>Brace Yourselves! It’s a Three-Way!

  1. Pickalish says:

    >Hi Lucinda…I’ve had to change names and blogs, to do a …..ummm…security issue. Yea, something like that. Anyhow, I used to a Krazzee sort of fruit, but now i’ve changed food groups. I can be found at pickalish.blogspot.com, and I know all about ugly hate mail. =(

  2. Chase says:

    >No, no! I think that’s why most of us are going to BlogHer – the gettin’ together bit! Did you see all the “poolside” things and “cocktail” things going on that weekend?? If it were just blah blah conferences blah, I would NOT be going.You should all really reconsider.Kristen and I will totally be giggling at the bar. You should join in!

  3. Kristen says:

    >Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but I haven’t even thought about the actual conference… just the “getting together…” Oh well. :)And, I get the nicest emails… and nicest comments! Although I’m kind of jealous I never get questions asked of me – like “who’s your favorite movie star…” It seems like everyone gets those. Maybe it’s because I say so much on my blog LOLOLOL.

  4. Kristen says:

    >Now, I’m sure I’ll get a bunch of trolls that I just said that. Oh well… 🙂

  5. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Well, I know the reason I haven’t gotten hate mail is that I don’t have enough comemntors to HAVE hate mail. HA! Of course, it helps if you DO something to get more comments, which I haven’t bothered to do. (grin)Seriously though, if y’all decide to make Texas your drinking destination, I’d love to take a spin over and have a few ‘ritas with you. That Lisa…now I’m just sure she knows how to have a good time. And, I’m pretty sure you do too, Lucinda. Oh, and no…I’m not going to Blogher either. Sniff…sniff…

  6. Denise says:

    >You naughty girl! Three ways and such. *blushing* Hate mail? I’ve gotten a few…3, I think. I just delete them or make fun of them on my blog. I don’t understand the point of sending hate mail. If you’re gonna hate someone, do it out in the open so we can all watch! ;)I’m not going to BlogHer, either. 🙁

  7. d34dpuppy says:

    >it is so weird 2 think people even take tha time 2 send hate mail at all …buncha twits, u may substiture ur fav vowel.

  8. mrsmogul says:

    >Negative emails are sad…I’ve gotten some and then I salk them because they forget I CAN SEARCH THEIR ISP!Ah yes…drinking at the cemetary…that’s what all kids do for a night of fun!

  9. MommaK says:

    >I missed all the fun – waaaaahhhh!!!

  10. Busy Mom says:

    >Sounds like you guys had a fun chat!No Blogher for me either. I saw your husband yesterday, actually I was pretty darn close to him, for a while, and, I almost told him I was your Internet predator.

  11. Tori says:

    >Next time…I want to be on the phone! ME ME ME… I WANT IT NOW AND I WILL SCREAM UNTIL I GET IT!!!!!Have thought about blogher…just don’t know if I have time…ToriLove your blog by the way…

  12. Jenn says:

    >I simply MUST be a part of the next call. Better than a 3-way? A 4-way, baby! I love you 3 too much to NOT be a total joiner! ;-)As for Lisa, one of these days we really WILL have lunch!

  13. Jenn says:

    >BlogHer? You have to go! Have to!! BlogHer Scholarship at mommybloggers can get the conference paid for! 😉

  14. Mega Mom says:

    >I’m so jealous! I was so in love with Lisa’s audioclip, I wanted to hear more!!!I just assumed all you BigWigs would be at BlogHer. Now I’m mad. I’m with Kristen. What conference? I’m just going to see what you all look like. Of course I have a head start with you Lucinda…the skinny chick with the beer gut, right?

  15. >The truth is, if I had money for airfare, hotel and conference fees and if I had someone to handle the kids while I was gone and if I could convince my husband that BlogHer wasn’t going to be like the Star Trek convention that rolls into town every so often, I would totally be there! Totally! I’m telling you, I’m envious. I don’t even wanna think about it, ’cause if I do, I might just cry big fat tears!

  16. Jodi says:

    >WELL, since I am a lurker i would just LUV to be included in your conversations next time. I will even mute my phone and just sit and listen to ya all with your cute accents. I wouldn’t have anything funny to add anyway. :)I have never gotten a hate anything either. However, I do have comment moderator because if somebody said something mean it would make me cry. Down with blog trolls, DOWN! Mean hideous creatures.OHHHHH, we should hunt all the blog trolls down and put them in 12’s room, they’d get lost under the laundry and never find thier way out. 🙂 12 wouldn’t be home OF COURSE. that would just be silly…

  17. Kristin says:

    >I wanna party with you people!!I would like to go to Blogher, but it ain’t happening… I have to go to Hawaii instead (insert sob here).

  18. Krisco says:

    >That totally sounds like fun. Why can’t I be in that convo?!! : )Oh, and this:”I mean, what if we all met somewhere and just… drank? For an entire weekend? And threw in some shopping and maybe a museum tour to boot?”…that IS what I was thinking BlogHer is all about, that’s why I’m going! Shoot, you mean it’s not?Well, I for one wish you were going too. They have childcare; bring the baby, get on the bus.

  19. Sarcomical says:

    >FREE? you mean, someone had vonage or something? i’m confused…only a little.my god. i would be terrified to talk to bloggers on the phone. but some of them have asked. i’ve gingerly skirted the issue. yikes!

  20. T. says:

    >I haven’t got any hate mail either, but then on average only three people read me, and I know them, so if they sent me hate mail, I’d have to kick some ass!But getting together to drink, shop and visit. That sounds like a bit of heaven. I’d even drink in a cemetery with you!

  21. Kristen says:

    >hahaha! It does feel weird to chat with two people at once, especially if they don’t realize it. I always feel like I have to disclose that information up front to both of them. LOL.

  22. >Kristen, at first I thought you were talking about on the phone. I was like, ‘She talks to two people without telling one of them?’ Ha ha!

  23. >3-ways are fun!! The one’s on the phone are alright too! haha 😉

  24. Miz S says:

    >Who’s sending hate mail to Susie Sunshine? I’ll kick their asses!

  25. Poppy Buxom says:

    >I’m glad you had a conference call, but why wasn’t I included? What am I, chopped liver? What do I have to do, post my telephone number on the internet? And wouldn’t that make for some interesting real-time comments, when the phone rings at 2:00 a.m. and one of those weird guys who only checks out my blog for the picture of Gisele Bundchen asks me whether I have Prince Albert in a can.

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