>Skin and Bones

  1. Barbara says:

    >Yuk. Only because you asked. Other than the bones, you look great!

  2. >That might be the most embarrassing picture I’ve ever posted of myself.

  3. Swirl Girl says:

    >I get that the waif look is here to stay …but this anorexia thing is going a bit too far.

  4. b says:

    >Truth be told, I’m the mom who hates seeing skulls on little boys, even if they are supposed to be Pirate themes. The whole “Death Chic” thing is creepy.And the jewelry made from bones reminds this Catholic of those who have relics from saints. Freaks me out to think someone might rob my grave. I’d rather donate my body to science than fashion.

  5. The Source says:

    >Ummm…yeah. That’s just weird. I think I’ll pass on that style. Thanks for updating us on the fashions, though.

  6. LuckyMe says:

    >Great article! Very witty. But I think you’re only half kidding when you say, “Just wait. Soon you’ll see nothing but bones…” I believe it’ll happen.You are gutsy to go to a recital in that. I know I’d be talking about you (just to my sister, not to anyone who knows you). I know. I’m a bad person.BTW, the picture next to your comment is totally GLAM.

  7. kisatrtle says:

    >I can’t believe you were brave enough to wear that to a recital. I can’t get the thoughts of all the double takes out of my head.I’m gonna have to pass on that fashion craze.

  8. >All I can say is ew. It’s not bad enough we are pressured to be skinny, now they are bringing extra chic-ness to being all bones.I don’t get it.

  9. Roadchick says:

    >The only thing that could possibly make that better is if you had to get x-rayed and it was your OWN bones superimposed on your clothes. That’s honestly where I thought it was going. I don’t want to wear someone else’s bones. Even in Nashville.

  10. Virginia says:

    >Wearing someone’s bone as jewelry? That is way too creepy for me. And I thought the cremation ashes jewelry and LifeGems were weird! As for the bone fashion, not for me either – apparently I am not very fashion-forward 🙂

  11. >You know looking at that, I realize that it’s sad how many models (and girls in general) that look like they are showing bones without the clothing. I can’t decide if this is making fun of eating disorders or promoting them. It’s kind of freaking me out, and it scares me too. Maybe I just over think things for a 21 year old, but it truly terrifies me.

  12. >Well, apparently, the whole thing started with a designer poking fun at the fashion industry and featuring lots of skeletons in her collection last year. That’s what gave all the other designers the idea, from what I read… Interesting, huh?Oh and my husband now has decided he LIKES the bones shirt. I don’t know, though. I feel sort of… naked when I’m wearing it!

  13. Gertie says:

    >It just reminds me of the skeleton costume the Cobra Kai wore in The Karate Kid.

  14. Anonymous says:

    >Thanks for the laugh.

  15. >Hmmmm..where do you suppose the fashion designers dug up those models?*ducking boos and throwd hip bones*

  16. >I did a survey here in my kingdom. Thought you might want the results:Hubby, “Who lets their kid dress like that?” I thought you might be happy with the “kid” part.My 11 yr old daughter liked your shoes.My 15 yr old daughter likes the skirt and the shoes but knows she couldn’t wear the shirt per Daddy’s comment.(probably not the skirt either.)My 12 yr old son like the whole outfit. And apparently you too as I was asked,”Isn’t that the hot chick with the fat baby?” (No offense to Bruiser as we are kinda partial to fat babies ’round here…..And it seems ..Hot chicks.)

  17. >Cindy, your comment made my day. 😀

  18. indiekitten says:

    >that bone jewelry thing is SO CREEPY! (And definitely seems like it would be illegal, btw)

  19. It's just me says:

    >isn’t it illegal to wear/possess someone elses bones…it seems like it should be…and where the heck do they get the bonesThe upside-Think of the fear you would strike into the hearts of your coworkers if you came to work with a necklace made of human teeth….

  20. Susie says:

    >That’s one trend I will not follow!

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