>It’s a.. Baby!

  1. O Mama Mia says:

    >Good glory, you make me laugh!… “not just fat”… Shut UP!! Adorable lil pa-toot ya got in there.

  2. >It’s a pretty cute fetus, alright.(I’m glad you weren’t just getting fat. You had me nervous for a minute there. How depressing would that have been!)

  3. Jamie says:

    >Yea for not being fat, but for being prego! 😉

  4. Lady M says:

    >Congratulations! Now you can wait for soccer practice to commence in your abdomen, without having to drive anywhere. 🙂

  5. Sarcomical says:

    >oh my goodness.that there’s a baby, all right.didn’t i just sound like an old farmer there? 😉

  6. Gertie says:

    >Nah, mine’s cuter. 😉

  7. adria says:

    >Congrats! Cute picture.

  8. >It’s a baby!!!I’m so happy for you!LBC

  9. >Welcome little Lima Bean!

  10. Amanda says:

    >Glad to hear it’s a baby. Congrats I hope you are feeling well.Babies are wonderful!!!!

  11. annie says:

    >Looks like a peanut.

  12. Chase says:

    >Awwwww, it has your eyes.

  13. holly says:

    >yay lucindsay!! exciting stuff. ultrasounds are way neat. i got to see my sister’s first ultrasound while it was being done. a remarkable experience. when she was first pregnant, and totally freaked out about it, my little 2 year old niece overheard some of our conversation and kept saying, “it’s a baby, it’s a baby, it’s a baby..” in this singsong way. if she didn’t feel queasy before…:)congrats, i’m excited for you guys!

  14. doow says:

    >Does the foetus have its own blog yet?(oh, and CONGRATULATIONS!)

  15. >yes it is, looks just like a peanut, that goods right? but i can’t tell if it’s a boy or a girl, are you planning on asking?

  16. Erin says:

    >Congratulations! It is the cutest darned kidney bean I have ever seen.

  17. bunchkin says:

    >What a cute little peanut! Babies are so much fun! (It’s the pregnancies that drive me crazy) It’s always neat to see with your own eyes that their really IS somebody in there. Congratulations!

  18. Vic says:

    >Hello little bubba!

  19. Crazy MomCat says:

    >I can already tell she/he is going to be adorable, just like Baby.Which begs the question, what are you going to call Baby when there is a new Baby? This could get confusing. HA!

  20. daysgoby says:

    >Soon we’ll be having guest posts written by that creative fetus’Internal Turmoil'(snork!)

  21. Mooselet says:

    >Aren’t ultrasounds amazing? I just had my 20 week one and it was so absorbing… I could watch it all day long.Congrats again Lindsey! You can now officially be fat.

  22. >Congrats again, officially this time since it was confirmed. And yes, that fetus…pretty damn cute!!!!!

  23. Waya says:

    >Definitely cute!! I so miss being pregnant!!

  24. liz says:

    >Yay!!! What a cutie!

  25. MommaK says:

    >She looks just like you!!!Congrats 🙂

  26. Marla says:

    >Awwwww, how sweet! It has your genes!

  27. Renee says:

    >I didn’t get a sonogram until I was 20 weeks (cheap military healthcare!) so I got my confirmation by getting to hear the baby’s heart beat for the first time. I was kinda shocked.”wow! There really is something in there!”Pregnancy is amazing, huh?

  28. Lena says:

    >She looks JUST LIKE YOU! OMG!Congrats…

  29. Lisa says:

    >CONGRATS! I found you through busymom and we are all in the same area so I thought I would check out your blog. I am due in Nov with number 2 as I also have a two year old daughter so I cant wait to follow your pregnancy and birth!!!

  30. >Aww! Congratulations, sweetie! 🙂 Y’all are both cute, just like Baby #1!

  31. B.E.C.K. says:

    >What a lovely little legume you have there! ;^) What’s the due date?

  32. >Oooh, I must say I think the baby looks like you! She/he’s just lovely. Congrats!

  33. d34dpuppy says:

    >so do u no wot flavour it is yet?

  34. Jennifer says:

    >Yay! Congratulations. Very cute. Looks smart, too.

  35. Leanne says:

    >Well, that’s either a baby or there’s a empty hole in your uterus with a lima bean in it. Congratulations!

  36. Meghan says:

    >Beautiful already! Isn’t it great to see them moving their little arms and legs? I LOVED that part!

  37. mamatulip says:

    >I see the resemblance. 😉

  38. >Due date: March 21st. Official sonogram to determine sex: October 25th.I got lucky with the early sonogram- My doctor keeps a little one in her office that she uses for free, for “social” purposes, she says. 🙂

  39. HULA77 says:

    >Congratulations! That certainly is a beautiful site to see!

  40. Holly says:

    >Oh dear, is Baby ready to become Big Girl?

  41. >Congrats! I’m happy for you and yours! Enjoy!

  42. Diana says:

    >Internal Turmoil- I like that idea…Congrats again!

  43. Mom101 says:

    >Whoo for baby ST!

  44. Jen says:

    >Yey for you!!! Of course if you weren’t pregnant you’d sure have a lot of explaining to do! Not only for the weight gain but for all that crying!!!

  45. >Awww! The first picture! You’re not fat…

  46. Nut's mom says:

    >pretty adorable. Don’t name it Peanut!! 😛

  47. Marie says:

    >What a beautiful baby!!!He/she is smiling, no?

  48. laura says:

    >Cute fetus, and nice uterus, too, babe.

  49. Ali says:

    >THE cutest.

  50. adena says:

    >It…it…looks like a mexican jumping bean!!Con-grrrrat-hue-Asheeeeeons!

  51. Shelli says:


  52. mrsmogul says:

    >YES IT~S GORGEOUS! It’s all an exciting time isn’t it?? GET THE SLEEP NOW!! 🙂

  53. Jo says:

    >So many wonderful congratulations!I think your happy household needs a little boy to absorb all that big sister love!

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