12 Ways Moms KNOW It’s the End of the School Year

  1. Jen says:

    Love it! I’d add one more item: Your kids are now arriving to school sticky with sweat & with fresh grass stains on their knees from playing outside for an hour or more BEFORE school thanks to the barometer inching towards 80 before 8am! Or maybe that’s just my kids?

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      Oh no, it’s my kids, too- However, they generally manage to get toothpaste or juice or SOMETHING on their school clothes before they go to school every single day! 😀

  2. Jennifer says:

    You start seeing posts about the end of school year and are reminded once again that your kids’ school district must be the last in the country to end…last day of school here, thanks to snow days: June 25th.

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      Ugh. This is not okay!!

    • cheesehead4ever says:

      We are in Minnesota and we are only finishing one day later, May 30. Two snow days they didn’t have to make up. Then they took away one day off of our Presidents Day weekend and took our five day Easter weekend and made it a three day weekend. It still seems like we had more than five snow days but maybe that’s because we had so many late starts and early outs.

  3. LisaJDwyer says:

    You’ve always dropped your kids off at school in your pajamas; Now you’re picking them up in your pajamas, too. – http://goo.gl/emYxTI

  4. Celeste says:

    I snorted when I saw number 3! I just tossed a Lunchable in my son’s lunchbox this morning. Normally I prepare a pretty decent lunch, but I’m over it at this point. And he was very much awake at 10pm last night. (shame)

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      Ha! Don’t feel shame- We’re all right there with you. Lunchables are my guilty pleasure- There’s no better feeling when I’m running really late in the morning than to see two Lunchables in the back of the fridge. 😀

      • Beth says:

        I still fix lunches for my high schooler – sandwich, chips, orange/apple, honey bun, Capri Sun or bottle of water. The other day he asked me not to bother with the sandwich for a while and to just put junk in the bag. It knocked my lunch prep time from two minutes down to thirty seconds, so I’m actually okay with that.

        • suburbanturmoil says:

          Ha. Smart move. I try to pack healthy lunches, but I often wonder how much of that “healthy” food goes right into the trash can. The thought drives me CRAZY.

          • Beth says:

            Well, it did my heart good when he actually started ASKING for fruit, so there’s that. But everything I send is disposable – sandwich wrapped in foil, individually wrapped snacks and chips, in a brown paper bag. Stabs my little environmentalist soul, but if I didn’t do that, he’d have a locker full of putrefying plastic science experiments because he’d never remember to bring any of it home 🙂

  5. treehousemomma says:

    You resist the urge to scrawl “BUSY WORK” across your child’s homework in bright red marker.

  6. Anne says:

    Oh my gosh! These are seriously funny!

  7. Lucia says:

    When you go to pick up your kid on the first day they say it was great. But now you’re lucky if you get a grunt out of them

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