>The Center of My Attention

  1. >All that just from getting rid of hemmorhoids? I’m impressed. I’ll strain extra hard on the toilet from now on…

  2. laura says:

    >You crack my shit right up, pun definitely intended. SS Butt Pirate!

  3. Karen Rani says:

    >You are so touched.:)

  4. adena says:

    >Ha!Love the 1st picture. It’s often that I see people running through the park, holding hands, other hands outstretched. And of course, when I see that, I also hear the music in the background (usually Celine Dion).But, I’m not crazy….really. 🙂

  5. cmhl says:

    >well, call me crazy, but those hemmorhoid-ridden folks seem to be having an awfully good time!!! hahahah.maybe they were trying to tell you something…

  6. d34dpuppy says:

    >wow between that an tampx that teaches u 2 rollerblade, ski, and surf u wimmins got it made

  7. Denise says:

    >Wow! If I ever get roids, I hope this place can change my life, too!

  8. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Hemmorhoid Camp? Hemmorhoid Resort and Day Spa? I’m seeing some possibilities here… ;^)

  9. Hope says:

    >I’m cringing at the future google searches that will lead people to your site.

  10. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Did the idiots at the “AHCC” have ANY clue to whom they were mailing this ridiculous piece of literature? I couldn’t think of a more blog-worthy piece of crap junk mailing. HA! Too funny…

  11. Tori says:

    >Funny you…I want to go to the Center…. I do I do…I got a catalog in the mail recently called “As We Change”. It had lots of helpful kits for incontinent travellers, varicose veins and support stockings…Bring ’em on…

  12. Kristen says:

    >Oops. Looks like they sent you my mail.

  13. Mooselet says:

    >Does Captain Feathersword come on the SS Butt Pirate? Because it wouldn’t be worth it otherwise.And what if I’ve only got small, tiny hemmorhoids? Don’t they have a Regular Hemmorhoid Care Center, for the less serious cases?

  14. Kristen says:

    >What is about running through parks that is imagined to be a universal symbol of pure bliss? I don’t get that.

  15. Lisa says:

    >I just spit my pop out. How come our husbands never want to run through the park and hold hands? Don’t they know the fun they’re missing out on?

  16. krista says:

    >That was very funny.

  17. Mom101 says:

    >I want hemmorhoids now, if only so that I can do all that stuff! It’s like that old joke about the inner city kid buying tampons because right on the box it says, “you can go horseback riding, you can do gymnastics…”

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