>The News We’ve Been Waiting For

  1. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Oh, I’m so happy for you! I didn’t know what I’d do with a boy, either, and now I don’t know what I’d do without him. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. >Yipee! Boys are generally harder to raise than girls the first 10 years, easier the second.When he’s 15, he’ll be taller than you, but he’ll still hug you.PLEASE, Lord almighty, teach him to cook!Names: I always liked Shiny.Congratulations!

  3. Nicole says:

    >YEAH! That is so cool! I didn’t think I wanted a boy 3 years ago, but he has been an amazing blessing to our family. It helps that he adores me!!Congrats!

  4. >I vote for Brock Landers Ferrier. Way manly.Boys are great. I have 3 and can’t imagine raising girls! ;)Congratulations!

  5. Jessica says:

    >Congratulations!! Boys are wonderful. When I was PG 12 years ago with my first and found out it was a boy I cried. But even though he can be a PIA he is a joy to have along with my other son. All boys look cute in Osh Kosh overalls and basball caps. Stock up now!!

  6. Waya says:

    >That’s awesome Lindsay!! I’m so glad for the two of you! After having two boys of our own, that’s exactly how we felt about having a girl! And she’s our happy child, b/c I was sooo happy I was carrying a girl! Yippee for hubs! So Fabio is out of the question huh?!

  7. daysgoby says:

    >Lindsay!Congratulations!Boys are a wonderful, exciting, terrifying thing to have.It’s going to be totally different than it was with Baby – You’re going to love the differences.Happy for you! How big is the thank-you rock Hubs got you?

  8. Crazy MomCat says:

    >YAY! Awesome! I really think you’ll settle into having a boy just fine, Lindsay. I felt the same way about having a girl, to be honest, and I absolutely love it now!Boys are wilder as toddlers, but you definitely need one around to help your husband when everyone is on their cycle and moody as hell! HA!Stone is a popular name right now. And very Flinstonian, if you ask me. Then, throw in a gladiator name for even more testosteroney appeal:Maximus Stone FerrierIt works…think about it…giggle

  9. Busy Mom says:

    >WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!I vote for “Thor”.

  10. T. says:

    >Just think of the mohawks and buzz cuts you can do! And I agree with the frou frou names and the NICU. Personal experience speaking here.Enjoy your Brick…

  11. Jordana says:

    >Congratulations! Boys are wonderful and you’ll get the joy of learning more about cars and trucks than you ever thought possible.

  12. Heather says:

    >I also don’t do dirt but ended up with two boys anyway. Like Jessica, I cried when I learned my first was a boy. But my boys are so sweet and loving and wonderful that now I can’t imagine having girls.Good luck!

  13. >Congrats!I was terrified of having a boy, and so naturally I had a boy.Just remember that boys pee up, and the clothes really aren’t nearly as cute… but they’re great.

  14. Jodi Jean says:

    >yeah for boys, that what is inside kicking me at the moment as well

  15. Jamie says:

    >CONGRATS on the baby boy news! But wasn’t Rock Hudson gay? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  16. abogada says:


  17. MotherReader says:

    >Congratulations! I’m sure having a boy will expose you to all sorts of new worlds – like Captain Underpants books.

  18. Diana says:

    >YAY! Boys are fun! I have two years experience under my belt with boys, so any questions; I’m her for ya! Give hubs a big pat on the back for that ‘Y’ chromosome!

  19. Kendra says:

    >Congratulations!!! I now have one of each and I will agree the girls are more fun. But the boys are funner for dad. Which means he’ll play with them more. Which means you can get away more. Good luck with the name thing! It’s hard.

  20. >Congratulations!!!! You will abolutely love having a “Momma’s Boy”!

  21. lala says:

    >boys are great because you’ll feel like such a rebel when you paint his nails. it’s like thumbing your nose at the patriarchy. Besides, girls are SOOO seven months ago. That’s when I had mine and I’m so over it.

  22. Jessica says:

    >Congrats! Boys are a lot of fun. I am a complete girly girl and I have 2 boys. I have learned that dirt can be fun and bugs really aren’t as gross as I had thought. ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. jennster says:

    >YAY!!!!!!!!!!! boys are awesome and SO different. as if i know, i only have 1 boy. LOL

  24. K says:

    >congrats L. And we have no names at all. Brick isn’t sounding that bad…

  25. sista smiff says:

    >I have 2 boys and 1 girl. I’m so thankful the good Lord saw fit to not give me three girls. I think I would be strapped comfortably in my chair at Parthenon Pavillion right now. Trust me…when he gets here you will look back and wonder why you questioned what you’d do with a boy. You will love it.

  26. cmhl says:


  27. Anonymous says:

    >Pros: Boys generally are easier once they hit puberty. You only have to worry about one penis with a boy instead of many with girls. Dress clothes are so much simpler, and generally less expensive. They have one hair style and don’t generally hate it when it gets cut strange. They hug hard (mine tells me he wants to hold me when he wants me to carry him). And of course free lawn maintenance like you mentioned. Just like girls, their outside fix can be gotten through organized sports.Cons: That whole aiming thing during potty training. They are creative in their destruction of your house, furniture, yard… There aren’t many baby clothes for boys. About three racks to the ten racks girls have the luxury of picking through.You’ll do fine. I have a boy and I shudder at the thought of having a girl when we get around to #2. Girls scare me. Especially pre-pubescent girls. Oy.Andrea (http://littlebalddoctors.wordpress.com)

  28. >My first was a boy. Didn’t ever want a girl. Till I had Elle. I wouldn’t take any other girl but her! Boys are fantastic. I think they’re easier than girls all around. Unless you’re trying to change a diaper. And actually, Hubs did it. Scientifically, the gender comes from dad.

  29. >WAHOO! Boys are so much fun!

  30. bunchkin says:

    >I have 3 boys and one girl, and boys are definitely easier! Not nearly as many mood swings. And changing boys diapers is easier, too. No worries about wiping the right direction or cleaning out every little crack and crevice. With boys, it’s all surface!As for names, how about Jimbo? Who doesn’t love a Jimbo?

  31. April says:

    >How much fun! Congrats! And, he’ll have 3 other “moms” to take care of him!

  32. Anonymous says:

    >Who are these crazy people who are telling you boys get easier once they hit puberty? That’s when you have to redouble your efforts and your surveillance techniques. Begin immediately after birth teaching him to value strong moral character, and be prepared to reinforce it heavily when he hits 12 on up.Who do you think gets teenage girls pregnant? Teenage boys! The ones who their parents think are now easier to parent because they aren’t at home very much, and they don’t get hurt as often. Make sure you know what they are doing and who they are with. They will not tell you these things, you have to find out.

  33. Jen says:

    >I have a 6yr old boy. I didn’t know what I was going to do with a boy either but it turns out that he didn’t mind playing dolls with his cousin who is only one year older and I have a lot of fun helping him with soccer and TBall. By the time he was past the puzzles and storybooks and started school he had a group of friends that he could roll around in the dirt with ! Most important, boy or girl, they all love cuddling with Mommy ! Congratulations !!!!

  34. lisa says:

    >you’ll definately have to endure the ant farm. seriously. (http://www.familyresource.com/blog/2006/10/27/mail-order-ants/)…and you’ll have many years of the pee on the seat. and the infatuation with putting his penis where it doesn’t belong. my son had this plastic alligator that i think he thought was his penis’ hat when he was two. every time he took a bath, the alligator and his penis were inseperable. but, having a boy is like FINALLY getting a glimpse into a man’s mind. i can’t say i understand, but i can (now) be a little sympathetic… congratulations!! it’ll be a blast!

  35. My float says:

    >Boy or girl, I’m sure the child will be blessed living in your house.

  36. Stephanie says:

    >LMAO!My first I was SURE it was a girl. They showed us the ultrasound and said this is this and that is that.The first thing I said (in total denial to boot) was, “Girls don’t have a scrotum!”

  37. kittenpie says:

    >Ack! I have the same worry about another babe. Girls, I know. Boys? What the hell would I do with a boy? Let me know how it goes, will ya? And tell Hubz congratulations.

  38. Stacy says:

    >Congrats on your penis, um, I mean boy!

  39. >Congratulations! I am having a boy in January, and I think the thing that freaks me out the most is the thought that I, a girl, am growing a boy inside of me, complete with a penis and everything. Is that weird?

  40. Gretchen says:

    >Yea! I didn’t know what I’d do with a boy either, but somehow it all worked out! Congrats!

  41. kfk says:

    >Yay for hubs…and you too! You will learn all things boy, don’t you worry about that. Brick Rock certainly has its strong, healthy points. How ’bout Penis? That is a nice, hard name. And it would help you get over your fear of saying it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  42. Elena says:

    >Congratulations :o) Very exciting!

  43. Marsha says:

    >Congratulations! I absolutely adore my sons, 13 and 11. And now that puberty is upon us, I thank God daily that I have boys. I remember what a horrible brat I was during those years. Boys definitely have their issues when going through puberty, but nothing compared to girls. And as a friend told me when I was expecting my first, “It’s easier to have boys. With a boy, you just have to worry about one prick. With a girl, you have to worry about every prick in town.”

  44. Malia says:

    >Yippee!!!When I was pregnant with my son I kept thinking I would have a girl and that it would be best since I get the whole girl scene. But when he was born and they said it’s a boy, well, it was just unbelievable and I was so happy and not the least bit worried about what to do with a boy. With three older sisters, I guarantee you hubs will come home from work one day only to find Junior dressed in a princess dress and tiara and pushing around a baby doll carriage!

  45. >Congratulations!I admit, I’m a little surprised at the stereotypes that are showing up here. Personally I don’t think that any one sex is harder then the other…it’s the personalities. I’ve only ever had boys (1 of my own, raised many foster boys) and they are a lot of fun. You likely will learn more about your husband then you ever thought possible. ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Mooselet says:

    >Congrats to you and your family Lindsay! The best thing about having one of each is that no one will ask you when you are going to have one of the sex you don’t have! Like you have a choice in the matter…When I found out I was pregnant with number 4, I really wanted a girl. I have a son (age 11) and while he’s less emotional than his sisters (ages 15 and 3, so they’re much the same!) watching him with his friends made me horrified. They’re dumber than a box of hammers! They like to destroy things. I’d watch their football coach come off the field after training and look like he needed several drinks. I couldn’t have another boy. Plus I had all the clothes.Well, guess what? Another boy is due in 4 weeks time. But it’s ok, because he’s my boy. What’s wrong with the simple things anyway, like dirt and football and only 3 main colour choices for clothes? No mood swings, no drama (or less of it), no frills, no screams trying to brush the hair… yeah, it’s all good.Just be prepared to be peed on. Accept it and move on, because it will happen. ๐Ÿ™‚

  47. doow says:

    >Congratulations ๐Ÿ™‚ I have older brothers rather than younger, but brothers in general are a good thing, I’d say.

  48. Paige says:

    >Congratulations!!! Boys are great!! I have a 3 year old one, but let me tell you the whole “boy” thing is definitely not learned. It is innate!! The cars, the dirt, the tormenting of sisters, the fishing, the tractors……everything. I was scared of a girl though. I grew up a major tomboy and had no idea what to do with a girl. I learned fast though. Now I love every aspect of both of them.

  49. Old MD Girl says:

    >With 3 older sisters, he’ll be quite the ladies man.

  50. Vic says:

    >oh he is going to be so doted on and fussed over it wont be funny.I wanted a girl. Got a boy, and wouldn’t trade him for the world. Yeah, the clothes thing sucks tho. I still dress him up as a princess and we play “dolly’s” and “cups of tea”. He loves it.Boys are alot rougher as toddlers tho, stomp about and shout alot.Congrats!

  51. Vic says:

    >oh yeah, and they get hard-on’s sometimes when you are changing their nappy. Christ, a baby with a hard-on – shudder.

  52. Anonymous says:

    >CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I was excited to hear those words after just one girl. I’m sure you’re both ecstatic.

  53. >I don’t know why I’m anonymous there. Slip of the keys, I guess.

  54. Pageant Mom says:

    >Congratulations!!! btw, It’s the MAN who determines the sex of the child LOL… If it’s any consolation, I still get grief about my ardent lament that I would never make a good “girl mom” after 7 years raising a son… so I think the opposite can apply. You might just end up liking t-ball a whole lot better than you think you have the capacity for ;o) We’ll be watching for the comments in 4 years (so we can say “told ya so!”)

  55. Star says:

    >I raised three daughters, so when my grandson was born I thought I might b at a loss. Not so. I’m having a ball learning about the opposite sex.

  56. SB says:

    >name him Stone, or Blade, or DAMN. All of those good and strong. Glad you’re not giving me a sissy name. I met a woman a few weeks ago whose kid was named SNEID (pronounced SNIDE…) people give their babies (who they profess to love) some pretty weird names…Congrats. Boys are fun. I have two. The energy of a boy is WAY different from that of a girl.

  57. >i have one son and two daughters. my girls play hockey and my son likes to help me bake cupcakes. all three fight with each other, but couldn’t be closer to each other if they tried. i let my husband pick our sons name as well. good job on that baby boy making!

  58. karenkt says:

    >I DO think boys love adore their mamas more, and they’re lower maintenance,too. Well, except for cleaning the _______. Once you see his charming little face, there’ll be no going back. You’ll be a boys’s mama and you’ll love it.

  59. Kristen says:

    >Congratulations!! Boys are actually a lot of fun – coming from someone with TWO of them, someone who does a lot of complaining on her blog about them. You heard it here, folks. They’re fun. Loud, yes. But fun. And today when I got home from work, Quinn ran up to me and yelled, “I missed you!”

  60. Gertie says:

    >Welcome to the boy club. I’m expecting one too (my first baby) in about 5 weeks.We agree with you on the froo-froo boy names by the way.

  61. Mojo says:

    >So thrilled for you! I wanted a boy for my last child and felt like I won the lottery when I was told I was expecting our little man.

  62. >boys are most definitely awesome ๐Ÿ™‚ Congratulations!

  63. Mrs.X says:

    >Congratulations!Really, boys are so much fun. Just, remember to always point it south in the diaper. Just… trust me on that one. And don’t ask how I learned that one.

  64. adria says:


  65. Jennifer says:

    >Congratulations! I had mixed feelings about a boy but I am SO GLAD that’s what I got. You will love it.

  66. Anonymous says:

    >I too prayed and I think, willed myself to have a girl the first time around…and was thrilled beyond belief when she was born. But I cannot tell you how much I (a totally frou-frou woman) enjoyed her little boy the second time around—he was pure joy, power rangers be damned, he has been such a great (not to mention easier) time!!!

  67. Velma says:

    >I’ve got one of each, and I agree with Scattered Mom up there in the comments section – neither one is easier, they are just different. You’re going to love it. I wouldn’t give up the chance to mother one of each sex for anything – each child has taught me so much in completely unexpected ways!

  68. Marie says:

    >Yippeeeeeee!!!!I was the same way. I have only sisters & didn’t know what I’d do with a boy either.After the ultrasound (where we DIDN’T want to know the sex), we both admitted we thought we caught a glimpse… as my hub says, of the “family jewels.” And I thought “shit, I have no clue about boys!”But dang. Gotta say, after 2 1/2 years with the little fella, I’m loving my little boy to the moon and back. I’ve learned to play trains and cars and whatever he wants to do!! And of course he snuggles his baby sometimes too….Ohhhhh. Y’all are going to have a BLAST with him! Lucky little boy!

  69. swellgalpal says:

    >Followed you for some time now and we happen to be in about the same stage of pregnancy. We found out a few weeks ago we are having a boy. Scared me shitless. I have two girls. The youngest is 20mo. I have no idea what to do with a boy, nevermind the notion of having to name him. I’ll follow your lead!!!Congratulations!!

  70. Karen Rani says:

    >You’ll LOVE being Mom to a boy. I did it twice, not that I had a choice, but I’d do it all again. Congratulations!

  71. dennis says:

    >Funny, I thought a boy would be easier than a girl too. Then at the tender age of 1.5, he decides that he is Greg Luganis and uses the back of the couch as a high dive, etc…

  72. ali says:

    >i too was so nervous about having a boy…but that’s what the husband is for. he gets down on the floor with him and plays trucks and star wars and ninja turtles.

  73. Lisa says:

    >Congrats to you! You’re lucky…I admit – I always held out hope for the boy. I won’t even suggest a name as I was absolutely clueless on a good boy’s name if we did, by chance, get one. It may actually have been a good thing, because we couldn’t agree on a single one.Congrats again! ๐Ÿ™‚

  74. Dana says:

    >Congratulations on the boy! How exciting! I have a two year old son and I want a girl someday, but everyone tells me girls are worse! I guess I’ll have to see!

  75. >Oh….Congratulations! I thought I wanted a second girl, but I got a boy and he is 4 yrs old now and heaven on earth!

  76. Meena says:

    >Congratulations! Little boys are wonderful little creatures and they love their mamas. You may learn way more about transportation vehicles than you’ve ever wanted to, but it’s fun. It really is.

  77. Jen says:

    >Oh you’ll absolutely ADORE having a little boy! Hayden(is that a frou-frou name, because if it is, he wasn’t in NICU) is my little perfect man, and there’s like this secret love we share that’s just awesome!! Congrats!!!

  78. >I’m confused on this carrying in the front. Every pregnant woman I’ve ever seen, and the one pregnant man (Junior,don’t rent it), carried in the front. Is there a weird phenomenon that has poor women in this world with baby bumps on their backs, or hips?!

  79. wksocmom says:

    >Found it totally hilarious you came up with Keegan as one of the Frou Frou names – my Keegan has been nothing but sickly (kidding – he’s only been to the ER for falling on his head) – we just never hear that name and here it is in B&W. Congrats on the boy, he’ll add a whole new level of energy to your house.

  80. Mom101 says:

    >Congratulations! You just made me laugh and cry all in the space of a few paragraphs. You’re lucky – my partner would name our son after one of the Redskins. I’m like um, we’re not naming him Patrick Ramsey. I’m Jewish. Too much like Ramses.

  81. Robin says:

    >That’s awesome news! Congrats on the boy. You must be so excited.

  82. Jenna says:

    >Boys are wonderful. Nicholas says so. ๐Ÿ™‚ Congratulations to your family.

  83. Renee says:

    >Congrats! I’m sure you’ll figure it all out.

  84. but Momma says:

    >CONGRATS! My husband wanted to name one of the boys Boris.Men!Just don’t get freaked out when he comes home from school and you say, “How was your day? and he says “Fine.” and you insist, “Did you do anything fun?” and he says “Mom, I don’t want to talk right now.” ‘Cause I know that’s never happened to you!

  85. >Congrats! I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea of what to do with a girl!

  86. Mary Tsao says:

    >Great post! You’re so funny. We got a boy the second time, too, and they’re not that bad. :)Love the part about the little red cap. Cute!

  87. liz says:

    >Congratulations.And boys like nailpolish too. And Barbies. And princess dresses. Much to my husband’s dismay. I say enjoy it while it lasts, cooties come too soon.But you’re right, you can’t really get away with growing their hair long enough for french braids.

  88. Belinda says:

    >Somehow I knew this headline wasn’t going to lead to election results.Congratulations!

  89. amanda says:

    >CONGRATS to you and Hubs! Awesome, awesome news! Give Brick a hug for me.

  90. Irene says:

    >OH. MY. GOD. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. MaryJo says:

    >Yea, for boys. You’re gonna love it. Different, you bet, but loads of fun. Yes, does involve dirt. Boys come out of the womb going zoom zoom with their trucks while girls are searching the crib for their Barbie. Besides, boys are easier to raise than girls! And I get to vote on this one, having been involved in the raising of 3 boys and 3 girls and now watching the boys and girls of those kids. (Although I do prefer paper dolls to dirt.)

  92. Kris says:

    >Congrats, Lindsey!!

  93. Linda says:

    >You’ll love having a boy in your house…Boys bring noise and dirt to a new level!I love my son…but he’s so different from his sister…until he starts playing with her dress-up shoes and crowns…and dolls…and makeup…while pushing trains and trucks around.A boy is a noise with dirt on it…REMEMBER that!

  94. Anne Glamore says:

    >CLEARLY I know a bit about raising boys. The ant farms. Or, more correctly, the one boy dropping the ant farm, releasing all the ants while the 2d boy tried to catch it and hit his head on the counter, splitting it, and the 3rd boy almost passing out at the sight of the blood.Solution: Boys 1 and 3 clean or kill ants and blood while mom takes boy #2 (with bloody towel for faster service) to ER for stitches.This is gonna be so much fun!!

  95. Mary W. says:

    >Just think, in three year’s, Brick rock willpresent you with a mud pie made just for you with his own two dimpled pre-school hands. Boys are cool

  96. Katkat says:

    >Congrats! boys are great. Your in for cars, trucks, Woody and Buzz.Oh and when changing a diaper just remember that its not a girl. Yup learned that the hard way.

  97. Lilly says:

    >You have so many comments already but I just want to add that at my ultrasound, when they pointed out that my baby was going to be a boy, I was dumbfounded because all I’d thought of was girl, girl, girl. Turns out that having a boy was the greatest thing, for my husband, and for me because all my expectations were thrown out the window and my son is refreshingly himself and wonderful.

  98. Mitch McDad says:

    >Your husband has my sympathies. I only have 3 women in my house and I’m overwhelmed. Have a little extra testosterone in the house would be nice.

  99. sista smiff says:

    >Oh, oh, oh…I forgot to tell you as far as that pee thing…getting squirted? All you got to do when you change him is just immediately cover his little thing with something, not your hand, but, whatever’s handy, another diaper, towel, whatever…just cover it and your getting sprayed will be very minimum. I learned that quickly. That’s all there is to that. Now, that toilet seat being left up….my sons are way better about that than their father.

  100. whymommy says:

    >Awesome! Congratulations! I have a really active and curious little boy (who the sonographers said was a girl through 3 ultrasounds) and he has become the highlight of my life. It’s wonderful!!!

  101. Chag says:

    >I’m a little late to the party, but CONGRATULATIONS! Have fun picking out a name, frou-frou or not.

  102. adena says:

    >Boys are FUN! I didn’t know what I was going to do when I found out I was having a boy, but he’s so much easier than my girl.No froo froo names here, either. He’s “Jack”.

  103. DramaMama says:

    >I’m a mother of two boys and couldn’t imagine life any other way. Much like you can’t imagine life without girls. I however, don’t mind the dirt:) It’s the froo-froo girl stuff I would freak about. That stuff is just for me! LOL!! So, I live amongst the men, even the dog is a boy! CONGRATS TO YOU AND GOOD LUCK! Boys are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  104. >Yay!!! Boys are great… I gave mine good strong normal names and both were born healthy, so there’s obviously something to that theory! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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