My First Frenemy, Part Two

  1. Tress says:

    >Wow, Lindsay. It must feel good to toss that old baggage in the incinerator finally. Do yourself a favor -don’t undo it. You strike me as the kind of person who might want to undo a slight, no matter how deserved it might be.

  2. >Lindsey, in the end you were the big winner. Starting with the fact that you went to UGA and not a dreaded “back up school” like West GA. Secondly, you have a lovely family and hundreds of devoted fans who will always be on your side. I actually feel sorry for girls like Mallory who never know what true friendship is.

  3. Chris says:

    >Asked to be your friend on Facebook. Amazing. Some people don’t ever get the hint that it’s DONE.

  4. musicjunkie says:

    >Some people say high school girls outgrow this, but it has been my experience a few too many times, that for many high school never ends. This is one of the main reasons I love having 5 sisters!

  5. Misti says:

    >The first thing I did when I got to work this morning was check to see if you had posted Part 2! I am so glad I have only sons…I couldn’t imagine having a daughter and watching it go through the hurtful drama that girls have to go through…

  6. Dahlia says:

    >wow! that was sooo much worse than I thought it would be! I have actually never had a girl treat me like that, probably because my sister is my best friend, though to tell you the truth, my ex-husband was quite the back stabber which is why he is now my ex!

  7. Jen says:

    >You know I think every teenage girl has a story (or 3 in my case!) like this one! Isn’t it just so FREEING to have that “Ignore” button. I wish I’d have had that when I was in high school!

  8. ewe are here says:

    >It’s not that you had ‘everything’, it’s that you had ‘some one thing’ and that wasn’t allowed. I can’t believe she had the gall to ask to be your friend on Facebook… What an ego!

  9. LovingDanger says:

    >Uggghhh I hate high school girls! The worst part is that some of them never grow up. Last week one of my really good girl friends sent me a message on facebook letting me know that we are more different than she had once though and that she wasn’t willing to overcome those differences. Truth is she started cheating on her husband and I told her the week before she needed to end it, for her 2 year olds sake. If she wants to leave him then leave him but don’t do it like this. Apparently we are too different. I’m not a cheating whore!

  10. Jana says:

    >My mom always told me if you can make it through high school with just one true friend you’re really lucky, because so many girls have trouble being a true friend. I have told my daughter the same thing, but boy, has she ever learned the hard way that Mom’s are always right!!!

  11. Anonymous says:

    >Some people are jealous of the good they see in others and their sole intent in life is to try to destroy others happiness. It’s what they thrive on.Good for you hitting that ignore button!

  12. Donna says:

    >What to do when it’s a shitty sister?

  13. Linda says:

    >The ego on some women is incredible. I once walked into my “friends bedroom” and overheard her speaking loudly on the phone to some guy she just met. She said “I don’t have girlfriends I have aquaintances”. Really? so “aquaintances” nurse you back to health when you decide to get plastic surgery from your boobs on down. As if I had nothing better to do with my precious time. I’m sure it sounded wonderful to that man you were talking to on the phone. A woman with no loyalty. Very attractive. Makes for a great girlfriend. Needless to say none of her relationships ever worked out.

  14. Ally says:

    >GIRL! So happy for you.

  15. >I have a very similar frenemy story that also had a Facebook request at the end of it. I have ignored mine *twice* now. Feels good.

  16. >Two things: You rock and whatta bitch!

  17. Lisa says:

    >Great tale, thanks for sharing! The unbelievable thing is that women like Mallory never think they’ve done anything wrong. Never. They can rationalize away any of their bad behavior. I am finally, in my mid-forties, learning to walk away. Too bad the worst Mallory in my life turned out to be my mother.

  18. Cyndie says:

    >Wow. I’ve had my share of girlfriends with serious problems but backstabbing was never one of them. I feel so lucky (1) to have gotten through life thus far without encountering such a frenemy, and (2) to have sons. I have, however, learned to beware of women who have no easily discernable circle of girlfriends. That really tells you something. Very important to instill sensitive bullshit meters in your children, too. It will serve them well with friends of both genders. Pair that up with lots and lots of love and they will be okay.

  19. Anonymous says:

    >Ooh–I hope she reads your blog. What nerve.I have two young daughters. One has already experienced a mini-version of this in FIRST GRADE. (With other friends in the middle, not a boy, of course.)

  20. >Sounds to me like you learned the old lesson well, Lindsay: “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice..shame on me”.I had a couple “friends” like that over the years. Only one got to burn me twice. When they tried for a third, they met only ice water.Good for you, Lindsay. And a great story to convey to your young ‘uns.

  21. Mental Mom says:

    >Facebook strikes again. So great for catching up with old friends, not so great for being found by old frenemies…High five on hitting ignore. I always feel too wierd and just accept them!

  22. Gertie says:

    >Ugh. I honestly think people like that have mental problems. Also, you know when you read a story and you get a mental image of the characters? Well, I picture your Mallory as Justine Bateman.Yes, I was a Family Ties fan.

  23. Marsha says:

    >Oh my, brings back memories. My “best friend” in high school always went after any guy I showed the least bit of interest in. I once pretended to really like a guy that was just a friend, and she took the bait. That kept her out of the way for awhile so I could go after the one I was really interested in (at least that week).

  24. >Wow! that story is like an original 90210 episode! I just can’t believe something like that happened to someone as nice as you. I bet she’s still jealous now that you are a successful writer and have a great family!

  25. stef says:

    >thanks for posting this. after part one, i was anxiously awaiting the sequel. and wow, do i ever know what it feels like to have that friend. what i generally find shocking/amusing is that most of the time, these girls don’t even seem to know that they’ve done anything wrong, or that their behavior might be questionable. my first frenemy sent me a message on myspace about a year ago. i deleted it. it felt really nice. does that make me a bad person?

  26. Sandie says:

    >Way to hit ignore!I just read a book about the girl relationships we have as teenagers and how that what happens in those relationships change who we are today. Her story is as compelling as yours — It’s called The Myth of You and Me. I would highly recommend it!

  27. P&P Fit says:

    >You go Lindsay. I think, as others posted, we all have frenemy stories and now they involve Facebook. I actually got an email from one (through Facebook) the other day and after I nicely answered back (after 17 years) HI…I got lambasted about what occurred 17 years previous-some imagined slight…Lord.I also hit ignore and also felt good! Maybe she’ll just never learn that Mallory.

  28. Mama Kat says:

    >Oh my GOD! I feel so bad that she has scarred you like that. Not all girls are so horrid you know…I mean I’m sure you know, but DAMN…does she blog?? Does she know about YOUR blog!?! What a witch!

  29. Kristen says:

    >That was so much worse than I thought it was going to be. Damn girl drama!!

  30. Angella says:

    >I had frenemy who was just as evil, but in different ways.Makes me scared for what my baby girl will have to deal with…Good for you on the Ignore. Totally awesome.

  31. SueFromNC says:

    >WEEEEE, and the best thing is, I’m your “friend”!Bite that Mallory!!!!Oh Lindsay, I just admire you so much. You are such a wonderful person. Everyone I know would be happy to call you “friend”.I am speechless, honestly, because everything that I could possibly say about this post would give you a big FAT HEAD and I wouldn’t want to disrupt your delicate nature πŸ™‚

  32. KARA! says:

    >Its so disheartening to know that there are actual people that manipulative out there. And, its unfortunate, it had such a negative impact on you. πŸ™

  33. Pregger TJ says:

    >Hi there! i found you thru Mama Kat's blog & I love your stories & vid about the McD's annoying toys. Thanks for sharing your shitty friend moment…i too had my own releasing of a shitty friend about 7 years ago & i know that i'm better off without her.

  34. >This is a side of you I never saw before. Neat.

  35. Susie says:

    >You know what? That girl had PROBLEMS and you are better off to be free of her.

  36. kisatrtle says:

    >Oh the power of ignore. More women should embrace it!

  37. >Good for you! I had a frenemy in high school too. We send Christmas cards…but when we happen to cross paths it is always uncomfortable. I hate it.

  38. Rachael says:

    >What in the hell is wrong with people? Seriously, sometimes I wonder how anyone could treat other people this way. I realize there are teenagers and hormones and all that, but still.

  39. Mary says:

    >There’s someone on Facebook who keeps trying to friend me. 25 years ago, I was student body president of our college, and she was the treasurer. She clearly had mental issues, and finally in January, she took herself off campus with our cash box, which contained a ton of money. And she never gave it back, even though I spent weeks trying. We ended that year in the red, and I felt like it was all my fault.Now she’s all happy and cheery. You would remember me as…. We went to ….. Let’s catch up!Oh, no, I don’t think so. Let’s continue the practice of ignoring each other, I say.I love Facebook, but I sure wish she’d give it up.

  40. Caren says:

    >Love it. I just hit the “ignore button” on one of those kinds of girls too and it does feel good. I’ve had plenty of “friends” like that over the years, and now, as age 40 quickly approaches, it’s good to finally know better before we get too involved. I found your blog from Mama Kat’s blog and I’ll be adding you to my favorites because I definitely want to come back. Your response to Motrin was hilarious, we have that damn toy too and it really makes me want to “move it, move it”…right into the garbage can!Thanks for the laughs.

  41. >Damn sometimes I hate being right…lol. This is why I don’t have Facebook. I don’t want the psyco bitches of the past to rear their ugly heads. Though I doubt most of them did enough with their lives to actually own a computer…..

  42. Old MD Girl says:

    >Oh, I usually accept them as friends on facebook. That way they can see my profile and how awesome my life is now. Because really, doing well without them — and letting them in despite the power to reject them — is the sweetest revenge of them all.

  43. >I’m so printing this off to have my daughter read.We all have our Mallory’s to bear.

  44. Sunshine says:

    >There is a former best friend I’ve seen on Facebook. So far, no attempts have been made on her part to Friend me. Phew.And, I just found my psycho fucking basket case mother is on FB as well. We haven’t spoken in 3 1/2 years, so needless to say, I won’t be friending her either.But your post inspires me to post about my own “Mallory” as well.I will be telling my daughters about “friends” like this as well, it’s hard to anticipate that sometimes people are just going to be mean and I wish I could do something about it now, but I can’t.Wow….what a story.

  45. Ida says:

    >Hoowooow. You have to read this link. mean, I guess you don’t have to read it, but wow. This must be a total girl thing. I think the 44 comments say the same thing. You don’t have to post my comment, just, wow. Us girls are mean.

  46. Mary in Atl says:

    >My Frenemy slept with my date at prom, after she got him to dump me the week before, (some lies , some carefully told truths I think) She once "ran away" to my house & I got in trouble for it but the final straw was trying to run over me with a car in the pizza places parking lot!

  47. >Oh yeah. When a friend tries to run you over, it’s usually a sign that it’s time to end the friendship.

  48. >I, too, have a frenemy story. “Bethany”, a girl I’d been friends with since kindergarten, and best friends in 10th and 11th grades, totally turned on me in our senior year. She started dating some loser from another high school, and he spread lies about me in his school (my boyfriend’s sister went there). She would find other girls that had been friends with both of us and turn them against me. It pretty soon split our class (thankfully it was a VERY small high school–43 seniors!). I just tried to ignore it all, but it really did upset me that she would believe this scum-bucket’s lies. By the end of the year things were unbearable and I couldn’t wait to leave the whole mess behind.My sister, who is 10 years older than me, got fed up and called one of Bethany’s cohorts and threatened the both of them that if they didn’t leave me alone, she’d hurt them! She told the girl to warn Bethany that she might get run off the road one dark night on a very bad curve! (Now she’d get arrested for such a threat.) Well, it certainly did the trick, because they tried to be nice to me in that last couple of weeks before graduation.The funniest–and saddest–part of the story is that this guy got her pregnant, married her, they lived with her parents, and then he left and didn’t want to give her a divorce–although he finally did.I felt the need to let go of all the bad feelings about ten years after that, so I called her one night to catch up. While neither of us ever vocally acknowledged all that had happened, we both kind of knew that we wanted it in the past. About the only thing she ever said to bring it up was something to the effect that she’d made a lot of mistakes by being with him.At the end of the call, we promised to keep in touch, but of course we didn’t. That wasn’t what I was looking for, I just knew I needed to let it all go, if only for my well-being. And if you or any readers ever have the need to let it go, I highly recommend it. It’s certainly made my life easier.Although it’s still hard to make women-friends.

  49. Toots says:

    >Hi Lindsay . . . thank you for writing all this out . . . I went back and read your Shitty Friend post and the “part one” of this post and I just want to say THANK YOU . . . I myself have been victim to a shitty friend or two . . . and you’re right it’s almost worse than a break-up . . . oh I think you and I could spend a few hours over coffee and tears comparing Shitty Friend stories . . . I found you via Mama Kat with your McDon’t video . . . I love your sense of humor! Maybe one day I’ll get the hootspa (sp?) to write my own Shitty Friend post . . . we’ll see . . .

  50. Izzy says:

    >I could have written this post, as well as the Shitty Friend post. I even wrote something earlier this year about how the bad friends that totally screwed me over (And over. And over.) always found their way back to meβ€”like it never even happened. You and I seem to have attracted the same kind of wormy types of “friends” over the years and luckily, we’re both smart enough to IGNORE. Good for you πŸ™‚

  51. Antonia says:

    >I’m so glad you hit Ignore! I love a happy ending.I ditched a toxic friend this year, something I rarely have the guts to do, and I feel so much more relaxed every day. It’s wonderful.To absent friends!

  52. Joan says:

    >What an awful frenemy! Good for you for getting it off your chest. And I love it that you broke it up into two posts.I have one that I am thinking about blogging about, but she is so fragile that I think it would devastate her, so I probably won’t. She is a fellow mom I have known since our children were babies – more than half a decade now. About four years into it, I realized that I just couldn’t stand her ongoing praise of her workaholic husband, her genius child, etc. Cooling things off with her was really messy, and hard to do without interfering with our children’s friendship.

  53. Aimee says:

    >Mine has now tried to Friend me six times. What the hell? That’s okay, I can hit “ignore” until the cows come home.

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