>Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You!

  1. Aimee says:

    >OMG. I just spit out my soda. Hilarious!!!

  2. cce says:

    >I’ve let so many bumps in the night go by without acting on my suspicions. We even heard a woman screaming “Help me” outside in the street one night. My Better Half did go out to investigate but only after I begged him not to. Turns out it was a domestic dispute and she was in little to no danger but given to histrionics. Isn’t it amazing what one sees go by the window when up late at night nurturing the little ones?

  3. Em says:

    >Are you what would be referred to as an ear-witness?

  4. annie says:

    >I love the drawing, did you do that? ha-ha, I thought they were boobs for a minute there! Good thin you clarified

  5. >Yeah, I didn’t qualify at first and was met with a deafening, Internetty silence. I mean, if Hooters can do it, why can’t I? 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    >I remember those overnight feedings. Every creak in the house was maginfied x 10,000.-Rhonda

  7. Darth Doc says:

    >In our hipper than thou development, Traceside, we had some recent thefts. The same “pros” hit several “Upper Bellevue” neighborhoods. The folks who were robbed were victims of their own carelessness, unfortunately. They left their car doors unlocked, garage doors open, etc…That’s the boring part.More interesting is how our mailing list reacted to it. Folks castigated the victims who felt bad enough already. There were racist aspersions about the criminals as one victim’s debit card was used on NOLENSVILLE ROAD! GASP! Neighbors were even asked to report “suspicious activities” and take pictures of license plates of cars of interest with their cell phones.Martial Law Much?

  8. >hahahahahahahahahaha This one made me laugh out loud!!!!dawn

  9. >Perhaps you can get a part-time job as a neighborhood security guard and kill two birds with one stone. Or two stones. Well, they’re not actually stones…

  10. Bon says:

    >oh, if only you were across the street from us instead of that darn useless liquor store!(well, useless at 3:47 am, at least…damn thing closes at ten.)i think with that ad poster, your remake would get a surprisingly large number of teenage boy ticket buyers. 🙂

  11. Jodi says:

    >oh lawd, woman, you crack me up!

  12. Kelly says:

    >OMG, I used to totally spy on my neighbors while I was nursing at night. I’d get out of the rocker and go to the nursery windows and see what was going on down on the street. But hell, I was friggin’ bored, and anything that took my mind off of how much sleep I was losing was okay with me.

  13. Manda says:

    >Ha ha ha ha ha! Great picture.

  14. Homeland Guy says:

    >Hmmm, Those sure are some pretty big…eyes!

  15. kittenpie says:

    >Ha! Love it. Our bedroom overlooks the street, so every bloody gang of kids shouting to each other as they stumble down the street late at night sounds like they are beside my bed. Unless I’m asleep, because I sleep the sleep of the very, very dead, from which only Pumpkinpie can raise me.

  16. Carrie says:

    >Did you draw that picture yourself? What big EYES you have! LOLOLOLOLOL!

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