>In Search of My Daredevilism

  1. >Man. You should have talked to Tom.Trust me, you are cooler than he is. You have more readers than people buy his albums now.

  2. MetroDad says:

    >Bring it on, Mrs. Mojo Risin’!!! Just don’t forget that the majority of Dorothy Parker’s crazy antics were fueled by high-octane gin!

  3. >LOL. I completely understand. Once Hildy from Trading Spaces came to one of my son’s baseball games (they were doing a house in the neighborhood of one of his teammates and knew his mom) and I couldn’t even say hello. I kept thinking she would roll her eyes at me and say something like “I am TRYING to watch a baseball game..HELLO!” I would, if I were a celebrity. I still have some Mojo, I’m just more selective about using it. I bet you do too. When I do use it, people stop and stare, because I am otherwise very reserved and polite. It packs a bigger punch that way. ;?)

  4. Lisa says:

    >Listen. I can be on the next plane out and WE could totally rock that frontyard!

  5. Chris says:

    >If you find my mojo out there with yours would you bring it back for me too? Pretty please? I’ll totally go and sing on his front lawn with you.

  6. My float says:

    >Go Lucinda. Do it for all of us who have lost our mojo!

  7. kittenpie says:

    >I totally have faith you’ll get it. Don’t forget your pruple tiger-print spandex when you go rock that front yard.

  8. Lisa says:

    >ROFL! That is too funny. And strange, because I was listing what concerts I have been to and actually typed “Cinderella” sheepishly, knowing everyone would talk about me behind my back. I’m losing my mojo too. No guts. I used to be the one the girls would go to when they wanted someone told off. “Go ask Lisa – she’ll do it!” Now I’m the girl asking someone else to do it for me. “Pretend you’re me….”Get a few beers in me, and I’ll go rock out to Nobody’s Fool with you. I’ll sing the beginning guitar part, since I can’t actually play anything but the flute.

  9. >you have got to get your little one into girl guides or something that sells cookies or whatever and go and knock on that door!!! don’t wait and drive around, just go and knock. sell oreos cookies if you have too, just do it!!!

  10. Mary-LUE says:

    >I ditto my float except to add that I never really had any mojo! Really. None at all. I was a fraidy cat. The closest I come is when I’m PMSing and some retail person messes with me. But that’s not really mojo. That’s just being a hormone hag.Please, keep us posted. 🙂

  11. >I’d have totally frozen, and I am barely a fan. I can only think of my fun comments when I’m not right there, and I rarely have the balls to say the things I do think of. Although I did once introduce myself to someone by asking if they were albino or just really pale. (Just really pale)

  12. Vanessa says:

    >Oh, please. Celebs are used to craziness! And we? Well, what have we got to lose? One of my friends decided that once and went up to a TV sitcom star and started talking to him and ended up dating him for over a year! When he came to visit her, Shoney’s put up a welcome sign on their billboard!!! So, see? If you have the chance to act a fool, you must act the fool. Now, go to it, girl!

  13. mama_tulip says:

    >My god. My husband’s going to shit his pants when I tell him you live close to the lead singer of Cinderella. He’s a total fan. *snort*

  14. Chag says:

    >Like I wasn’t already jealous of you! And now you go and tell us you live near rock stars (no matter how washed-up they might be). Wow.Rock on, Lucinda!

  15. Jen says:

    >*clap clap*Go on baby, find your mojo!!!!

  16. zeldafitz says:

    >I’m bettin’ on you Mrs. Parker–the world can’t survive without us snarkenfurter bitches! And the suburbs especially!

  17. >Cinderella?! I was no metalhead in my youth, but I would probably be doing my share of stalking (as it goes, I am busy stalking MC Hammer in the blogosphere so my hands would be full, even if I did have an aging metal wonder in my ‘hood.)But, too, what Sarah said. Does *he* know that you’re a blog rock star?

  18. >If he Googles himself (and who doesn’t?), he will soon learn that a suburban mom may be appearing soon (again!) in his front yard!

  19. Tara's World says:

    >I totally understand! Chuck Norris lives down the street from us in a non descript house and I am not brave enough to go peer in his windows or hang out in front, I usually walk by his house and refuse to look at his house lol

  20. Pickalish says:

    >I think you’d do much better regaining your mojo if you sang “shake me” instead of “nobody’s fool”….=) Man, I would go marching right up to that front door, and tell them they were the stuff my dreams were made of back in the day. Then, i’d ask for a tour of that bus. Good luck!

  21. >I never had that kind of moxy. Unless I was slightly inebriated. It takes me at least 3 beers to sing karaoke. And even sometimes then I chicken out. That’s a good thing for the people that are listening. Here’s to mojo! *hic*P.S. You’ve got an extra http:// on your VH1 link and it’s not working. 🙁

  22. Marie says:

    >Cinderella has a front porch? and a lawn chair?? Get OUT!!Let me know when you find your Mojo. I’m pretty sure I left mine back in the 90s somewhere…Personally, I like the selling something idea. What about a bouquet of hair products — doesn’t every rocker need more pomade??

  23. Jamie says:

    >OMG that is too funny. Much funnier than the time I saw an irate Vern Gosden (country music star of years ago) “removed” from Home Depot by the manager.

  24. Tori says:

    >Don’t lose your edge LuCinders.You can still go to the ball…You can, you can…I have faith that you will NOT be in Hush Puppies yet.The glass slippers still fits and its not midnight yet…go go go

  25. >When you find your Mojo, let me know if mine is there, too. k? LBC

  26. Her Grace says:

    >Devil fingers…hee!Totally went to China Buffet for Mother’s Day as well. Met my husband at a NIGHT RANGER concert. Went to see them again the summer of our 5th anniversary when they came to town. Am also looking for mojo, but am afraid it’s been gone far too long!Good luck!

  27. aka_Meritt says:

    >No way… ironically me and Coffeehusband were JUST looking at one of Cinderella’s latest photos and commenting on how ‘old’ he looks now. One of them still looks the same, but the rest just got, well, old.*(Coffeehusband and I did NOT get old however… of course).

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