>The Accidental Haikuist goes grocery shopping

  1. >Gasp! You can’t get deveined shrimp! My dad used to buy the things fresh and we’d have to wash, cut, devein and peel the things ourselves. Ick!

  2. Kellie says:

    >I Hate having to do it myself as well!BOO TO THAT!Can they special order it?

  3. MommaK says:

    >You should have gone to Harris Teeter ;-)So…what are you cookin’??

  4. Virenda says:

    >Hmmm… I wish I could make a Haiku it wold be similar only it would be…I hate shrimpYou carry it?Someone. Shoot me now.LOL…I wish I liked seafood but it generally grosses me out.~sigh~

  5. WendyWings says:

    >So all the shrimp were at their plastic surgeon getting their veins done ?What is the world coming to.

  6. laura says:

    >Oh, come on, ya big baby. Just dig that shrimp poop out yourself.

  7. >I made garlic shrimp and couscous, which is in my Chef Mom recipes blog. Simply devein. I mean. Divine.

  8. >They no longer carry it??? The horror!!! Suddently shrip doesnt sound so appetizing! 🙂 Nice Haikuage you got going on though!

  9. Jess Riley says:

    >Well, after reading this story today, I can only conclude that everything we eat is crawling with poop. Might as well go with it, you know?

  10. >Thanks Jess, I used to think people would order their drive-thru drinks with “no ice” because they got more soda that way. Now I know the real reason!*Urrp*

  11. Raehan says:

    >How do you think the deveined shrimp feel?They are quite insulted by the whole change of tide. Or perhaps, they objected to being deveined and it’s a shtrimp rights issue. Wait, why is everyone suddenly pointing their guns at me?

  12. Melora says:

    >Be strong.I loathe shopping of any sort (except books, of course), and when I go to the trouble of planning meals, making a list, and getting myself and the young ones to the grocery store, it just makes me mad when the store is out of critical ingredients.I’m pretty sure “deveined” is a euphemism. Unless shrimps actually have digestive waste running through their veins? Or maybe that black stuff isn’t what I think it is? Boy, biology class was a Long time ago.CordiallyMelora

  13. christina says:

    >Brilliant, both because you can haiku and because you have a use for deveined shrimp.

  14. >Shrimp with headsand eyes staring out?Don’t stare at me while I swallow.

  15. GraceD says:

    >And what of Costco?Surely they have deveined shrimp,Industrial sized.

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