Ten Halloweens

  1. OrangeCrush says:

    Punky looks so grown up this year.

  2. Meredith says:

    Super cute! I have a few past holiday photos where I slapped a fake smile on my face for the sake of photos. Like the easter my kids all got a horrible stomach bug! Ugh. Not as horrible as an organ failing, but I know what you mean. Sort of. 😉

  3. Miss B says:

    The ladybug pic is just perfect. I love it!

  4. Melissa says:

    We couldn’t get our three year old to wear his costume. Oh well, he still got candy, which has by now been thoroughly picked through by his parents. 😉 Hey, he can’t have peanuts and doesn’t like sticky stuff. More for me!!!

  5. Laura Cooper says:

    All of your Halloween pics are great! Your children will appreciate all these photos when they’re grown, I promise!

  6. defmum says:

    When my son was 19 months old, I dressed up him as Cowardly Lion while his 6 year old sister was Dorothy. The pictures I have of them are great, but all I honestly remember is how stressed I was because I was working full-time, had a husband who was coaching football and he had an away game on Halloween evening, and I had so many places I had committed to bringing the kids. It was so stressful getting them dressed, taking all the obligatory pictures, hauling them into the car, running here and there, and when I finally pulled into my parent’s driveway for the next “stop,” my father came out to help me get the kids out of the car. I took one look at him and BURST. INTO. TEARS. He just held me while I sobbed like a crazy woman!! Needless to say, my parents both handled the kids from that point on so I could unwind on their couch! Holidays are stressful, y’all!

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