>Sharing the spotlight

  1. Angie says:

    >I have seen the face and can imagine the voice that goes with it. She is just going to be a heartbreaker! The art of being coy is best perfected in early childhood. It seems to me she is right on target.

  2. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Oh, my this was hilarious! She obviously knows to snub the right people, eh? (grin)By the way, i thought our girls were about a month apart in age. Nope, my Miss Kitty’s birthday is April 7th…no wonder we always have have a lot of the same things going on with our girls! (No stage performances for mine yet though!)

  3. >She knows the real people and the fake people… she’s a smart baby… You did a good job, mom!!LadyBug

  4. daysgoby says:

    >Can I borrow Baby for awhile?

  5. Lena says:

    >Baby’s no fool. She’s gonna start charging for these little sessions if they get out of hand again. She’s not gonna waste the pretty!

  6. Lena says:

    >I really wish you had named this post “Nobody Puts Baby In the Corner”. I really do.

  7. Heather says:

    >I can almost hear the “ma ma, ma ma, ma ma ma” I think I would prefer that version.

  8. Kristen says:

    >I’m just shocked she can say April 9th…!!! That’s from your side, no? 🙂

  9. liz says:

    >You obviously have a genious for a baby, she can say when her birthday is? As the appropriate answer to a question? And she isn’t 2 yet? Genious.

  10. >You all are too kind. She is just a good mimic. She has an ear for language and tone- so do I. So she can memorize all kinds of words and songs and phrases and she gets very excited about it. Running? Climbing? That kind of stuff? Not really that into it.I figure nearly all babies excel in one area or another.

  11. Kristen says:

    >She sounds a lot like my first at that age – his strengths are verbal/social, too. He’s 4 1/2 now, and still isn’t confident in the motor skill area. Good for Baby, by the way, putting Dr. Perfect in her place. 🙂

  12. buffi says:

    >And you took her out for ice cream afterwards, right?!

  13. mama_tulip says:

    >That is awesome.

  14. Tara's World says:

    >Just remember those St John clothes and the teeth bleaching were paid for by you. Without you , there would be no personal trainer, Boutique clothing and a 3 day work week. So you she should be thanking you.

  15. Marcia says:

    >You’d better watch out… she’s going to be a heartbreaker!

  16. Miz S says:

    >Laughing my ass off at the thought of you in the Elmo tshirt while Baby holds court. She is definitely a precocious little heartbreaker.

  17. daysgoby says:

    >Ha! Lena! I was thinking that all through reading the post! I was trying to figure out how L was going to fit it in – y’know, something along the lines of ‘Nobody puts Baby In The Corner – I’m too busy lurking there myself’….or something!But alas, it was not to be….

  18. WendyWings says:

    >Sometimes it is great having a verbally precocious little one. Other times not so much. You should just give up nd go with the flow trust me it is easier in the long run.

  19. Poppy says:

    >OMG, there you are with your baby’s verbal precosity. And here I sit, having given birth to Tarzan and R2D2. Or something like that. Two strong, silent types. In diapers.You know what, FUCK the pediatrician and her glamorous job. If you need private school tuition, just rent Baby out to parents of late-talkers. We’d pay big bucks to have a child around who could communicate. “Such a wee little thing,” we’d say to ourselves. “And just listen to all that chatter!” After months of the cricket-chirping silence of our own offspring, we’d welcome the chance to drown in chatter.

  20. kittenpie says:

    >ha – this is so like mine. It’s just embarrassing how she can’t leave anyone alone, she MUST drag them into her fan club. My question is: how do you respond when people carry on about how gorgy she is? I haven’t figured it out yet, I still get embarrassed by the little ham too.

  21. Mama Kelly says:

    >you go baby girl — snub that rail thin doctor lady — sing the mama song — oh what a memory moment

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