The Supermarket Saga

  1. Bella says:

    This right here is my life. Hence why this mommy spends an exta ten minutes in the wine aisle.

  2. Laura Cooper says:

    When my now big ones were little, I would leave the house at 10:00 p.m. and be back at 1 a.m. with groceries (hopefully a weeks’ worth) and a satisfied belly from having a late night snack all to myself (usually Taco Bell). Won’t work for everyone, but saved my sanity many a time.

  3. Kimberly says:

    “Crying would have felt good, or perhaps kicking down a large display of soup can”

    Oh I have been there!!! I-Have-Been-There!

  4. Meagan says:

    Oh and I had such high hopes that it would get better (I have 2 1/2 year old twins Our new Kroger just got those Kid Carts and I think they have ascended straight from hell. “Luckily” my kids are more enraptured with the carts with the car but then I spend my time dodging all the other kids with little carts while I try to manuever a boat that doubles as a shopping cart.

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      It gets better in the sense that they’ll be in school one day and you can get your grocery shopping done then.

      Usually. :/

  5. Tara J. :) says:

    Just saw this article about new technology at Kroger, and it made me think of your blog:

    No more Chatty Cathy line!! 🙂

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      That’s crazy! I wonder if it’ll catch on? It seems like a little too much work, to be honest.

  6. oomph says:

    there is a period (age 0-8, haha) when i feel like kids belong at home! they do not belong in stores or restaurants for this exact reason. i could totally relate 🙂

  7. defmum says:

    Exactly why I go to the grocery store after work, but before picking my son up at after-school care. I get in and out really quickly, and without the draaaammmmaaaa!!!!!

  8. sybil says:

    Stop & Shop has the scan guns – I loved them- especially when I had a lot of groceries.

    Would it be wrong to shop with a wine purse? ha!

  9. Julie says:

    Your experience in Kroger sounds all too familiar. I live in Nashville too, and started ordering my groceries online from Harris Teeter. Now all I have to do is drive through while a HT employee loads them in my car. No one has to get out, and they can swipe my debit card while I am in the driver’s seat. This has saved my sanity! Give it a try!

  10. I so totally remember those days! I was almost in a cold sweat just reading! It changes of course, as you know, but not always for the better…just different! Now I can send my teenagers to the store with the credit card and a list, and they still manage to forget things and buy what THEY want! Thanks for the laughs this morning!

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