>Overheard Just Now

  1. Chilihead2 says:

    >That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?

  2. kittywumpus says:

    >Whuh? Who upchucked? What’d I miss?

  3. Renee says:

    >yeah, we need more details.

  4. Vincenzo says:

    >I don’t know, Renee. Maybe we don’t need more detail.

  5. Serra says:

    >Strange that your mom put it that way. Considering what happened with my daughter at times when she was tiny, I’d have starved to death if I subscribed to that train of thought.

  6. bunchkin says:

    >Sounds like a fun party! What’s a little vomit between friends, anyway?

  7. Belinda says:

    >See? YOU lie to her, but it’s your MOM who gets puked on. For shame.

  8. Kristi says:

    >Hello? All the best parties involve upchuck.

  9. >Akshully – depends on who dun the upchucking! If it was an infant, I’m in agreement with serra: many a mum would be stick-rail skinny and starving if they subscribed to this practice!! On the other hand, if it was from an adult…. Well. No comment!!….

  10. MotherPie says:

    >Ick. YOur comments are fun today, too.Just wanted you to know you’re on my blogroll!MotherPie’s Blogroll and Blog FriendsCheers

  11. Vic says:

    >I’ve woken in the morning to find pooh on my shirt (from my newborn baby, not my husband), so what’s a little vom at a party?

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