The Nether Lands

  1. Poppy Buxom says:

    >OMG what an entry! I am totally cracking up over heah.But hey, you can’t fool me. You’re telling about waxing your whoopsie so we’ll go over to Best of Blogs and vote for you. Yes, that’s right–you BOBed the hair down there, you shameless thing. It’s a transparent attempt to get us to stuff the ballot box.The sad thing is … it worked. I’m totally in awe of the porn star Mommy blogger and the tale of her hairless tale.So you’ve got my vote … just be sure to use Pamela Anderson’s hair and makeup lady for when you accept your award. Oh, and be sure to flash the judges! p.s. Just kidding! The flashing would probably be a bad idea.p.p.s. And here I was thinking I was the only woman left whose nether regions were still fuzzy.

  2. Kelly says:

    >Laughing my ass of at you!First of all. I get waxed by a professional. (well… I used to regularly and now. Not so regular.)Getting on all fours has NEVER been required.But then again, I don’t go brazilian.That’s right.I guess I’m the one out of four that is not bare down there.And you know what?I don’t care.My hb and I have had the convo. about the brazilian thing and he pretty much told me that he’d rather me not get it.Good. I’ve heard it hurts like a bitch!But holy crap! You are brave for springing that on your hb. BRAVE!

  3. kenju says:

    >You have a landing strip now? Don’t tell anyone, but when you get my age, you don’t have to worry about waxing. It sort of takes care of itself.

  4. >You are SO BRAVE for sharing that with ALL of us. I am seriously laughing out loud and it’s late…my kids are trying to sleep lady! Well I will have to just reserve my time at your place for when they are at school from now on. Well since you were so brave and shared, I guess I don’t mind sharing that I have been going “porn” for about 10 years now and I’m a DIY kinda girl. Sorry for not telling you sooner, I didn’t realize you need to know 🙂

  5. A says:

    >OK, you seriously need to share some more details here. I was totally in the dark as well, and shocked by your statistics. Plus, I’m still confused if you went Brazilian or took it all off. Or is that the same thing?? And I need to know if it was well received after all was said and (ahem) done. How else will I know if I, too, should take the plunge?

  6. cmhl says:

    >hahahahah!!!girl, check back in about 2 weeks, if you don’t keep up with the maintenance..good times.congrats on the BOB!!

  7. yellojkt says:

    >Don’t believe everything you read. The 75% number has to be way too high. Not that I’m going online at work to research this. And post again as soon as it starts scratching.

  8. Jennifer says:

    >That was great! What a laugh! Thanks for that and congrats on your nomination.And I guess I’m not part of the 75% who goes bare, but I do go to the salon for waxing. BTW, there is no getting down on all fours involved!

  9. Her Grace says:

    >I am cracking up. Kudos for being creative, even if he did get a laugh out of it!

  10. J&J'sMom says:

    >OMG!! Who knew you were so … fearless! Thanks Momma K for bringing us together…;0) All I can say now is “OUCH.” You are a braver woman than I dear Lucinda…much…much..braver.

  11. MoMMY says:

    >WOW! What magazine were you reading and who responded to that survey?You are much braver than I.

  12. Ruby says:

    >The only thing worse than having your hoo-ha laughed at is having your performance laughed at as you attempt to stand on your head in a pathetic attempt to put some spice back in your love life. (Believe me I know) Congrats on the BOB’s!

  13. Theresa says:

    >COMPLETELY bald? Not even a little soul patch/landing strip, whatever the heck they call it? Oh my. Brave woman. Hopefully not itchy woman in a week! 😀

  14. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Ok, this right here is a good example of why I just voted for you (and you’re in the lead, by the way!) Some people, if they were nominated for something like this award, would try to come up with something really profound, or pull out their very deepest/most heart-wrenching stories of motherhood. Not you, Luci. You are just yourself…talking about the pubes and all. HA! I love ya! You crack me up!Also, your statistics are scary to me as I must be behind the times too. And, I think the all fours thing has to be just for the Brazilian, which I don’t know if I could do. We took a poll at our bunco group and a ton of people do the bikini wax, but only one was brave enough for the full monty waxing. HA!

  15. Chris says:

    >OMG, I can’t stop laughing. How could I ever compete with this ;-)btw, I guess I am in that one in four also.

  16. >*giggle*And that’s all I have to say 🙂

  17. Minerva says:

    >*whistling*I KNEW there was a benefit of chemo..*grin*Minerva

  18. Fitzgerald says:

    >Oh wow. I am rolling on the floor and I can only wonder what my co-workers think! Let me tell you from a former Professional Hoo-Haa Waxer…’s not pretty. Or painless. Some waxers can manage to take it all off without requiring their vict-I mean, client, to get on all fours. But then they make you roll your butt back quite a ways while you hold your legs. It’s like Pilates. So I don’t know whats worse. That or the “downward dog”.In my opinion, it’s totally not worth all the anguish to end up sore and looking pre-pubescent. And from your hilarious experience, I’m sure you have learned that too. 😉

  19. >hehehe!!!! ok.. that is funny.. I did that once.. only I shaved instead…Never never never do that.. never…

  20. B.E.C.K. says:

    >So you said it was “painless,” but you didn’t say what territory you covered. I’m picturing Carrie Bradshaw with her Manolo Blahniks up in the air. And are we to assume that the Hubs liked it, or was he indifferent? Inquiring minds, don’tcha know! Look, lady, if you’re going to start a subject like this, I think you owe it to your public to finish it. I mean, how else are the remaining 25% of us supposed to wax vicariously? ;^)

  21. >Okay, okay. After the guffawing stopped, Hubs decided he liked it. Very much. Thanks for asking.

  22. Jody says:

    >Okay, I LOL with this one. Hubby’s reaction cracked me up. Not sure what my husband would say…..he would probably laugh too.De-lurking to say congrats on being a BoB finalist.

  23. >ok, you start out on your back then you move to hands and knees. It’s over relatively quickly.The first 2 or 3 times you’ll want to sit in a bowl of ice and there is no touching that thing for several days and it make sting when you pee.But when you get past the intial HOLY SHIT THIS HURTS it’s a cakewalk.Really.And you don’t have to do it again for another 8-10 weeks AND eventually some of the hair will be like gone and never grow back.It’s all good.

  24. Clio says:

    >That stat must be off…. with the number of women who don’t fix their head hair or bother to wax their eyebrows I can’t imagine that they would be focused much more on their pubic topiary….P.S. I ended up watching Angels in America instead, which was completely amazing.

  25. Chilihead2 says:

    >I am so glad I found your site. I can’t stop laughing.

  26. >Oh. My. Gawd. HA HA HA! Oh you poor thing. I sure as hell hope he made it all up to you. He actually probably has some makin’ up to do for quite awhile now. I would have cried. You are braver than I. Just know that once you start you can’t stop. It itches like crazy comin’ back in. I know. My hubs wants me to be part of the 25% population group. ;0)

  27. >i wax but never a full brazilian wax. and it sounds like it was a very, very family friendly night.

  28. mrsmogul says:

    >Good luck on the BLOG thingy!

  29. Kristen says:

    >This really cracked me up. You are a riot.

  30. HelpMeBubba says:

    >Dying of laughter. I needed that this morning…thanks! I get waxed by a professional but not the brazilian. One time my usual esthetician was gone and I had a replacement. She just assumed I wanted a brazilian cuz that’s what everyone gets….well, lets just say she “hijacked” my entire well, ya know what I’m sayin. Won’t do it again that’s for sure. It is one itchy mess after a bit.Love the blog…will definately stop by again.

  31. MommaK says:

    >Oh my. You are such a funny girl, LucyLu. First of all, of course I voted for you LIKE EVERYONE SHOULD DAMMIT! And second of all, no way in hell would you find me in a salon on all fours. No way in hell. I do my own work, thankyouverymuch and I’m quite a pro by now.PS- I wrote an entry over the summer that included the term “bare floor” and I still get google hits almost every day from it. So now you’re in for it sister. Have fun 😉

  32. Susan says:

    >There is NO WAY that didn’t hurt. (The waxing part, get your minds out of the gutter, people.) Seriously, HOW COULD IT NOT HURT?Tell me, please. PLEASE.

  33. Lisa says:

    >LMAO! I always suggest to my girlfriends that are feeling less than frisky to shave that thang! Catching a breeze is kinda nice, huh? LOL I can’t believe you found a wax that didn’t hurt! Great post! And, I voted for you. This post alone is worth the Blog Hall of Fame!

  34. Heatheranne says:

    >I voted! 3 out of 4? I’m missing something too. Except there is this one girl I work with who has told us all, more than once that she is “bald eagle” down there. She also once told us that she has a fat one. Ewww. TMI, TMI, TMI! I swear I can’t look at her without cringing now.

  35. Masked Mom says:

    >There are so very many anectdotes I’d like to share on this issue but to avoid a letter-length comment, I will limit myself to these two: 1)A friend of mine once asked her husband if she should dye her pubic hair blue. He answered, “Only if it will make it taste better. 2)I think that 75% statistic may have been tampered with or outright fabricated by someone in the waxing industry…it’s in their best interest to make us ladies feel paranoid, right? (Of course, in your case, your paranoia may have been misplaced–instead of worrying that you weren’t landscaped enough, you should’ve been worrying about Hubs popping a vein laughing so hard at your hoo ha.)

  36. >I feel compelled to let you all know that the Sally Hansen stuff works like Nair. Only gentler. So there’s no wax involved and no itchy regrowth. But um, thanks for your concern, yellojkt. I wouldn’t expect that coming from a guy.

  37. Titanium says:

    >LOL I’m totally cracking up. Great post! I’ll definitely be stopping by to read more. 🙂

  38. Vanessa says:

    >First, congrats on the nomination!Second, you are hilarious! You Go Brazilian, have the nerve to show it to the hubs, then get laughed at, then tell us! I just love you to pieces, Lucinda!!!

  39. Raehan says:

    >Sounds like it did the trick though!Thta 75% better be wrong.

  40. Karen Rani says:

    >I’m in the 25% catagory with you Lucinda and if it was my husband that laughed, I’d be $250,000 richer because buddy-boy would be in a body bag.Wow. Smack him for me. Then smack him again. Wearing your big narliest ring. With a closed fist.Then you take your hairy poon-tang and go buy yourself something nice with all the beer money you’ll be saving.:)

  41. Anonymous says:


  42. Kat says:

    >I can’t believe he laughed!!!I love this blog. Every time I stop by, it cracks me up.

  43. cmhl says:

    >”soul patch”, Theresa? hahahah!!!!!!is it sick that I have commented on this post 2x?

  44. Carmi says:

    >I’ve learned to never laugh. Ever.It’s the key to a successful marriage.Thanks for having the guts to post this. I laughed all the way through.

  45. MIM says:

    >Sally Hansen, huh? THANKS for the tip!

  46. Karen says:

    >ROFLOL! Thanks for stopping by my blog tonight.

  47. liz says:

    >Still fuzzy here.Shaved once. Never, ever again.

  48. >And still, the hoo ha baring goes on. Maybe I should make this a sidebar section…

  49. Plumkrazzee says:

    >I think that 75% means that 75% of us do it once in our lives, because we’ve heard that 75% of women do it. Well, you get my point. Anyhow, I am bustin’ a gut and I am soooooooooo voting for you. How the hell have I not been here before? You are a stitch. Michele sent me today, i’m blogrolling you. =)

  50. kimbofo says:

    >Oh my goodness. A hilarious post. I’ve not been brave to do the full wax thing, mainly because I’m scared off the regrowth – I don’t fancy a tonne of boils and ingrown hairs down there, if you know what I mean ! ;)PS> Michele sent me

  51. Killired says:

    >i am CTFULMAO over here! and might try that product too! hahaha…michele sent me…. i’m blogrolling you… you crack me up! NO PUN INTENDED!!!! hahahaha

  52. Romanduck says:

    >One of a thousand reason why I don’t wear bikinis. hehe. That and saving the site of innocent people everywhere.

  53. WendyWings says:

    >Crack me UP!!That 75 percent thing must be only the US stats, I am more then sure MOST New Zealand woman don’t do the all fours rip it off thing at all LOL

  54. Zoe says:

    >75%? That’s ridiculous. (I’m all natural down there, and have never felt the need to be otherwise.)

  55. Mooselet says:

    >I love this blog. You will be one of my regular blog stop offs every morning from now on.The on all fours position you mentioned threw me for a huge loop. I admit that I’ve “torn up the carpet”, but I’ve never had to do the doggie-style position. If I had I would never had continued it, I tell you that! Hurt like hell the first time, but to be honest now it hurts more to get my eyebrows done.

  56. Indigo says:

    >FWIW, I’ve been waxing for (let me count ….) 20 years at least. My mom was a cosmetologist and she got me started. Anyhow, I use Gigi was, from the beauty supply store and I wax myself … but have never bared it all. Eek! I have pain tolerance, but not that kind of pain tolerance.

  57. Vinny says:

    >I didn’t find this on euntil you linked it in “Word Spreads”, but I’m so sorry I missed it.I have to say, with great sorrow, that I too laughed at your hoo-ha, having never seen it myself. I’ll admit I started laughing about 4 paragraphs earlier, so it may have been residual.You could be a sitcom. Love to you!

  58. Ccovak says:

    That’s a road I myself have traveled! It’s the “preferred” route for us 🙂 but in the beginning it was a very similar story!

  59. Elise Pearce says:

    You really made me laugh!
    I would never wax. I tried it on my legs, at a beautician, and had to stop because of my veins (at risk for varices). For the legs, I now use a ‘hair plucker’ (Silk Epil by Philips): wonderful little machine, bought 15 years ago and still going strong. For the bikini and underarms, I use hair removal cream (Veet or such, usually sensitive skin stuff). I hit puberty several years before the other girls at school and it was really embarrassing at school (changing rooms at the gym, and, especially, swimming lessons…). My mother was also horrified as she only hit puberty when she was 17, and had very little hair down there (plus she’s blondish, I am a dark brunette). She initially lent me razors and tweezers, and I spent several years pruning my undergrowth using these… When I discovered hair removal cream, I sank down on my knees and thanked God!
    When I first went to the gynaecologist (a 50-something feminist), she actually asked me why I was bare down there. I told her I found it was more hygienic and she tut-tutted! Wouldn’t grow it back though: I find it is really itchy when I sweat at the gym!

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