, and friends’ houses. Or […]

Family, Fun, Humor

January 23, 2020

Panic at the Trampoline Park

Indoor Trampoline Parks Look Like This inside