Stall Talk

  1. Laurie says:

    >I am laughing so hard that I’m crying! Hey, can you spare a square? 😉

  2. Vanessa says:

    >So so so funny! You really got her that time. (I’m at work and started laughing outloud and wouldn’t tell anyone why. Screw ’em.)

  3. Surcie says:

    >Any chance your mom reads your blog?As for me, I’m with you on stall talk. I don’t care how much I love you, don’t TALK to me when I’m in the adjoining stall.

  4. Crazy MomCat says:

    >”Who works for Number Two?” (Austin Powers)Well, is anyone else guilty of this? You’re in a restaurant bathroom and say someone is making music with their toot symphony next to you…it is hard to help but to look at their shoes when they start to leave? Then, when you go back into the restauarant, of course you must look for those shoes just to find out who committed the stinky sound-off…and then immediately report it to your husband (especially if they are attractive). Man, I’m warped… Your Mom stories are great. They just get better and better. Keep ’em coming!

  5. Hope says:

    >I wish I had handy a copy of Laurie Notaro’s bathroom rules. She is the author of the idiot girls action adventure club books. It is under the chapter Public Service Announcement. Once while in a stall the person next to me let out a very loud sound and said just as loudly, “Oh Thank God I did not do that out there.” Good thing I was in the perfect place not to pee my pants laughing.

  6. Kristen says:

    >Your mom cracks me up – but as a kid I would have been mortified, too. She totally deserved the time you got her back. That’s hilarious!

  7. Minerva says:

    >Oh jeez..just reading this made me blush and your mother did get her comeuppance…Minerva

  8. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Thanks for the laugh! Fart History — is your mother a writer, too? I think my most embarrassing restroom moment was when I had a stall with a faulty lock and someone walked right in on me. Come to think of it, maybe that was more embarrassing for her. ;^)

  9. Her Grace says:

    >Freaking hilarious. Fart history, I love it! (And I LOVE that you let her dig her own hole!)

  10. >My former co-worker used to answer her cell phone while in the stall. While it was true that we worked in HR for a company that often had extreme emergencies, it just wasn’t necessary for her to answer her phone. In there. While peeing.Props to you for letting the backfire happen!

  11. >Yeah! Power to the polite public peers! And there is no way my mom reads this blog. She doesn’t even know what a blog is. And if she did read this blog, she absolutely would not speak to me for the next ten years!!

  12. MommaK says:

    >Remind me never to go into a changing room OR a rest room with your mother. She’s worse than my 6 year old! That darling will say “Did you fart Mom? ” anytime she hears one sound off while we are stall-by-side. Either answer screws me right?

  13. wordgirl says:

    >Oh. My. God. TOO FUNNY! Even if I enter the restroom with someone, I don’t want to talk until we’re at the sink washing our hands. What goes on in the stall STAYS in the stall. That is all. Love your site!

  14. kenju says:

    >It is really hard to yawn and laugh loudly at the same time. Please don’t ever let your mom go into a bathroom with me – it wouldn’t be pretty!

  15. Karen Rani says:

    >OMG You had me in STITCHES!!!!! If you have time – you have to read this post at my friend’s blog about her and her daughter (who was 3 at the time) having their very own stall talk – it’s so funny….enjoy!

  16. Karen Rani says:

    >Oh and for the record Missy, I take offense to the term “Stall Troll.” 😉

  17. Sassy says:

    >OMG I love it. I didn’t know there was a course in Fart History…I must have missed that one. Fer shure. That was hilarious! Sassy

  18. A says:

    >I hate going to the bathroom with people at all, precisely because of the whole stall talk thing. If I don’t GO with them, then we don’t have to talk. If we do go, we HAVE to talk to drown out noise. What stays in the stall only stays in the stall if you don’t know the person!I don’t know if you watch the show “Scrubs”, but there was a whole bit about Elliot (a woman) being dubbed the “Bank Farter” because of an episode at an ATM. Her friend tried to reassure her by saying it sounded German. Too funny!

  19. Theresa says:

    >ROFL! Where do you come up with this stuff? You rock woman!

  20. vicki says:

    >LUCINDA! Happy New Year and this is a very funny post to come back to! I’ve missed you and you left such lovely comments on Bucky- thank you very much.After 10 days of travel I’ve decided it’s all I can to manage going in a stall these days, let alone carry on a conversation. There’s the balancing, the holding your pants cuffs off the ground, the correct positioning so it doesn’t spray the back of your legs and then the shifting around to get the paper, wipe and stand clear fast enough so that you don’t get spray back when the explosive auto-flush comes. Who can talk?Once, when Abby and I were traveling in Alaska and it had been a long day without stopping we were in adjoining stalls at a restaurant before dinner. After a VERY long interval without conversation, Abby said, “134, 135, 136, 137…”Your way with words always makes me laugh and laugh, Lucinda- not only are you sassy with them, you can be quite the punster.

  21. yellojkt says:

    >This is the second potty post I’ve read today. I must not have gotten the memo. Pretty. Damn. Funny.

  22. Jay says:

    >Oh my. I would not take kindly to comments from your mom!

  23. >HA HA HA! Your mom got busted! That’s hilarious! I talk like nothing’s happening, if I’m already talking. Sometimes if I’m in by myself and doing some serious business, and someone comes in, I’ll take a break for fear of emitting a sound. Or the plop plop noise that might happen. Oh yeah, and who chides their child for saying crap?

  24. Raehan says:

    >I tried to comment here last night but kicked out somehow.This has to be yoru funniest post. You mom kills me.You clearly have affection for her, too. That comes through. I am such a priss I haven’t used the word fart yet with Rachel. She still calls farts “bubbles in the tummy.”My parents never used the word fart, but my Dad was good at letting out a long string of them as he walked from one room to another. We weren’t supposed to laugh about it. What would your mom have said?!!! Can you imagine if your mom had married my Dad?At least we would have been sisters. And we each would be mortified in our own way.

  25. leesepea says:

    >Popped in via it2m. This is downright hilarious!Congrats on the 5 smacks, you deserve it!

  26. Kirsten says:

    >That was a funny post. I work one night a week in retail and have gone into the bathroom only to have customers ask me questions about merchandise while in the stall next to me! I just don’t stall talk.

  27. Ginger says:

    >I’m cracking up.. Great post!

  28. Titanium says:

    >This is so funny! 🙂

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