>A Joyous Occasion

  1. Karen Rani says:

    >Atta girl!!!!!

  2. Fidget says:

    >i’m jealousTessa just washes her hands and says “i’m done”no peeing action, none, zerothough if you are out in public she will announce to the world that she needs to pee and for the 3 seconds you turn your head to lock the stall she submergers her arms, pit deep in the public toilet and shrieks ” I go potty mama!”

  3. Amanda says:

    >Yeah for Baby!!! Can she come over and talk to Hannah. I bought the potty and bought chocolate. Nothing is working.

  4. liz says:

    >Yaaaaayyyyy!!!Trust me, this is a first. Not a last.

  5. but Momma says:

    >WoW! Beauty AND bladder control! You hit the jackpot!Ace says “I godda go poddy.” He will only sit, no standing, and then I have to tell him that “If you sit, you have to point your “pointer” down into the potty.” And if I make a move toward him he leaps of the toilet and runs around the house singing, “I’m nay-kid, I’m NAAAY-kid!”

  6. Nut's mom says:

    >awwwww…. any tips on how to train a cat that once used a litter box and now has decided to shit on the carpet NO.MATTER.WHAT.chocolate bribs… do I have to lecture you on childhood obesity rates? just kidding.

  7. >My older son waited until he was four to be potty trained. He was perfectly capable before then, but it just wasn’t worth the effort.Smart kid, no?

  8. >That cuteness would help make cleanups easier.Way to go, little missygirl!!

  9. Marie says:

    >Sweet Baby!! Hooray!!No sign of pee-pee in the potty here. On the bathroom floor at bathtime, yes.Hooray Hooray!!

  10. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Hey, that’s more success than I have had. I haven’t tried the Louie technique though. Hmmm…

  11. Lena says:

    >Yay Baby!!! Get that girl more chocolate and her mama an LV bag. STAT!

  12. Mother says:

    >Shoes. And clothes works well here. At least for me going on the potty that is 🙂

  13. SistaSmiff says:

    >I took the Joan Baez approach to potty training and that was…none. I figured they’d go when they got sick of it and they did. #2 Boy..they tried to train him at daycare but he would have no part of it. Like Jack’s Raging Mommy, he was perfectly capable, but….why? He finally did it on his 4th birthday and I retired from changing any little persons diaper. Don’t EVEN ask me to work in the church nursery.

  14. >Heck, this is only July. Of 20006.

  15. Onetallmomma says:

    >Yeah for you and her! You’re going in the right direction. The trick is not to make it a “control” issue. Two thoughts: She will not be wearing diapers when she is in kindergarten…promise!Try cloth.

  16. Jenny says:

    >Congratulations!!!!! Hmmmm…maybe I need to try to LV bribe with Hailey?

  17. kittenpie says:

    >yay, Baby! We had some potty success for a while about 6 months ago, but have had little to no potty action lately. Ah, well, I figure it’s not worth pushing quite yet.

  18. brittney says:

    >That is one pretty Baby!

  19. Bonnie B says:

    >Oh the joyous sounds of toddler pee going into the right pot. My daughter is tree trained– it’s terrible I know, but I suspect her father lets her run around naked outside when I am not around.She pooed in the potty a couple of weeks ago and I was so excited I bought big girl panties– to which she announced she liked diapers.

  20. Shotgun says:

    >Hey, that same thing happened to us! The first night we had the potty home Back Seat Girl sat down and immediately peed, and even cried during her bath because she couldn’t be sitting on her potty. Since that night, there has been no potty action. If I even bring it up, I get an emphatic “NO!”(Amazing, I’ve been lurking on your site for a while and talking about peeing is what finally gets me to de-lurk)

  21. Waya says:

    >BABY IS GORGEOUS just like her Mama!! She’s sooo stylish already!! Oh boy Dada is in trouble now! 😉

  22. gretchenhr says:

    >I’m with onetallmomma on this one. What? You think they have designer diapers in high school? I think NOT! I must interject with my own hurdle. I have twin boys that are BASICALLY potty trained, but one is either too preoccupied to go to the bathroom or has a tiny bladder (that’s bladder, not bubbles)! So it’s not uncommon for him to have wet spots on the front of his pants at any given time. Oh, yeah, and I have to force him to wear underwear. What’s up with that? They’re a month shy of 6. So you’re on the right track. Don’t make an issue unless it’s to affirm her. And there’s nothing wrong with bribery!

  23. Jodi says:

    >Oh goodness. That was HILARIOUS. I love it when you type her words exactly as she says them. She’ll get the hang of it, eventually. Connor still has poo in his pants from time to time and it drives me BATTY. And he’s 5. So, well, just be patient dear Lindsey.

  24. Mary-LUE says:

    >Hey Lindsay, Congrats and condolences are in order, I guess. Potty training is one thing you never, ever, ever reminisce about. Once you are done, you are thrilled and there is no going back in your mind. BTW, cutest picture ever of Baby. Honestly, I don’t just say that. I’d put that picture up in my house! 🙂

  25. Mary-LUE says:

    >P.S. All the other commenting moms in potty training turmoil, you must at all times mask your eagerness to have your child trained. They can smell on it you a mile away and they will make you twist in the wind. No matter what, act like you don’t care. Kids are expert torturers!

  26. R. Robyn says:

    >Congratulations! I hope she sticks with it. Tell her that when she gets older, her jeans will NOT look cute with a bulky diaper.

  27. Jamie says:

    >She’s so adorable! WILL. PEE. FOR. LOUIS.

  28. >Wow I’ve got Connor rug trained too..he’ll take off his diaper aim his lil peepee and make nice lil streams on the rug all while looking at me and laughing…Today he actually did it while going in a circle..It was such a proud moment.

  29. joel says:

    >Congrats! A truly momentous occasion…trust me, I remember those days.

  30. Webmiztris says:

    >what is it with babies and pets… why do they ALWAYS choose the rug over the tile to pee/poop/barf/hork up a hairball? (gawd, I hope your baby isn’t doing that last one at least), but ya know what I mean? lol

  31. Keltybug says:

    >My daughter just loves to be naked. I think I have a budding nudist on my hands. She will pee in the toliet but not #2 yet.

  32. EM says:

    >geez, the amount of pee i’ve cleaned up in my life…three cats that have suddenly decided to eschew the litter box completely, prefering instead to use the upstairs hallway carpet (it’s to the point that we’re actually considering installing laminate flooring). and my stepson who wet the bed every night until he was 11 1/2. plus a horse that manages to pee down his own legs every time. i’m proud to say that i did potty train my friend right after i learned. does Baby have a friend who could show her what a good idea it is to pee in the potty?

  33. Natsthename says:

    >Well, it’s a step in the right direction! And, rest assured, she will be using the toilet regularly before she goes out on her first date! 😉 Good luck, though.

  34. Poppy Buxom says:

    >We had to get our daughter toilet trained fast because pre-school was around the corner and she’d been wearing pull-ups for a year with no results. We were suckers for that “they’ll learn when they’re ready.” Wrong. She. was. four. Four!We totally LOCKED my daughter inside with no pull-ups on ALL DAY and told her she wasn’t going out until she peed in the potty. Finally about 4:00 p.m. she did it. And beamed beatifically. And said “I peed in the potty! I can do anything I want!”Congratulations to you and Baby! Especially for not waiting until Baby is four.

  35. Andrea says:

    >Yay! What’s the LV equivalent for boys? A Hemi?

  36. >She is gorgeous! My 4 and half year old still isn’t trained all the way talk about stress. You are amazing.

  37. Lisa says:

    >I pee in the potty….will you buy me a Louis???

  38. >We’ve graduated beyond the peeing here. We’ve got that down. It’s “poop in the potty” that happens like every other week or so and makes me sing and dance “WE DID IT! HE FINALLY FINALLY GETS IT!”Until the next day when I’m cleaning poopy underwear…

  39. Gracie says:

    >During potty training is when all of my boys have begun their “Hot Wheels” collections. Way to go, Baby!

  40. >Woo Hoo! Potty Time!

  41. abogada says:

    >Hey, congratulations! I can’t even get my daughter to do it once.

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