>Summer’s Over. Time for a Momcation

  1. SoMo says:

    >I totally agree. Don’t forget about the one teacher who feels the need to tell us SAHMs how we need to get off our selfish butts and stop complaining about not finding that one difficult school supply. She will site our blog time and our lazing around eating bon bons and watching Soap Operas. Those kids really need that special composition book with the void at the top of the page to learn how to write their letters, only to bring it home, at the end of the year, not even half full. Yeah, I am glad I wasted those 3 days of my life, not to mention the gas and aggravation of bringing 2 young kids to Wal-Mart.Don’t forget the mental anguish you go through when you are told your beautiful little girl is failing, KINDERGARTEN. That was a fun parent-teacher convo.

  2. Lucy says:

    >Oh, your article did make me laugh. As did the comments. Sheesh, some people need to lighten up.Like you, I have mixed feelings at the beginning of the school year. I do miss my now 2nd grade son and am not entirely convinced that I couldn’t do a better job teaching him. On the other hand, it sure is nice going back to only two children at home who are content to play outside or with puzzles and whatnot and don’t always need to be DOING something or arguing with me about he should be allowed to do something that requires lots of work on my part and I do not get paid enough for this! I also miss sleeping in, but I like being back on a schedule. Ahh, the truth about motherhood: it’s just one big paradox.

  3. >I cried with happiness this week when mine went to school. Problem is, I finally get both in school…or at least preschool and I’m about to start over. I did this all wrong.

  4. >I home school so no breaks for me. However, I’m relieved that I get a break from working so I’m celebrating that instead! Great column BTW! 🙂 Always funny!

  5. >Oh yes, it IS the ‘most wonderful time of the year’. I just loved this commercial when it came out because I think they nailed it. (Although it should have had a Mom in it instead, IMHO) http://tinyurl.com/5a4qho

  6. Barbara says:

    >I dread the beginning of the school year, for totally selfish reasons.I work full time and my husband works part time, and is home with our girls (now 4th and 3rd graders). This summer was wonderful. I have been free to come from work, and no obligations. Now, I dread this Monday when it begins again. The homework, the reports, the projects. Oh! My!My magenta notebook is steno pads. Yes, steno pads for 3rd grade. Staples carries them for $3.79. I bought nickel notebooks at Walmart, so $3.79 is crazy for something that will brought home at the end of the year with only a few pages filled.Sigh.

  7. >Actually, I DO love spending summer home with Jake and while I look forward to school starting, back to school also means back to work for me.When I spend all year with other people’s kids, it’s so nice to actually have two months to completely focus on my own kid -mischief and all. 🙂

  8. Phil says:

    >I am happy for the school year to begin not just for The Princess, but for MLW. The Princess is in 8th grade this year, and she needs to get the hell out of my house. She, and her friends, have eaten enough cookies, candy, popcorn, chips and dip, and other various foodstuffs in quantities large enough to feed the 7th fleet. MLW is just bored. She works as a Direct Care Aid in the school system. They need somewhere to go that doesn’t cost me money. Unfortunately, they are taking a trip to Maui with The Princess’ Paternal Grandmother before they get back to school. One more chance to max out the credit cards. Crap.Namaste.

  9. Linda says:

    >I am only getting THREE hours of free time (and when you factor in the driving back and forth to preschool, it’s really only 2 1/2), but man oh man, I can not WAIT for that preschool to start MONDAY!!!! Can you HEAR the excitement?Think I’m going to get a haircut…and highlights…maybe a massage or pedicure…ANYTHING without a kid! Heck, I might even attempt to work on a SCRAPBOOK page! Darn tootin’ that mom’s full of poo!

  10. Suzie says:

    >I am counting the days until school starts (after Labor Day here).For the first time in eight years I will have ALL THREE KIDS in school (the little ones are starting full day kindergarten). I will be drinking mimosas, watching trash TV, sleeping – LOTS of sleeping, and doing what I can to relax. One day you too will have this opportunity, and I’m sure I’ll be seeing you do the same happy dance that I will be doing in a few weeks!

  11. Bluepaintred says:

    >Sorry, nope. I HATE back to school. I dread the 27th of August becuase it seems like summer has just started! I LOVE having my boys,all three of them, 8,6, and 4 home with me. In 12 days, my two eldest children leave. just me and the baby will be home. I miss my boys. I cannot stand them seeing new things, learning new things, when I haven’t been there to share it with them. That and during summer vacation, there is no bed time, there is no making of lunch and ensuring homework is done. summer time is FUN..Honestly, if I really thought I was qualified to teach them all they know? i would keep them at home and home school. Unfortunately I think kids need the socialization school offers, and I suck at math.I will not be celebrating them going back to school, and your call that it is bullshit? unneeded. Just becuase I love my kids, and truly enjoy spending time with them, does not mean I am a liar!

  12. Kristin says:

    >I love back to school, those first couple of days make me sad inside just because Sissy is getting so big, but I love having her gone..busy doing things and enjoying herself without me finding something for her to do and no arguing with her 2 year old sister, in fact the 2 year old plays so nice and quiet with me while Sis is in school. So in summary, I don’t want her to grow up, but I do want her gone 5 days a week for 7 hours a day being entertained and enlightened by someone other than me. I could never homeschool! haha!

  13. >Oh bluepaintred, I would never call anyone a liar. Now a fibber? I might call you a fibber…

  14. Jill says:

    >My boys are not in school yet, but they go to year round preschool and daycare. I don’t know what I’ll do when they’re in real school and I have to deal with summer vacations and the like. I guess that why God invented day camp, right?

  15. SixValentes says:

    >I don’t have any school aged kids yet, so if/when I decide to send them to school, I don’t know how I’ll feel about the first day. I totally related to bluepaintred’s comment though. I just love being there with my kids when they learn new things. I really think that all moms are different. ALL need a break from their kids from time to time, but I don’t think all relish the idea of their children being gone seven hours a day. That seems like so much time away! But like I said, I have four toddlers, and two babies on the way, so I don’t know about such things yet.

  16. Bluepaintred says:

    >And I would, and do, quite frankly, take offense at being called a fibber.I do not like back to school. I do not look forward to spending seven plus hours, five days a week, away from my children.You of all people, I felt, would be able to understand that all mothers are different. Not only do I love my children, which every mother should do, but I LIKE them. I like BEING with them. I like their personalities and their little quirks. I like listening to them talk, and coloring on the driveway with chalk with them. I like taking them one at a time for special mom tome out to coffee or to walk in the park.I’m sorry if you find it offensive or hard to understand, but I just plain like being around them, and although I know it is good for them to get out, and experience life without me some times, I feel empty when they are not with me.

  17. Bluepaintred says:

    >just subscribing to comments, ignore this

  18. Stephanie says:

    >I’m dreading it. I have a daughter going to first grade, and a son who we weren’t able to get enrolled in preschool this year, and he’s CLINGY. I’ll be his only entertainment until his sister gets out of school each day.That’s not going to be easy; that’s going to be hard work helping him remember that he can entertain himself.

  19. >Okay, okay, bluepaintred, I won’t call you a fibber. I was joking, anyway. If we put all humor aside… well if we put all humor aside, this blog probably wouldn’t exist, nor would the newspaper column. *sigh*I don’t really think that moms just want their kids out of the house, but there’s definitely a guilty element of sweet relief for most of us when the school year rolls around. And the column and this post definitely play on that element. And um, I hate to say it, but when your kids are teens… well, I’ll just let you find that out for yourself. 😉

  20. Nancy says:

    >Well, my sister who has two girls now 18 and 20 HATED when they went back to school. She LOVED the freedom of the summer and having them around. Now, they are still on her like white on rice. We can’t go anywhere together or have a freakin’ phone conversation with one of them yapping in the background.As for me, I worked when my son was young and enjoyed the regularity of the school year. When I stopped working “outside the home” when he was 10, I enjoyed the summer. Hmm, don’t need a psychiatrist for that one do we?Now I have you all beat because he’s leaving for COLLEGE in three weeks. He’ll only be a half hour away but I know it will feel like a gazillion miles away.And for the record, yeah, even when I wasn’t working there was sweet relief when he went back to school because I do have a life without him and it’s good for everyone to be apart for awhile. You keep me laughing Lindsey!

  21. Melizzard says:

    >Thanks for the reminder that I need to go and buy a bottle of champagne

  22. >I am not a mother, I am a teacher of teenage girls. So how you felt all summer? Is my occupation. Don’t ask why, I really, honestly, after the first 2 days of school (and 2 kids vomiting) cannot for the life of me remember. Hopefully the faculty cocktail party tonight will remind me.And I found out last week that I’m allergic to chocolate, so really, like the worst week ever. I’m just keeping my eyes on the prize- free booze, I mean, educating the youth of America.

  23. Jerri Ann says:

    >I would love me some back to sleep. I got a kindergartener and a 3 year old and the 3 year old can’t keep his little jaws closed long enough for anyone to sleep…he has been a royal pain in the arse this week with his brother gone for the first time….I may be forced to beat him into submission next week, or lock him in his room, tie off his tongue..something……

  24. >It’s great when it gets out and it’s great when it starts. To everything there is a season . . .!

  25. >Sorry, I hate back to school – I have one heading to her third year of college, one becoming a senior, and one starting middle school. I LOVE when my girls are home for the summer. Not only does it mean no lunch-making, no early-rising and no homework hell, I really enjoy having them around! Honestly! Once the back to school routine gets into full gear I settle into a comfortable pace, but I always look forward to having them home. I’ve always been like that, since they were born. And, I’m not a fibber. Heh heh

  26. >My kids start Monday morning. I’ll be the one parked in front of the school Sunday night so that the minute I see a light flicker on I’m booting them out and hitting the nearest open restaurant with a bar.

  27. Dijea says:

    >For the first time I will have both kids in the same school at the same time. I’m so excited I could pee in my pants. Seriously!

  28. >My mother is a site director for a large company. Last week when a lot of the mothers that worked there had children going back to school, my mom said she saw them in tears. They asked her if she was sad when we went back to school as youngster. My mother replied, ‘no, I threw my arms up in the air and said HEEELLLL YEAH!’ I’m positive that in the future I will do the same.

  29. >I have a nice bottle of Pinot Grigio chilling in my fridge as we speak. School starts in exactly 4 days. I am ready. Bring it on.heeheeheedawn

  30. kittenpie says:

    >For me, start of school basically conincides with delivery of baby this year, so while I am thrilled to see my girl go off to her first days of kindergarten, I actually have drinks chilling in celebration of the end of nine booze-free months! (and sushi, and rare steak, and well, you know…)

  31. chasingjoy says:

    >Sniff, sniff, he’s not in school yet AND I’m about to add an infant to the mix in a few weeks. My break is a few years ahead. Ah well, it will be sweet when it comes! And yes, there will be wine and beer and probably hot wings! (I worry about eating hot finger foods now since I tear Jensen’s food up as we eat.)

  32. Lizzi says:

    >Amen. Last year, I almost had a heart attack when I dropped the kids off at the bus and saw other moms return to the cars and … just sit there. I walked over to one that I knew to ask her how her summer was, and she informed me that she was waiting to FOLLOW THE BUS TO SCHOOL so she could make sure Little Billy got there ok!No freaking way. I think you can still see the treadmarks on the pavement from when I peeled out of there!

  33. >I just happened to have the day off on Thursday when my three year old son started preschool. I was convinced I was going to cry…but he did wonderfully at drop off and I came home and took a nap. And then when he got home we took another nap. And I don’t feel bad about it.

  34. Katrina says:

    >My baby is starting kindergarten this year. But instead of reveling in my long-awaited alone time, I’m going with him–as his teacher!What was I thinking? (Kidding! Although after so many years as a stay-at-home mom, the idea of facing down a whole class full of five year olds is a little daunting!)Enjoy that champagne. I’m going to be drinking out of juiceboxes for a while longer. 🙂

  35. >Hey I think for me I love being at home in the summer with him because there’s only ONE of him, and summer means I’m not working. I get to have my vacation-just one kid to hang out with, sleeping in, lazy days, etc.School starting means back to work with (cough) large groups of teenagers. I’m sure you can sympathize with that one, lolol!!So school doesn’t equal a vacation for me, lolol. It means work.

  36. Kim says:

    >Wow, I could have written Bluepaintred’s post. I feel the EXACT same way, right down to sucking at math! Sure, I need a break from the kids at times. But’s that’s when I set up a girl’s night out. I hate that they are going back to school.

  37. >hells, yeah! school rocks! who cares if they learn anything. i need to do my grocery shopping BY MYSELF again. now i know why my own mom was happy to buy us whatever school supplies we demanded in august — it was because she knew that she was getting rid of us in september.

  38. kwr221 says:

    >Mine were at sleep-away camp for a good part of the summer (their request) and that’s even BETTER than the first day of school. School means having to be home when the bus drops them off and running around to various sports commitments. Camp means vacation for me! even when I’m still working. :-)yes, I love my kids.

  39. Ringleader says:

    >Summer with the kids IS my vacation. No schedules to keep, we all sleep in, go where we want, when we want… NO homework, soccer practice, cheerleading practice, football practice, science reports, cupcakes to buy for the class party, PTO meetings- I am tired just thinking about it. We did our school shopping as soon as the supplies came out in mid July, so now we are just sadly counting down the days of freedom until the evil reign of the alarm clock begins anew…

  40. Paula says:

    >I am always happy for school to start back, but until this year, I’ve always had at least one home with me even after school started. This year, my baby went to pre-k. Today was her first day. I don’t know what came over me, but I did cry like a baby when I left her there. I can’t believe my youngest child is in school now. The house has been super quiet today, which has been a bit weird.But I will admit, I did take a nap this morning. And? It was great. 😀

  41. happymommyX3 says:

    >My three kids (13,10,6) started school August 11th!! I have to admit I am relieved they’re back in school. I love the relaxed schedule of summer but it does get really expensive keeping the kids entertained everyday. Even the local water park is $20. Although I was one of the crying parents when my 1st grader was in all day kindergarten last year. We moved to a new town and state mid year. The first day I took her to school I went in with her to the morning gathering time in the gym and she hung on to my arm, crying, saying over and over “I just want to go home mom, I just want to go home. So, I’m supposed to show her that it’s going to be okay, but I’m looking around at all of these faces of kids and teachers that we don’t know and needless to say I was in tears myself. One teacher assistant caught me on the way out of school and saw that I was teared up and made me feel better by telling me that she cried when her youngest went to kindergarten too. I still feel embarrased (but grateful) when I see her. Anyway, now I’m past that and just glad to have six hours to myself and a regular schedule back.

  42. Carrien says:

    >Hah! I homeschool. The start of school in a week means I have to choose curriculum, file a proposed course of study, and summon the mental energy to get up early enough to compel my reluctant children back into the pattern of actually sitting down to do work and staying there until they are finished, while entertaining smaller children simultaneously to keep them from biting the erasers off of all the new pencils. And I have to plan ahead for all the new science stuff we’re doing this year.Count me among those who preferred summer vacation, when we could have fun. 🙂

  43. Dimberly says:

    >I was beginning to experience burnout before summer was over. I so totally needed a break and I didn’t think of the phrase Momcation but I’m headed out of town this weekend. I’ll be headed to southern Illinois (a five hour drive for me) to hear my favorite polka band. Who the hell has a favorite polka band? I do, and I will be enjoying the music, beer, brats and not hearing kids bickering or calling my name every 20 seconds. This trip is so overdue. I was threatening to not even walk the kids to the bus stop for the first day of school. I liked the image of standing at the door and pointing to the bus stop telling them to GO! or slightly milder… I thought about celebrating with a margarita for the bus at 8am. I didn’t… and my momcation is just days away. 🙂

  44. Mary Ann says:

    >Thanks for that – now I don’t feel so guilty about being THRILLED that school starts in 2 more weeks. I only wish it was sooner…

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