>How not to party with rock stars

  1. Mom101 says:

    >Forget that nonsense about spilling drinks, it’s not a party unless someone regrets it in the morning. In this case, you. Party! Whooooo!

  2. daysgoby says:

    >Oh. Stop. You’re killing me and my muffled shrieks are going to wake up the baby!

  3. jak says:

    >I so did the same thing the other weekend-only it wasn’t with a famous band-it was the neighbors! nice huh?

  4. Lisa says:

    >Oh Jesus! I’m laughing so hard right now! I love that you ended each conversation with, “well bye”. Like that’s your final answer!It sounds like an excellent night out 😉

  5. Melissa says:

    >Drinks, lot’s of drinks. Laugh like a nerd, I have to remember that one.

  6. >So, apparently I have met you before 😉 If you ever come and see my band I promise I’ll talk to you – no matter how many drinks you have.

  7. Kristen says:

    >Um… Hello. Where are the pictures of you??? 🙂

  8. Mary says:

    >OMG, I love The Mendoza Line!!!I’ve recently been listening to their “What Ever Happened To You?” obsessively, in fact.Fun post, Lucinda. 🙂

  9. d34dpuppy says:

    >but youhad the best time, right?

  10. Erin says:

    >Heh heh heh. Nothing like a drunken housewife to liven the party. Not that I’ve ever been in your position. No, never.

  11. Minerva says:

    >Great stuff Lucinda – I only wish I had been there to watch!

  12. Virenda says:

    >OH HOLY HELL! That was funny Lucinda and I so wished I was there to help you buckle your belt and dole out more drunken advice. I’m good at the drunk advice too, yep. I was you a couple months ago in SF, trying to show guys how to pick up women. It went like this:Me: “Your ugly, so get a new face.” Then I smile sweetly.I didn’t really receive a reply at least I don’t think the finger really counts.

  13. Dutch says:

    >Mary: what ever happened to you, yes! totally my favorite mendoza line song.Lucinda: this was a classic. I have been waiting for a report on the show, but the drunken advice bit just made it all the better. hilarious post. and I can’t believe the great lakes swimmers were there too. they juyst released this kids’ song called “see you on the moon” that is really great. in fact, it’s the best kids’ song I’ve ever heard, and I’ll say that on Paul McCartney’s grave. what a great night out.

  14. Jess Riley says:

    >That was hilarious. And it sounds like a damn good time! And I for one got your cultural references. :)Also, isn’t it great how when you’re drunk and realize the person you’re talking to doesn’t “get” what you’re saying you abrubtly say, “Well, bye!” and take off? I love that! LOL

  15. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Now how can I fault my neighbor’s daughter for playing her bass so loud when I’m sure she can hear me laughing over here? Answer me that. (Still chuckling about your belt buckle…) ;^)

  16. Raehan says:

    >Just coming by to give you kiss and a hug.{smack}I’m sitting here trying to watch Survivor for MommaK’s sake (who I now am calling Juliet) but I have no idea what’s going on.Don’t drink any more rubbing alchohol. I think it can make you blind. ; )

  17. Betsy says:

    >Oh god, I so needed a laugh this morning! I am all too familiar with loose-beltbuckle scenarios– I think we can all relate to the horror and warped memories that trickle in the morning after… (Which is what makes your post so hilarious!) Thanks for the chuckle!

  18. WendyWings says:

    >I am thinking I might have to try this in August when I am at the Emmys of course I wont be GETTING one like some people we know lol.I wonder if I can throw up on Ryan Seacrest that would be great blog fodder.My son is in a band I will have to tell him to watch out for drunk housewifes when he gets famous lol.

  19. Lisa says:

    >I know those expert opinions a little too well. Ugh..the embarassment! Thanks for making me laugh this morning! 🙂

  20. >I should mention, by the way, that the whole reason I was at this concert was because I was reading Dutch’s Sweet Juniper blog and saw The Mendoza Line’s new album cover in his sidebar. I hadn’t checked out the band website in a while and when I did, I noticed they were coming to my town the next month. And the rest is history…Now-jak- Oh, I would have LOVED to be there to see that! :)Harmonica Man- I think you were there… A random dude got up on stage and played harmonica (very well, too) during one of the songs. It kind of freaked the band out. Do you have flowing long blonde hair?Kristen- Do you think I had the presence of mind to take pictures of myself?! Er. No. ;)Mary- I knew you of all people would know all about these guys.Virenda- That’s really clever, heh. I’ll have to write that one down.Dutch- I’ll have to check out that song. Thanks for the tip.Jess- I get the “bye” from my mom- That’s what she always said she said at the end of a retold conversation, when she couldn’t think of anything clever and people were asking “And then what did you say?”Raehan- I tried to watch Survivor last night, too. I couldn’t figure anything out except that the guy who drank the last bottle of wine was an ass for doing it.Wendy- Throwing up on your arm is enough for a really interesting blog post around here. Provided formalwear is involved, celebrities are totally unnecessary… 😉

  21. mama_tulip says:

    >Hey, at least you didn’t jump up on the bar and start dancing and screaming for the band’s attention. Not like I’ve ever done that before…

  22. Miss Misery says:

    >That is just too good, I’ve actually done that before too, with a local famous band One Second 2 Late. Heard of them?

  23. >No Lucinda, that wasn’t me. Unless… I somehow got real drunk, put on a blonde wig, flew to TN and don’t remember any of it. Naw, who gets that drunk that they don’t remember things?

  24. zeldafitz says:

    >Jane’s Addiction and Dukes of Hazzard–c’mon, that’s not liquor talking!! That’s pure genius. They should dedicate their next album to YOU. And Perry Farrell.

  25. >It’s off-topic, but I LOVE the Great Lake Swimmers. LOVE THEM.(singing…)”Spadina, St. George Bay and Yonge,I will never see the sun,Spadina, St. George Bay and Yooonnge…”It’s such a long swim.

  26. Kellie says:

    >Oh I feel your pain. I also laugh at it.:)What a great story!

  27. K says:

    >Great post. It’s my first visit and I absolutely love it all.I do that sort of thing all of the time…

  28. Darcie says:

    >The Mendoza Line is playing here in Austin this weekend for SXSW. I might have to check it out now.Can I use your lines? 😉

  29. >Look at you all partying like a rock star!The undone belt is good, but I tend to stick with the classic: toilet paper streamer stuck to the bottom of the shoe, for maximum drunken retardocity.Um, bye!

  30. >You should definitely go and see them. They’re part of a showcase, I think, so there should be lots of good music.And those of you extolling the virtues of the Great Lake Swimmers are just increasing my shame and discomfort. No, I much prefer to think of them as unknowns in need of my Expert Advice.

  31. MommaK says:

    >Oh my. Nerdy nerd??? At least he’s laughing about it.Next time turn the camera and take a picture of yourself in all your moonshine glory. Pretty, pretty please? Okay…so when are you coming to VA or do I need to head down there? We have GOT to party like idiots this summer :)xoKissy Lee

  32. Webmiztris says:

    >yup, that’s why I love alcohol. it makes me the most interesting person I know…at least in my own inebriated mind. 😉

  33. Angie says:

    >You are formally invited to any pool party we have this summer because all the blogging chicks up here have been invited as well. It is sure to be a lively occassion to be had by all. Just help me figure out how to get Susie down here.

  34. >Thank you. Now if I can just help my husband understand why I want to drive up there and leave my family behind to party with probable lesbians (tee hee) I met on the Internet, we’ll be set!

  35. >I would be partying with probable lesbians (tee hee), of course, not my family. As far as I know.

  36. Chilihead2 says:

    >That is too great. We’ve all done it. I was at my friend’s wedding and proceeded to drink myself stupid. I talked to the groom’s boss and knocked his drink completely out of his hand and across the table. Seriously. Then I said, “Well, bye” and walked away. 😀

  37. KathyB says:

    >OK, this is too funny. After thirty you are no longer capable of partying like a rock star, know why? Because three drinks will cause you to implode… or take pictures like a wildcat.

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