The Worst Word

  1. That is so adorable — I love when the little guys KNOW those things. Cant get much past them can we!?  🙂 

  2. Downfall of Western Civilization right there is what we have! 

  3. bereccah5 says:

    That is it. I am founding a Bruiser fan club.

  4. Paul Chenoweth says:

    This requires emergency legislation to ban PPD from public use.  I would, however, exempt our TN legislators from the ban since it may be an appropriate reference for some of our elected officials.

  5. Randi says:

    That is AWESOME! My 5 yo came to me a while ago to tell me that he heard someone at school use the F-word. His 7 yo twin sisters insisted on hearing him whisper this word only to have him whisper FART in our ears. Yep, that is one terrible F-word.

    • suburbanturmoil says:

       Oh yes. The F-word is a BIG problem around here, too…

    • Miss B says:

      Seriously, I HATE that word! It sounds so crude. Instead, I say “toot” or “windy”, which unnerves my husband. He says those words are ridiculously juvenile. I can’t help it. Juvenile beats gross any day of the week if you ask me.The F-word is just really offensive to me. i am so glad that your 5 year old is of the same mindset!

  6. Cooperone says:

    Dying of laughter here.

  7. Bonnie says:

    Just wait until they ask you who gets to decide what words are “bad”.
    Explain that.

  8. Melissa says:

    That’s better than the word my nephew announced to a room full of people when he was five. 

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