1. >Lucinda drives, she fakes, she goes up for the dunk, SHE IS REJECTED!!!Poor baby.(Very nice piece, Lucinda. Thanks.)

  2. Chilihead2 says:

    >I can totally sympathize. I’m in OK and it just gets better here because everyone is completely Christian about what they choose. In other words, yeah, they’ll choose the string bikini top, have the recital at the biggest place in town, and still say it’s all good because they prayed about which one to choose.

  3. Kristen says:

    >Ha! I can relate…it drives me insane. Chilihead, we have the “Christian” RWAs here, too. Gag me.

  4. Kristen says:

    >I shudder to think about what goes on where I live – we’re not at that point yet and damned if they try to get her to do a pageant – I can barely even say (okay, TYPE) that word…

  5. Karen Rani says:

    >Ugh. I should send this to our PTA – they are RWA’s. Outnumbered, I quit.

  6. Nut's mom says:

    >RWA? here we have yuppie’s with attitude. my sis in law is the worst espcially since she is just white trash PRETENDING. gotta love it

  7. Busy Mom says:

    >That was the crappiest consignment sale ever.

  8. Busy Mom says:

    >Oh, and, a pretty good percentage of one of our soccer teams is made up of the people of which you speak from that very school and neighborhood. Good times.

  9. >I can’t believe you were at that consignment sale, too. I think your comment was my exact thought at the time… “This is the crappiest consignment sale ever!”I had major mommy rage that morning. I brought a sick kid to THAT?!

  10. R. Robyn says:

    >They dance to Milkshake? Good God! I think my mom would have taken me out of the class if string bikini tops were anywhere in the costume selection process.God Bless your heart!p.s. i love eyerolling people. it’s a bit of a power trip!

  11. Vanessa says:

    >I bet most of these RWAs are pageant moms, too. I see a lot of them here in Arkansas, too. Ugh.

  12. Kathy C says:

    >NOW I get it! Thank you for enlightning me. We have a transplanted RWA from Georgia. For years we’ve just stared with wonder at her and the pageants and the dance recitals her girls are pushed into…for the college money, of course.

  13. T. says:

    >Welcome to my world Lucinda! I married into the biggest family of Christian Rednecks I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Hence my blog’s name. I try to spoof them to insult my hubs on a regular basis. Nothing worse than a redneck with an attitude. Except for maybe an ignorant hillbilly. Nice post. Well done.

  14. Jo says:

    >I just found your site and I have to say, SO. FUNNY. and SO. TRUE!!!!!

  15. Kris says:

    >Lucinda, you always make me laugh. RWAs sound almost as bad as SAYs (Snobby-Ass Yankees). Almost.

  16. Dutch says:

    >frickin’ A, Lucinda. the nerve of these rednecks to leave their cluttered lawns and doublewides to pollute the suburbs with their pageantry and funny accents. and I love the Marcus Antonius bit, girl.

  17. Chag says:

    >We’ve got a few rednecks with attitude in our subdivision (and I’m not entirely sure I’m not of them). They’re loud and we’ve found their children blocks away (3 and 5) before and returned them.My daughter has a dance recital coming up. And while she won’t be wearing a string bikini, I can’t say I approve of her glittery outfit.

  18. Lisa says:

    >It sounds like my town…and is exactly why the girls are not in dance class. I was frowned upon like a prude, unfun mom. I proudly wear that title, dammit.And it sounds like my neighbor, who is 40-something and trying to fit into her 7th grade daughter’s clothes. Words on the ass? Skin tight tank tops? Gut hanging out and over said clothes as she’s push mowing the lawn? Got it. It’s SEXY. *hurl* Anyway, she copped an attitude with me when I told her boys to get the hell out of our yard and stop throwing their cigarette butts in it. Did I mention they’re only in 8th and 10th grade? Yeah.RWA..I will have to remember that.

  19. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Yikes. When I was in seventh grade, I was on the school drill team and we danced to the *Star Wars* theme…in white turtlenecks, navy blue jumpsuits and red Keds. How times have changed. Makes me glad I have a boy (although I’ll have to deal with the whole sexualization of children from a different perspective).

  20. Miss Misery says:

    >You always have interesting and humorous stories to tell!

  21. >OMG…DH has so many RWA’s swinging from his family tree it’s not even funny. We’ve been to those dance recitals and cheerleading competitions where the little girls are dressed like Vegas Show girls. I SO know what you are talking about, and YES, they have attitude. I’m usually pretty snappy with a comeback when they direct their attitude my way, but it often backfires because they just don’t get the subtlety of sarcasm. For a long time I worried that his neice would grow up to be Paris Hilton. Thankfully, her father grew a spine and said no more beauty pageants.

  22. Mrs. Davis says:

    >This totally describes my brother’s wife! Yikes! And a lot of their neighbors. Oy…the dance costumes.

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