
  1. >I feel your pain! How do people NOT know how to wash laundry? and how do they then put their children back into these clothes? but to then try to sell it?! EGADS! I wouldn’t even put most of the clothing I’ve seen people selling on my children for play, let alone out in public. The occasional kitchen type score is why we stain removing mothers of high laundry standards put ourselves through these grueling resale ordeals…*big sigh*….

  2. Karen Rani says:

    >Exhibit Z that you are cooler than me: what is LYLAS?And ROFL at bust a cap in your ass. I say that about my customers all the time.Oh….oops! 😉

  3. Denise says:

    >”Love You Like A Sister”? I don’t know…I’m lame.I go to consignment stores occasionally and I have wondered the same thing about kids clothes.

  4. >i donate to them, but i can’t buy them, maybe i have issues, not really sure. i’d never send anything dirty or torn though, that goes into the recycling bin instead.

  5. Anonymous says:

    >That’s funny. I went to one of those huge massive consignment sales that happen once a year. I was wondering the same thing about some of the stuff. I kind of felt a little dirty wandering around there.But then again, I also got an adorable still new outfit with the original tags attached for $3…. i’ll probably go back.

  6. T. says:

    >Sometimes the pain of those damn sales are worth the gain.I once found the only slippers I could ever get on my Bug’s crooked feet at one of those disgusting used and abused sales. I always love when a “friend” offers you her kid’s hand-me downs, and when you receive them you look at the crappy, stained, worn clothes and wonder if you have ‘”Trailer Trash’ stamped on your forehead.I mean, is that why the so-called friend offers you her baby clothes you wouldn’t see on a homeless kid?

  7. MommasWorld says:

    >Maybe they kept all the good items to sell for their own profit then gave the sale the bad clothing.Speaking of second hand, I heard of a site called freecycle.com. I am going to see what it is about later today.

  8. Awesome Mom says:

    >I am constantly amazed at the crap I find. I feel so sorry for the poor kids that are forced to wear that stuff.Freecycle can be great but often you get what you pay for, just be warned.

  9. mamatulip says:

    >Thirty bucks a pop?Did I read that right?

  10. Belle says:

    >I know the feeling! I don’t do consignment sales or yard/garage sales (too early and too many people), but have become seriously addicted to thrifting, and clearance hunting at Target. It IS addictive.

  11. adria says:

    >I love consignment shops, but you are right – why so many stains and worn clothing?? When I bring my nice, clean, bright clothes to sell at a consignment shop they always decline them and tell me they were stained or too faded. Well, that is crap because look at what is on the racks!! Faded, lame clothes that should be at the Goodwill because they are not worth $7.00 a t-shirt. Okay thanks for letting me vent. And I cannot stay away either because after looking at 20 crappy things I will find 1 good deal. I cannot runaway from 1 good deal!

  12. Jamie says:

    >I agree…one successful find makes it worth rummaging through the cheap stained Disney Store and WalMart outfits! That is a really cute dress, by the way. You go girl.

  13. Robin says:

    >Too funny, Lindsay. I, too, went to a huge consignment sale this past week. Total waste of time with the 1980’s, faded crap. I left without buying a thing… as quickly as possible b/c I didn’t want the ICK to rub off on me! It seems as though the older the kids get, the crappiers the clothes at those places. I used to find some adorable baby things, but now I’ve given up.

  14. Raehan says:

    >We’ve got the best, most favorite clothes at consignment/thrift sales. Rachel LOVES thrift stores. Baby looks adorable in that dress.

  15. >A good friend of mine told me recently about how a friend of hers invited her to her home because she had ‘some old baby clothes to get rid of’ – and when she arrived, this ‘friend’ had the clothes spread out on a bed with price tags on them. For her. To buy.DIY consignment. The best.

  16. MommasWorld says:

    >In the process of moving and have 2 refridgerator boxes full of give aways. Nice, mostly never worn (Lord & Taylor) or once worn children clothing since they grow so quickly and tons of brand name toys. You couldn’t pay me to stand in the front yard for a sale. My time is too constraint. I just do not want to unpack it all when we get to the new house.

  17. "D" says:

    >I shop just for those once in a lifetime unbeatables:like your kitchen set or that awesome dress on baby… it’s worth the icky rummaging. I’m delurking this week, all week, and I’ll be back to say hi again!

  18. >So sweet, and it looks like she loves it too!

  19. Renee says:

    >We had a killer consignment shop once but we moved away from it. I got a Princess coat for DD there for like $5 or less…SCORE!!! DD wore the coat for 2 years too. Can you see my happy dance?

  20. >Oh and the 4 dollars was for the jumper AND matching shirt. Just wanted to make that clear. I think I bought everything that woman put up, because I found several corduroy jumpers and shirts there that were so cute. They remind me of what I wore when I was little- and they’re hard to find in stores now, where it’s all freakin’ Dora and Pooh tracksuits.

  21. >OMG! Too bad you live 3 hours away! Cokesbury Methodist here in Knoxville has the best consignment sale ever twice a year. They are about due too to have one!I’m talkin, clothes that still have the outrageous price tag on. Baby furniture, toys. It’s hughe they hold it in the covention center acrose the street from the church. There’s a line a 100 people long before they open! I buy it out for the grandbabies. One year I spent 3 hundred dollars, clothed my granddaughter for a year, bought her outside playsets,lil tykes train with tracks she rides on at my house, extra car seat for grammy’s house, extra baby buggy for grandma’s house, and a crib. They all looked brand new. Took two van loads to get it all home.My daughter goes to everyone. I go once a year, and contribute. They are a grandmothers dream. I had my last child and sold everything, never thinking about what to do when I babysat my grandbabies! You end up doing that alot if your a grammy!I’m off to one tonight with my daughter and granddaughter. Middlebrook Church is having one from 6 to 8pm. I’m like????? Never have I seen one held in just one evening. Could be interesting.

  22. Oh, The Joys says:

    >I am also queen of the consignment sale. Retail, schmeetail.

  23. h&b says:

    >Thank God for the pic of sunshine at the end of this post. I was ready to bust someone’s chops for you ! 😉

  24. >Stopping by from Texas. That is soo cute. I love yard sales, but I can so identify. Some people love their stuff wayyy too much!

  25. Kristen says:

    >Stains? Oh man that is some balls! that outfit is well worth the trouble- and so is the $10 kitchen! I think I’ll be hitting some garage sales and thrift stores this weekend…

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