God is Good, and My Kids Need to Know It

  1. muskrat says:

    Is this your big news?  Cool…sounds like a fun venture.

  2. Rjones2615 says:

    Is this the same Tommy Nelson who does shows with Family Life today? I love to listen to the podcasts he is on!

  3. Nikki says:

    Love this!!  I feel the same way, as I was raised Southern Baptist in Arkansas.  The God and Jesus I have come to know and love as an adult in a “bible” church is the one I worship alongside my kids.  Congratulations on the opportunity to blog with Tommy Nelson.  He is an amazing teacher!

  4. HopefulLeigh says:

    What a cool opportunity!  I enjoyed learning more about the development of your faith and how that’s impacted how you’re raising your kids.

  5. Anonymous says:

    My husband and I joke that there should be A ‘recovering baptists anonymous!’
    Heading over to check out your post-and right with you on the trickiness of imbuing them with the unshakably secure love of Their Heavenly Father. Headed over to TN now…

    • Anonymous says:

      Ha! I know that many Baptist churches have changed since the 80s and tried to become more accessible, but man, my childhood was spiritually ROUGH! ;D

  6. Michelle says:

    I’m glad to read this. I too am a Christian and it bothers me when I hear ppl talk about God like he’s a tyrant. Good for you and I’m glad I found your blog.

  7. Boricua_keya says:

    I feel like such an old soul because I often find myself wanting to go back into a time where children were children. When they would play outside & respect & have a healthy fear of their parents. And when parents didn’t just sit their kids infront of something electronic. & i feel a HUGE problem with children today is that they lack foundation. I can go on & on & on about the grace & greatness of god & I can’t wait to give that foundation to my son. Having a relationship with God is the most important thing & i want him to know that if he builds on that relationship & keeps God near than so many blessings will come forth & life really can and will wonderful. Trying at times but wonderful. I soooo admire you L & I’m so happy you do what you do 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      I totally agree, and I have seen that lack of foundation in many of the friends and classmates of my stepdaughters over the years. It is very, very troubling.

  8. Kimberly says:

    I was raised in a Southern Baptist church that sounds more like the church you attended after the age of ten.  My cousin was raised in a small country baptist church which sounds more like the one you were baptized in (pre- age ten).  I have a similar take on God and faith as you do.  I will check out your post on the blog right now….

    • Anonymous says:

      It has been interesting to see the Baptist churches diversify in the last ten or so years. A major one here even dropped the “Baptist” recently, while another got more traditional. I guess there’s something for everyone! 🙂

  9. Anonymous says:

    From one Lindsay to another, thanks for branching out and choosing to include your faith among the many topics included on your blog/site.  I read the blogs of many of the big names in Christian womanhood, and while I find them inspiring, I find it hard to relate to them as they seem so good/holy/perfect, and I’m so, well, NOT.  You are so much more easy to identify with than they are, and I am thankful to know that there is a real person like me out in Internetland that I can share matters of faith with now.

    (I realize that this could come across as saying that you are less “holy” than them and that’s why I like you.  That’s not it all all.  It is more of your lack of “holier than thou”-ness than lack of holiness that draws me to you.)

    • Anonymous says:

      I totally get it what you’re saying. I am finally comfortable realizing that I will never be able to live up to the “holier than thou” or even the “I don’t make serious mistakes on a daily basis” perception. Thank you- This comment means a lot to me!

  10. Jenna says:

    Great post! Often Jesus is misunderstood and it’s great to hear about moms who are rectifying that!


    • Anonymous says:

      I just wish there was more great children’s literature to reflect  that! So far we’ve found The Jesus Storybook Bible and… that’s pretty much it.

  11. […] their blog a notch and invited a few fabulous mamas to post (#b90days genius Amy, bloggy super star Lindsay, MOB Society’s Erin, Pete’s Brandi and THE […]

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