>Love for Sale?

  1. >That last line is hilarious! And I count myself lucky that I have not been approached to review such products. I would say no too.

  2. >Ha! I thought it could be a pretty hilarious post. But I’m too outed now so I must decline.

  3. >I would review them for Wedded Bliss, but not in a “tell all about my sex life” kind of way. I think one could review a product like that and still be discreet, not giving away intimate details.

  4. Genuine says:

    >I read usually and not much for comments, but for some reason I felt compelled to…well…you know…say something. I have a chocolate making client wanna get back to the good stuff?

  5. Janssen says:

    >Wow, that is too funny. And isn’t selling your sex life prostitution? 🙂

  6. WM says:

    >Been there, done that. Sort of.When I was contacted I was hesitant at first, worried that doing such a review would send every creepy perv my way…but after looking at the site and seeing how it was tastefully done I decided to write a review of the site and offer a giveaway. It didn’t require my reviewing a product. It didn’t require details about my sex life.I approached it with a sense of humor (much like I try to do most things) and an understanding that we are all adults and as such might enjoy toys and other such things in the bedroom. There shouldn’t be any “shame in our game”.

  7. Lyndsey says:

    >Hah have you considered accepting her offer and feigning ignorance about the pillows’ true use? Review them in all sorts of nontraditional ways: wow! the sex-o-matic pillow 6700 was GREAT in helping me achieve a perfect yoga pose and moms will just LOVE the 300 model for neck support while cleaning those hard to reach places under the couch…I’m just sayin…. 🙂

  8. Nicole says:

    >Ok…ewwwwww Every time I saw Hubbs on the news I would think about your bedroom….ewww. lol

  9. Anonymous says:

    >Yeah, what Nicole said. I’d have to find another news channel if I had images of you and your man using a “sex pillow.”

  10. >It’s no secret I write about off colour topics and reference the hubs and my sex life.But I’ve never felt comfortable doing reviews of any sort and sex toy reviews would compound that feeling a trillion fold.While I won’t publicly endorse or review sex toys, I won’t turn down any free samples either.A girl has to have a little fun in life.

  11. >Well, any time I have mentioned sex even in the most veiled, innocent terms on this blog, I have gotten complaints from news watchers, so trust me, I get it.But you know, those babies had to get here somehow…

  12. Melanie says:

    >Sex pillows are awesome. send her to my blog, mmmkay? hehe.

  13. Darth Doc says:

    >Hey, we have 9, yes 9 embryos from 9 different familes for implantation if you want to become uber blended mom. There will be a trip to Chicago to be on Oprah and a book deal, and a reality TV series if you bring them all to term!

  14. Roadchick says:

    >It sort of scares me to imagine a bunch of marketers sitting around discussing whether the mommies will give it up on their blogs in exchange for a free dinner for two at the Hustler Cafe.The thought of EATING dinner at a sex shop kind of scares me. Who knows where the employees hands have been?

  15. >I could write a review for sex pillows.Acourse, iffen they were to first read what I do to email scammers, I reckon they’d withdraw the offer ;)Good stand, Lindsay!

  16. Misti says:

    >All I want to know is…what does your husband think about you turning down the boudoir freebie? I mean, a pillow really isn’t going to be something that he feels he’s going to have to “compete” with…know what I’m saying?

  17. >Dang it. Photos of you eating burritos with your husband and your pillow and your carefully positioned Snuggly would have been teh Awesome.

  18. >Ewww! Okay, did you see Burn After Reading with George Clooney? It’s probably a pillow like that! Just be glad they didn’t send you the chair…If you haven’t seen it, it’s a bit off. It reminded me of Fargo, but not as good.

  19. >But those pillows are sooo expensive! At least the liberator is…like $200.00. I so want one 🙂

  20. >I just tweeted you and realized that I’m following you but you’re not following me LOL not that you should I’m pretty boring but ANYWAY! @todayshow was asking for snuggie pics and I thought of you 🙂

  21. Indigo says:

    >Oh my gosh. I’ll bet it was the purple pillow from Burn After Reading that they wanted you to review. I’ll take the pillow, but there will be no review. Thankyouverymuch.

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