>Carpool Court


  2. Serra says:

    >Excellent! I wouldn’t be nice about telling her it’s time to pick up her slack either.

  3. Anonymous says:

    >Oh, man, I wish I knew about carpool court earlier. I brought my neighbor’s son home every day for four years and most of those days he came over to my house until his dad came home. I did his laundry too because he and my son would strip down and put on one of our various costumes and most of his clothes wouldn’t make it home with him. Actually, the mom suffered from a wicked case of depression and rarely got out of bed. Although we loved her son as one of our own and I was happy to take care of him, it got kind of old sometime. They moved away so it’s not an issue any more.Liz

  4. Kelly says:

    >You know what that made me decide?I am not doing the carpool thing.I’ll take my kids hither and yon but not anyone else’s….I just don’t think I could take it.

  5. Lisa says:

    >Carpool sucks ass. I’m glad justice was served in your case. And, the term “Carpool Cunt” will have me laughing my ass off all day today!

  6. Crazy MomCat says:

    >This was great. I hope it made you feel better. If not, I say leave a “doggie poo” bomb at her front door with the note “Your carpooling really stinks.”

  7. >Everyday I am more thankful i never had kids or carpools.

  8. Jess Riley says:

    >I love this! You are so clever.

  9. >You Go Girl!!LadyBug

  10. >Oooh! I would so be kickin’ her ass! Biotch! Bad jump-suit wearin’ hag!

  11. >This is great! You really should start your own show of a fake court for annoying, selfish people!

  12. angela says:

    >Im so glad the bia got what was coming to her 🙂

  13. yellojkt says:

    >I knew that you’d be right back to carpool stories as soon as BoB voting was closed. Admit I was right.

  14. >Uh. No. See the below post. I have another hoo ha story too, but I’m in danger of wearing out my welcome.

  15. Kathy C says:

    >Love your website, been reading for awhile. I especially like this post because I’ve been in your shoes. Except there is no excuse, just a girl waiting along with my daughter EVERY DOG DAMN time she stays after for ANYTHING! What do I say? No, sorry, walk home (15 miles). Sheesh! I need a spine!

  16. Mooselet says:

    >Carpools suck big twinkies. I’d rather haul my kids all over the place than rely on someone else, because then I’d feel obligated to take their kids even if I was on deaths door and I have a HUGE problems saying ‘no’ to people. “Gee, I hope it’s not too much trouble..” “Oh, no I always drive 25 minutes out of my way, really!”And you can never have too many hoo ha stories. Bring it on!

  17. Ali says:

    >carpool is the bain of my existence.

  18. >Okay, all you no-carpool mamas out there- For every day that I slog around dropping off 3-4 teenagers, I get another day (in theory) blissfully off. And when you’ve got a toddler in the house, that is no small attraction. My 12-year-old enjoys riding the bus with her friends this year, so yes, I will endure the pits of hell and Diane in order to have a day or two a week in which I have to be NOWHERE at a given time. You see my dilemma. :/

  19. >excellent sentencing!!!i hate it when i drop off some kid only to find their parents sitting at home, all cozy, while i’m out in that crappy weather.

  20. >Ha Ha! I love it!Can they make a court for friends that are perpetually late? So late that even when you factor in that they’ll be late, they still keep you standing around.

  21. Kristen says:

    >Lucinda, this was great. I loved the part where you were talking to Doug after court. LOL!

  22. Jennifer says:

    >thanks for visiting my blog! i keep coming back to yours because it is so damn good. and the carpoaling freeloader case takes the cake.

  23. Laurie says:

    >Lucinda, you rock! I needed a good laugh at 4am.. carpool cunts, I will remember that!

  24. >The only thing worse than carpool cunts is a sleepover slut: they let your kid think the sleepover will be reciprocated and never actually come through with the trundle bed and midnight feasts… meantime you keep getting their kid begging to come spend the night at your house and, because you suspect there is a good reason Sleepover Slut’s kid wants to spend a lot of time away from Sleepover Slut, you cave. Might as well adopt, is my way of thinking…The court scene, by the way, was gold, pure gold. (And dishy Doug, he wouldn’t be modelled on a certain other dishy media man, would he?)

  25. buffi says:

    >Honestly, I can relate to the carpool story a lot more than the hoo-ha story. But I love them all, Lucinda!I have soooo been there on this one though!

  26. Merteuil says:

    >I loved this! Is it odd that I find myself strangely envious of these housewife-ly/mommy duties that most others find obnoxious?

  27. Poppy Buxom says:

    >It’s heartening to see justice prevail. But I don’t think the judge was harsh enough. You needed someone like Judge Judy to roll her eyes, tell the defendant to get a life, etc.Is it OK for me to mention that I am SO GLAD I live two blocks from my kids’ school? And the mothers in my town are heaving huge sighs of relief that they don’t have to carpool my kids. Or deal with me.

  28. Theresa says:

    >Where do I sign up?

  29. Angie says:

    >That is exactly why I do some of the things I do for the people who live in this house! All for that one or two days in a week that I don’t have to do anything for anybody or be anywhere.It is now official. I am completely in love with you!

  30. surcie says:

    >Love this post–except for the “c” word. How I hate that word!

  31. Lisa says:

    >LOL great post! I imagine I’ll be doing that in the near future. 🙂

  32. MommaK says:

    >Isn’t it amazing how some moms are such deadbeats?!? I mean…come on!! I’m dealing with that right now in our girl scout troop but at least the girls are young enough that they don’t pick up on any of it. In your case, Diane’s daughter has got to get the sense that her mom isn’t doing her fair share. How can that sit well with Diane?

  33. Nut's mom says:

    >Did you know that the doc’s who constult Grey’s anatomy to “keep it real” are doc’s I work with?I think that’s kind of cool but I have never watched the show.No carpooling for me. six more weeks though and that might change….

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