>If Life Were a Prescription Drug Commercial

  1. Old MD Girl says:

    >Now THAT was funny.Personally, I prefer vicodin.

  2. PDX Mama says:

    >That was hilarious! You have such a gift.And yes, I remember wanting a refill of my percocet too! That’s when I realized I liked the stuff a little too much!

  3. Cece says:

    >LMAO! My husband has a love/hate relationship with those commercials. He always says What happened to the good ol’ days when you just took a pill & STFU?

  4. Bluepaintred says:

    >wait? you had to take pain pills after you had the baby? I thought he was about two weeks old or so? are you ok?i was told to take plain old tylonol after my three…hugs!

  5. >It was a joke. But yeah, here in Nashville, every new mom is sent home with a bottle of Percocet. It’s like a little parting gift from the OB.

  6. uumomma says:

    >dang that dont give us percocet in “the oc”i wanna move

  7. Gertie says:

    >Ahhh sweet sweet Percoset.

  8. >Tres funny and amusing! So true, too! There really IS a drug for everything these days. I can see why your kids were freaked out, though… 😉

  9. Aritha says:

    >AHHHHH!! Percocet!!!! I had some after each of my kids and after a couples days they always disappeared down the toilet “by accident” according to hubby. ROFL!!

  10. cce says:

    >Damn, I’ve always heard that Percocet rocks but I’m just totally unable to keep it down long enough to relish the full effects.Don’t be pulling an Anna Nicole on us now. Keep it simple, no mixing!

  11. Kristi says:

    >”Mom? Do you ever get that not-so-fresh feeling?”

  12. Brillig says:

    >SO UNFAIR!!! Nobody ever gave ME any percocet after any of my babies…Sigh. I’m totally and completely jealous. Hey, you’ve already got pain, hormones, bleeding, sleeplessness, why not throw in some wacked-out pain killers?

  13. Eliza says:

    >ikkk. We are all sent home with tylenol, lol.

  14. Marie says:

    >Hahahaaa! Watching a lot of late night TV there, nursing Momma?Ahh. Percocet. It was my friend after the C-section.

  15. Butrfly4404 says:

    >I didn’t even get sent home with Tylenol, they told me to go buy some. A lot of the time, when I hear one of those commercials, I’m just dumbfounded why anyone would take them. The side effects seem worse than what’s its meant to treat.

  16. Mack says:

    >How would you rate your meds for Restless Leg Syndrome? 😉

  17. dawn says:

    >I had the hardest time kicking the Percocet after I left the hospital. I called my midwife and cried begging for it. That’s when I realized I was hooked. It took about three days to get over it.It’s hard to imagine that you can get hooked on something in just two days.Of course, after number 1, I had a huge tear and was in a lot of pain following my 14-hour labor. All they gave me then was Motrin.This time, I was in labor just 3 hours and didn’t tear at all. I felt awesome after the delivery, but the nurses convinced me to take the Percocet.Crazy.

  18. Malia says:

    >Shoot girl, you “stole” my idea ;)I was thinking the same thing this morning as I watched a morning news program and one of the prescription drug commercials came on with a family sitting around the breakfast table “discussing” the merits of, uses for and side effects of a particular drug (can’t even remember which one it was)! I thought, “This is ridiculous! Nobody does that!”You did a much better job of parody that I would have, so my hat’s off to you!!

  19. Mrs. M says:

    >go ahead and get some prozac and/or aderol too. ANYONE can get that just for the asking. It’s more popular than M&M’s.

  20. Barbara says:

    >Too funny! I have always wondered about people that sit around talking about a drug and its side effects and recommend talking to their doctor about said drug and possible abuses! Half the time I have no idea what the drug does, so why would I “ask my doctor if XYZ is for me”???? Perfect parody. Now say that five times fast. Or ask your doctor if you can’t, because maybe you should take . . .

  21. KatBliss says:


  22. annie says:

    >They send you home with Percocet?! They sent me home from C-sections with FOUR tylenol/codeines. FOUR. Cheapskates. I got a refill, though.Maybe they’ll slow down on drugging up the kids after that little four year old OD’d. Diagnosed with ADD and BiPolar at 2 years old, WTF?!!!! ALL 2 year olds exhibit those symptoms, you don’t drug them up!

  23. Kelly says:

    >Bwahahaha! Brilliant, just brilliant. I adore these commercials, the way the actors are portraying people who somehow have to weave all these potential side-effects into casual conversations. I wish I loved percocet. It just gave me wicked constipation!

  24. Kateastrophe says:

    >I’m laughing so hard right now! I grew up with a home health care nurse as a mother . . . we had so many stashes of medication in the cupboard that she kept around “in case of emergency!” Because of this I’ve always known what prescription drug works for any malady and suggested them often to friends! I sound just like you, trust me!

  25. Jodi says:

    >ohmyword. you are TOO damn funny. Watching a bit too much daytime TV are ya?

  26. Darth Doc says:

    >I am pretty much against direct to consumer advertising of prescription medications. I spend a tremendous amount of time bringing in patients off the windowsill because I put them on a life-saving medication that has a scary warning on the television ad. Alternatively, I have to explain why I am not putting them on a different medication that is not indicated for their condition.”The guy on the Procrit Ad said it helped his fishing…can I get some?” Only OTC’s should be advertised on TV. However some of the birth control pill chicks are kinda sexy.

  27. gingajoy says:

    >This post. Could cause bladder seepage…. (!)

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