>It’s All Fun and Games Until Your Dad Shows Up On the Forwards List.

  1. Allisone says:

    >Go ahead and email him with the question. It’s his fault, he didn’t use BCC.

  2. Mom101 says:

    >Agree with allisone – the greater question is, what’s with the regular old cc’ing? Tsk tsk. So gauche. (G’wan and ask him. You know you want to.)

  3. Laynie says:

    >Sometimes, people inadvertently include in their cc list individuals who were in cc lists of e’mails that they received from someone else. Could he have possibly picked up your dad’s e’mail address from a forward you sent out? In that case, it’s his mistake for not being more careful. You should so ask him what’s going on. Yeah. That’s messed up.

  4. >Everyone has their secrets…

  5. Anne Glamore says:

    >My sister was checking her email at my house, and my father had forwarded her a joke, which clearly showed he had received it from his mistress of the last 30 years, whose identity he’d been trying hard to hide from us. I think HE set up his ho’s email acct, because both are (occupation)(address#) @ server.com.Way to hide your tracks in cyberspace!

  6. jen says:

    >i would not be able to stop myself from asking. no way.in fact, ten bucks says you ask him….

  7. J. says:

    >I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking. A casual “wow – it’s a small world after all! I had no idea you knew my DAD!”If that breaks a rule of cyberspace etiquette, it’s one that I don’t know. Besides, now we all want to know. 🙂

  8. Homemom3 says:

    >that would be weird, thankfully that has never happened here.

  9. Anonymous says:

    >This happens to my daughter ALL the time (receives emails from kids she “knows of” but doesnt know). The only possible explanation (for her situation, and i bet yours too) is that my daughter sent an email to a mutual friend, who forwarded it to kid X, who then inadvertantly added everyone on that email to his/her address book. (You might have sent an email to hubby, who sent it to your friend X, who then added all those email address (incl YOUR DAD’s) to his email addy book. SO when he chooses “send to all contacts,” YOUR DAD is included. 🙂

  10. Rayne says:

    >How about asking or mentioning it to your dad instead?

  11. Stacy says:

    >Maybe your Dad is having an affair with this guy. Just kidding.But, that is weird. I’d find a way to ask about it if I were you. The curiosity would kill me.

  12. >Ha! My dad is 71 and this guy is probably 40. Which makes it even weirder… I can think of no common bond between them.

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