>The Belly Bump

  1. Marsha says:

    >Uhhh–The guy was doing it on purpose, and of course he was not going to look at you, because then you would know he was doing it on purpose. Some men get off on this sort of thing–touching a strange woman anywhere. You’re a woman, so it doesn’t make any sense to you that someone would find bumping you with his belly exciting. But I bet he did.

  2. >I think he was at my post office last week, because pretty much the same thing happened to me. This guy was also a mouth breather. It was so heavy and he was so close to me that my hair actually moved

  3. Madame Queen says:

    >Maybe he’s not aware of how far his belly sticks out? Cause I gotta say that if he gets his jollies by rubbing his BELLY on people then that is truly weird.

  4. JessicaB says:

    >That story alone made ME feel violated. How gross.

  5. >At least it was a belly and not a “stick”…ifyaknowhutamean 😉

  6. Darth Doc says:

    >That stinks. It was probably deliberate.

  7. Mom101 says:

    >Nate has a manbelly but I don’t know that he’s ever used it to such annoying ends. Mostly it just lies on top of him while he watches Sportscenter in his boxers. Sex-ay!

  8. foofoohedd says:


  9. Kelly says:

    >Ewwwww…that story makes me feel icky too!

  10. B.E.C.K. says:

    >LOL @ “ass grabbery”! I think I’ve seen that term on police reports ;^) (Oh, and…GROSS!) Your story reminds me of when I was a young teen and my family went to the science museum in L.A. after church. I was wearing a skirt, and at least *twice* during the day, a guy (prolly the same guy both times) walked very close behind me and “accidentally” brushed the back of his hand against my butt!!! I was a kid, so I didn’t know what to do about it. I told my mom, and I don’t think she believed the act was deliberate, but lemme tell you — there was plenty of room for people to pass behind me, and NO reason for anyone’s hand to be anywhere near my ass. Blech!!With the belly thing, I will say that when I was pregnant, I had no idea of my body parameters, and this extended to my car — I almost rear-ended people twice because my sense of size was so off. However, that man behind you has no doubt had that belly for a long time and is used to his size, and I would bet money he was deliberately bumping you. Yuck! Dunno if you talk to the girls about this stuff (aside from the latest incident), but it’s a good intro. to the personal space discussion (again). My mom used to ride the train when she was in school, and perverts would try to sit next to her and gradually push her against the window. She learned to sit in the aisle seat from then on. Okay, now I need to go sanitize something.

  11. Becky says:

    >I totally hate it when people do that, especially when I’m in line to check out at Target (or somewhere else. Hahaha, SOMEWHERE ELSE, YEAH RIGHT). It’s like the person behind me believes that the space between us is the reason the line is taking so long, and if they invade my personal space, it’ll make the line go faster.

  12. >Maybe it’s like mullet hunting?

  13. Average Jane says:

    >Ew! I require a two-foot sphere of personal space in public on all sides and I hate it when someone touches me in any way. That was extra intrusive and icky.

  14. Ginny says:

    >Oh yuck, that is really creepy! BTW, I tagged you, head over to my blog to play along!!!

  15. >Maybe he was testing to see how far in front of him it went. (Long ways, I’d say.)

  16. >Okay, Ginny, you have like a zillion blogs. I can’t figure out which one you’re talking about!!

  17. FENICLE says:

    >I hate the beer gut rub down! It’s so ick!!! Some guy did this to me repeatedly at a wedding a few weeks ago.

  18. Gertie says:

    >Perhaps it was a fat suit filled with some sort of contraband or something. Maybe he was there to make a drop off or and exchange and maybe you looked like the person he was going to drop off to… or maybe it was a drug sting and that was some sort of street sign that means “want some drugs?” and thank god you didn’t know anything about it because that guy was a cop and he was just waiting for you to respond with the appropriate countersign so he could throw you in the slammer….or maybe he was just a weirdo.

  19. Pandora says:

    >That is so gross. I could understand if it was packed and he was being pushed. For him to just invade space like that though with no good cause or reason, man how offensive. I live in Chattanooga and I hope that he never makes it down here! =P

  20. Rachel says:

    >That’s so gross! Yuck!!

  21. Patois says:

    >He definitely gets off on bumping into women. Maybe that’s how he picks them up. If someone is not 100% repulsed, he considers them keepers.

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