The Secret Lives of Sisters

  1. irene says:

    >I think that’s brilliant. I wish I could do that too. do you teach workshop?

  2. colleen says:

    >You can call me nosey…or curious. You can say I love gossip…or biographies. It’s all in how you look at it. I think you are a student of human nature. (animal nature too.)

  3. calswec says:

    >queen bees and wanna bees by rosalind wiseman. I highly reccomend it.

  4. Crazy MomCat says:

    >That IS brilliant. I’ll have to remember that for when my kids are older. Maybe I should start looking for a good “snooping” spot now!

  5. >Irene: I know moms who use their old baby monitors to spy on their kids. With a little imagination, you too can be a snoop!Colleen, I like your thinking!Siobhan: I’ve gotta get that book. I keep hearing about it.Steph: Try baton twirling as a cover! Heh heh. You’re going to be hearing about that one for a while…

  6. Masked Mom says:

    >Were you a wildlife biologist in a past life? I can so see you whispering into a microphone about the habits of that elusive species the adolescent girl.

  7. MistressMary says:

    >A woman after my own heart! There’s not much I won’t stoop to. I miss when I used to live in an apartment and I could see what the people in the apartment across the alley were doing. Those were the good old days.

  8. >You guys are friggin’ cracking me up! Mary, from what I’ve read, I can totally picture you spying, too! Hell, I did it- It’s the only good thing about apartment living.

  9. ieatcrayonz says:

    >So that’s how mom’s get eyes in the back of their head! Do you have a set of house plans I can borrow? 😉

  10. Indigo says:

    >You are brilliant!!! Absolutely brilliant!!! I love to snoop already, so this will be easy peasy when the time comes. LOL!

  11. Tammy says:

    >I soooo need a hiding place like that. See, I too am a snooper.I don’t have kiddos that age yet, but I know I will be the mom who reads the notes, diary’s, etc.It’s sad that I already know that about myself and am ok with it.

  12. christina says:

    >Lucinda, you are a fantastically funny writer, and totally hit the nail on the head with this post. I LOVE SNOOPING. And I’m totally a believer that it makes you a better–everything. Part of the reason this post was so uber fabulous is because we bloggers are snoopers. It’s inevitable. (Loved the funny 12 & 14 year old dialogue by the way. Aren’t you soooo happy you’ll never have to go through middle school again? I am. It was pure torture for me.)

  13. Dave says:

    >Hello, Michele sent me.Sounds like an excellent set up you’ve got. Just be careful you don’t get caught!! 🙂

  14. MommaK says:

    >I’m nosey too. I keep the baby monitor on the the playroom so I can hear what goes on when I am all the way in the basement. You see, my youngest daughter is 6 years old so why do I need a baby monitor?? You know why..I am a big, fat, snoop.

  15. >Soooo many snoopers out there… I feel so relieved now. I thought I was all alone in my snoopiness. There should be an Oprah about this!

  16. mary says:

    >LOL at this whole post AND the comments. I was 14 with a 12 year old sister and man, can I relate to all those exchanges. I think every mom is a snoop. Isn’t that part of the job description? ;)Lucinda, thanks so much for checking out my blog and leaving that lovely comment. I’ll blogroll you as well. 🙂

  17. Katrina says:

    >Teenage girls–yikes! I am trying very hard not to think about the one that will be living in my house in about seven years. It’s a good thing I don’t believe in karma, or I’d be in big trouble…

  18. […] and I didn’t have to head far- just to the playroom off our kitchen (otherwise known as the Snoop Room). Because after a year of attending play group with a passel of passive-aggressive hate-uhs, this […]

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