>The Verdict

  1. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Oh, NO! You don’t think that’s it, do you? Scary! That’s my worst fear too.The other day, my son walked up when I had my blog up and said, “Why don’t you tell XYZ’s mom about your blog?” XYZ is the neighborhood boy I’ve blogged about as “faucet boy.” I don’t know WHY he asked me that and it really makes me curious. He said he just wondered when i asked him. But, XYZ’s mom is very techie and they are the one set of neighbors I worry most about finding out about my blog. They would read it and never let on……that is, except maybe to have their son ask mine about my website. I really hope that’s not the case because that woman is also in my well-blogged about bunco group as well…yikes!

  2. Crazy MomCat says:

    >I also forgot to say that your cake looked scrupdidiuptious to me!

  3. Erin says:

    >Only one way to find out: Have a friend call and ask why she didn’t appear, then call you back with the goods.It all looked delicious. But, I am of the mind that it isn’t dessert if it isn’t chocolate, so you won in my book! 🙂

  4. MistressMary says:

    >Heh. That would make for some good blogging material. Man, those desserts look good. I’m glad it all went well.

  5. Busy Mom says:

    >There’s no way…

  6. buffi says:

    >You caught me. You figured me out, Lucinda. My name isn’t really Buffi. It’s Anne. And your days are numbered, you…Okay, I can’t do it without laughing. I’m glad the party was a success. I’ve got to figure out how to get an inivitation next year.

  7. Erin O'Brien says:

    >Wow! It’s all I can do to get the fork marks on the peanut butter cookies right.Excellent going!

  8. >Lucy? Lucy, DAHling, it’s Anne here. Anne McDougal? Yes, that’s right, you got it in one… And, oh, let’s just leave it on a culinary note shall we? Bite me.

  9. Christie says:

    >I’m envious… I can cook like the devil, but have no baking skill whatsoever.

  10. Theresa says:

    >OHHHH!!! Ha! That would be a hoot, sort of. Eek.But your cake looked divine!

  11. mamaloo says:

    >Can I get an invite to next year? I would totally drive to another country for a chance at all those desserts!

  12. jak says:

    >Oh SHIT! nah,she could’nt-could she?Your cake looked beautiful and I’m glad you had such a good time-now go drink a big glass of agua!

  13. Busy Mom says:

    >Did she call? Did she call?

  14. liz says:

    >If she reads the blog and DIDN’T think that what you wrote was funny, than she doesn’t deserve to come to your fabulous party.

  15. >No calls yet… And they’re the types that do the RSVP thing (THAT is another post entirely)! Hubs said he’d call her husband today- We’re both old friends of her husband’s, so it’ll be totally in character.

  16. BabelBabe says:

    >this is why i prefer to remain anonymous and tell no one – not even my husband – especially not my husband – about my blog.that cake looks AMAZING!

  17. surcie says:

    >This is so funny, Lucinda. I seriously doubt she’s been reading it. But if she decides to Google her own name, she might be surprised. [Waving] Hi, Anne!Dang! I want all those recipes!

  18. >Update: “Anne” (Surcie, don’t worry- I didn’t use her real name) and “Jim” claimed that they both have strep throat when Hubs called Jim this morning… However when pressed, Hubs admitted that Jim sounded absolutely fine. And since Anne is a stickler for manners, I still find it odd that they didn’t call or e-mail, particularly when Jim does both on a very regular basis. It was a botched dessert. Definitely.

  19. Minerva says:

    >*laughing*Glad it wasn’t something worse for them, actually… Minerva

  20. Raehan says:

    >And this is why I’m such a good girl on my blog. You never know who’s reading. You definitely won this one, though. A forfeit is a win.

  21. MommaK says:

    >Are you there Anne?? Talk to us…we’re all nice ladies here. *she says as she sharpens her claws*Strep my ass…

  22. >HA HA! Sounds like Anne got her ‘just desserts’. HE HE HE!

  23. >That is so hilarious! She sounds like a Stepford woman.

  24. >Hi, My name IS Anne McDougal….but I don’t make very good desserts! I ggogled my name and your site came up…very funny, thanks for the laugh :)Anne McDougal

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