
  1. >Very glad to hear that threatening weather can bring out the spunk in you (as if you ever need an excuse). I just read about the storms in my Tampa paper and hopped online to make sure that there was no more turmoil than usual in your neighborhood. Glad you came out all right!

  2. laura says:

    >Good for you. I would have a hard time bowing to the authority of a school principal who told me I couldn’t leave with my kid. Oh yeah? Watch me.

  3. Chilihead2 says:

    >Read your post on dotmoms and was impressed and laughed as always.So glad you took 12 home. I, for one, am glad you always “make it all so dramatic!”

  4. Raehan says:

    >LOVED this post, Lucinda.Hug them tight and get lots of giggling in, too.

  5. Marcia says:

    >You rock. Seriously. I love it! You’re the most fun, perfect step-mom there is!If I lived in TN, I’d want to be friends with you. 🙂

  6. >Good for you!! I have had one of the secretaries tell me I can’t have my kid because I didn’t send in a note. HA! Really? I think I’ll take my kid NOW, please. (I’m always polite… I can’t shame my mama.) LBC

  7. cmhl says:

    >I immediately thought of beavis and butthead when I read that.. “breakin’ the lawwwwwwwwwww breakin’ the lawwwwwwwwwwwwww..”haha!!!when I picked mine up, they were in the hallway w/ books over the backs of their head. whoops. bad mommy.

  8. Karen Rani says:

    >ROFL! Good for you! You are such a great Mom! Drama is good for you anyway – puts hair on your chest. Or something. 🙂

  9. >LMAO! You were prepared to go to battle to bail your daughter out. You’re my hero!

  10. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Man, I really hate people who are overly dramatic in situations like that (grinning in hypocracy). He! I can be the same way.But, seriously, could they have even legally kept you from taking 12? If you are her legal guardian, I can’t see how really? If you wanted to take your kids and drive out into a tornado, don’t you have that right? (I know, who WOULD do that, but I’m just wondering where their authority ends really…you know, in case I need to break my kid out one day!)

  11. >That’s hilarious. I love that you were gonna run. I’m in Michigan and it’s not the great plains but, we get our share of Tornadoes and I’ve never heard of this “lockdown” thing. I’m sure it serves a purpose but, it sounds sort of stupid. Seems like I remember the bus stopping on the side of the road once because things got kind of green and windy. I guess even good sense won’t keep people out of their cars around here.

  12. B.E.C.K. says:

    >I’m with crazy momcat. How is it that the school can have more authority over a kid than the kid’s parent?? My son is starting kindergarten, and although we don’t live in tornado land, I’m curious about the whole authority thing. Any thoughts or facts (or opinions) on this? Anyone?

  13. d34dpuppy says:

    >glad u r all ok

  14. Charred says:

    >Moron!I almost wish I could’ve been there, due to my prescription-induced irritability I’m in the mood to tell off a fat-headed administrator.*sigh* oh well.Glad y’all are ok.

  15. Busy Mom says:

    >Hmm, I was just having a conversation with some folks about Mr. Farnsworth this morning. Much along the same subject.

  16. >I was wondering what kind of authority schools have, too. It’s one thing to pull your child out for severe weather, but occasionally when there’s a dangerous criminal on the loose, schools go on lockdown until the criminal is caught. At that point, I don’t believe that parents can pull their children out for any reason- which makes sense to me. They don’t want the criminal to get in and hold hostages or something. But a weather lockdown is just dumb. I understand holding the buses until the weather clears, and encouraging parents to come inside- but I would guess most of the parents were about five minutes from home- Why force them to leave their children inside the school when they could’ve easily gotten home and beaten the bad weather? It makes me uneasy.I’m pretty sure they’re going to be on the lookout for me the next time there’s severe weather!

  17. Mooselet says:

    >You’re so right in that a weather lockdown is just stupid. If they were so concerned they should’ve dismissed school early – we had that when I was a young’un and there was a Nor’easter moving in. Of course if we didn’t leave school we’d be stuck there until the tide went out as that end of town had an alarming tendancy to flood, but leaving school early was cool.

  18. Matthew says:

    >I work at a YMCA and we have a lot of childcare programs and we practice safety drills and what to do in a natural disaster. Our stance is we can only release a child to a parent but we’re not going to hold anyone hostage!Glad things worked out.

  19. MommaK says:

    >I was just thinking about you today when I saw the damage on the news. I hope you are all okay.We had a severe weather lock down here last year. Ugh. It’s so scary when you think you can’t get to your kids during a storm. You did the right thing. You go Lucinda!!

  20. Vanessa says:

    >Good for you, Lucinda. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, trying to hold a parent hostage. You know what’s best for your family and you did what you had to do!

  21. >Thank God I’m not the only one giving the prinicpal an ulcer. My son’s principal sent him home alone one night after a youth meeting because she wouldn’t believe him when he said he was supposed to meet up with me in another part of the building. Needless to say I was a little *ahem* upset and called her up at home to let her know it. Huh, I’m sure glad I’m not a principal.

  22. Titanium says:

    >I’m glad you all are safe & sound!

  23. Kristen says:

    >Oh man, that is ridiculous. I can’t BELIEVE he actually tried to stop you from leaving. For weather! It would have been awesome if you’d screamed, “RUN!” and just bolted out the door with 12, LOL.

  24. Lisa says:

    >First thing that came to my mind when I saw it on our news – you – next thing – baby’s party!Glad you’re all safe and that your face is now cause for High Alert at your kids school! HA!

  25. >Mercifully, the forecast for tomorrow is sunny and a high of 73 degrees. Perfect. Also mercifully, the apartment of one of our guests tomorrow was a mile AWAY from the tornado. She can literally walk to the homes that were completely destroyed. Wow.

  26. Mom101 says:

    >Oh man you told this perfectly! I can just imagine him treating you like a twelve year-old yourself…and you feeling like one for a moment before you realized those days of quaking knees before the principal are long behind you.

  27. mommyof4 says:

    >It is good to hear the weather missed you. I would have done the same thing. How can anyone think you want to leave your kids when something bad can happen?!? It is good nothing did:)

  28. Susan says:

    >When we first moved to Oklahoma, I asked my husband what I should do if I was out and about with the baby and heard the tornado sirens.And he said, “Get out the video camera. You can sell that footage to the news station!”Silly man. Glad you were able to bust 12 out without incident.

  29. My float says:

    >Funniest story I’ve read all weekend! Go Lucinda!

  30. Lisa says:

    >I would’ve done the same thing. When 9/11 happened, I had actually called in sick to work because we didn’t have a babysitter. My husband had our minivan, so I hoofed it all the way up to the school (like a 2 mile walk) with the stroller and picked up my older 2. The office and the principal were so pissy with me, and there were many other parents running in and out of there as well. One of the grouchy older secretaries cackled, “It’s safe here!” and shook her head at me. How did she know? If anything’s going to happen, I want my family with me. The things we do to ourselves for our kids. 🙂

  31. >It must have been a poorly scheduled practice lockdown that a stupid administrator was unwilling to cancel in spite of threatening weather………..right?! I would think kids injured/killed because the school roof was blown off and they weren’t allowed to go home with their parents to seek shelter in their basements or storm shelters would cause some massively huge lawsuits for the district.

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