>I’ll Bet Your New Year’s Eve was Better Than Mine

  1. Karen Rani says:

    >Awww sorry your night sucked, but the phone conversation was hysterical!!!!Happy New Year! Hope the rest of the year isn’t so, um, backed up. Ha!

  2. kenju says:

    >Poor Lucinda, what a crappy way to start the new year! I hope that the rest of it will be considerably better than an overflowing toilet!

  3. >Speaking of Dick Clark, did you understand anything he said? What’s Nan Juju?http://nanjuju.blogspot.com/

  4. ieatcrayonz says:

    >There’s nothing like starting off the new year with a plunge, or is it taking the plunge?Whatevah, I dunno. Happy New Year, Chickitamonkey.

  5. Busy Mom says:

    >Mine sucked as well, wish I had known you were up, I was all alone over here.

  6. Talina says:

    >Great blog, sorry about the new year thing.. I worked and watched everyone else prance arround happy and drunk.. My night sucked too!!Well, I better run someone smeared poop on the floor!! 2006 is off to a good start!!

  7. G-Man says:

    >I wonder how many millions of us felt the same way you did after seeing (and hearing) Dick Clark. It was fucking scary!Love your blog:)

  8. Heatheranne says:

    >Sorry your new year started out like that. But look at it this way, maybe you got all the crap out of the way so now the rest of the year will be um…crap free.

  9. liz says:

    >Um…it’s…uh…Good Luck to have crap back up on you at the start of the new year. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

  10. >What makes you think there was crap involved? May I just state for the record that THERE WAS NO CRAP INVOLVED. I was raised in the South, where ladies do not POOP.

  11. buffi says:

    >I love your Mom! “Caddywampus” is one of my favorite words.Sorry about the toilet. But, see? 2006 can only get better!Happy New Year, Lucinda!

  12. >Whoa. Sounds like quite a night. I actually look forward to my mother’s occasional drunken (or high on oxycontin)phone calls. Thye make me laugh.

  13. Carly says:

    >yeah, well, a lame peck on the lips is no better… sorry though…

  14. >WonderTwin Powers……….ACTIVATE!

  15. Vanessa says:

    >Your mom cracks me up. She reminds me of mine a little. I can sympathize with you, Lucinda!

  16. Theresa says:

    >May I say that I didn’t call my mom at all, and that I turned off my cell phone? Nothing worse that ushering in the new year with a call from a mom much like yours…And dang it woman!! It will be a GREAT year! Because I said so!! 🙂

  17. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Sorry your New Year’s Eve didn’t live up to your expectations. But hey, that’ll teach you not to turn off the light before flushing. ;^)I spent New Year’s Eve asleep; my son was at his dad’s this year. New Year’s Day in Southern California was weird to begin with, due to the Tournament of Roses’ “Never on Sunday” rule. No parade to wake up to? (They’re doing it today, and the Rose Bowl game will be on Wednesday — the schedule is all kaflooey.) And now I’m hearing about a slurring Dick Clark? What is the world coming to?

  18. yellojkt says:

    >This way the year can only get better. I take my NYE nap well ahead of 10 pm just for that case where I might not wake up. I feel really sorry for Dick Clark but had no idea what was growing out of Ryan Seacrest’s head.

  19. Hope says:

    >I am going to make two resolutions now, 1- to make that champagne and shrimp pasta, and 2- use the word caddywampus in a sentence. My sister always calls from the east coast, so the 3 hour difference makes my husband feel he can officially ring in the New Year and go to bed.

  20. >Personally, I think New Years is meant to be a low point. After all, it does follow the biggest holiday of the year. Think of what a bummer it would be if you had a terrific New Year, everything else would downhill from there. At least this is what I try and tell myself when I roll over and poke my sleeping husband to tell him Happy New Year. It can only get better from here.

  21. >I can’t wait until I’m 80…it’s going to be pretty damn ugly. And, the fear that is struck in the heart of a person when the toilet overflows in the middle of the night is hideous. My thoughts and prayers go out on that one! 🙂 Nowhere to go but up!

  22. calswec says:

    >Nope, got you beat. no power for 48 hours, stuck in small town because redwood trees UPROOTED (not snapped or had branches come off) blocked the routes in and out of town. no hot water or heat. couldn;t fly out becuse airports were flooded, generators failed after a few hours…I win. 😛

  23. >Oh my. That would be pretty upsetting, particularly while pregnant! You’re right. You win.

  24. Masked Mom says:

    >You poor thing! I would say that statistically, far more New Year’s Eves suck than not–I think it has as much to do with our expectations as anything. I’m to the point now where if no one ends up in the emergency room or the police station, I’m grateful. Now I have a new thing to add to my list–every New Year’s Eve the toilet water goes down instead of up and out is a good one in my book.

  25. calswec says:

    >naaaahhhh…. it was an adventure!! my home town!! old buddies!! all right, the cold sucked.

  26. Raehan says:

    >What?! No cork popped?!!Oh well. Me neither.We were tired. Lucinda, your year will be great. I just have a feeling…

  27. >I too was frightened by Dick Clark. But then someone told me he had a stroke last year. So, for an old guy with a stroke I guess he’s not doing too bad!

  28. >Yeah, I knew he’d had a stroke. I guess seeing him made me realize that even “The man who never ages” had to get old some day. Depressing…

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