Hi! I'm Lindsay Ferrier. You might remember me from a blog called Suburban Turmoil. Well, a lot has changed since I started that blog in 2005. My kids grew up, I got a divorce, and I finally left the suburbs for the heart of Nashville, where I feel like I truly belong. I have no idea what the future will hold and you know what? I'm okay with that. Thrilled, actually. It was time for something totally different.
November 21, 2014
Scrolling through Facebook a few weeks ago, I came across this photo on a friends’ page:
Now this was my kind of coat! But… NastyDress? What the heck was NastyDress?
Intrigued, I clicked on the link– Yep. It was pretty nasty, all right. Most of the dresses would get a girl arrested for indecent exposure if she were to wear one of them in public.
But when I looked at the coats and sweaters, I found plenty of options I loved. And the prices were AH-MAZ-ING.
Tops were $10 – $15! Sweaters were $15-$20! And coats were all under $40!
Even though NastyDress is located overseas, the site offered free shipping- or expedited shipping with a tracking number for just $1.20. Yes. You read that right. $1.20. It all seemed like it was too good to be true– But I filled up my virtual shopping cart just in case! Then I did some research to make sure this company was on the up and up.
I was dubious and disappointed when I couldn’t find a single independent review of NastyDress online. What was up with THAT?! But after much searching, I finally found a blurry shot on Instagram of some clothes on a bed with a caption that read: “My package from NastyDress arrived.”
This questionable image (and the fact that NastyDress accepts PayPal) was enough to convince me to place my order, because…
Then, since I am a very private person, I shared my news on Facebook. Immediately, my friends jumped on the news. A long discussion on all things NastyDress ensued in the comments. What was this NastyDress of which I spoke? Could those prices seriously be legit? Would I please, please, please report back on my findings when (AND IF) my NastyDress package arrived?
Well, friends, after about two weeks of anxious waiting, my NastyDress package has, indeed, arrived. On the plus side, it was shipped via DHL with a tracking number, so I was able to monitor where it was, from Singapore to Hong Kong to Ohio, and when it would get here.
On the minus side, it was missing two items from my order. One of those items has since shipped, but via an unknown carrier, so I can’t track it. No word on the other.
However, here’s what I can tell you so far:
First, let’s look at the gray coat- My most pricy NastyDress purchase.
I felt like I couldn’t go wrong with what NastyDress called a woollen gray coat. I carefully consulted the NastyDress size chart, converted the centimeters to inches, re-measured myself, and ordered a size large instead of my usual medium.
When the coat arrived, it looked a little different from the photo- My ‘woollen’ coat was actually… fleece. It was cute, though. Anxiously, I tried it on.
Uhhhhhh. This coat clearly was not going to work on me. Not only was it cut for a person with no boobs, the sleeves ended far above my wrists. I checked the label again. Size Large. Size Large?! “Size large for KIDS, maybe,” I snorted. And that’s when it hit me.
“Punky!” I called downstairs.
“Yes, Mom?” my ten-year-old answered.
“Come here!” I shouted. “I have something for you.” My daughter came upstairs and grinned from ear to ear when I asked her to try on the coat.
“I love it!” she squealed after checking herself out in the mirror. And I had to agree. It looked far better on her than me.
“Okay, you can have it,” I said. She jumped up and down excitedly.
“Thank you, Mom!” she said. “I love it so much!”
“And you should probably stick around for a bit,” I said, eyeing my NastyDress pile suspiciously. “You might end up with a few more things.”
For one thing, there was this “Elegant Dress.” Looking at this picture, I thought it would be super cute with leggings and boots, and once again, I had ordered a size up, just to be on the safe side. I found it in the pile and tried it on.
The photographer, i.e. my daughter, was laughing a little too hard at my misfortune.
How could this possibly be the dress I had seen in the photo? The “skirt” portion was only about two inches long! The only explanation was that the model was the size of an American Girl Doll!
“Here. You try it,” I muttered after I had removed it, tossing it to my daughter.
This was so totally NOT FAIR. So far, Punky: 2. Lindsay: 0.
I had high hopes for NastyDress’s “plunging neck” top, but when I pulled it out of its plastic packaging, I realized that once again, the sizing was way, waaaaay off.
The neck wasn’t exactly plunging — and it was a lot shorter on me than on the model in the picture. Surprise, surprise…
It also had holes in it and random strings hanging from the sleeves. FAIL.
My daughter, on the other hand, thought the top was fabulous. She clipped the strings, sewed up the hole with a little needle and thread and wore it to school the next day. DAMMIT.
“Don’t look so smug, Punky,” I told her. “I’m pretty sure I’m keeping this “loose-fitting dolman sleeve sweater.” It definitely looked bigger than the other tops, and I’d had visions of wearing it over a pair of leggings or skinny jeans.
Wonder of wonders, the sweater fit! But on me, it settled in an unflattering spot on my upper hips, like a sweatshirt. It wasn’t very flattering.
Still, I was determined to make the best of the bad situation! IT FIT! IT FIT!
“Can I try it on, too, Mom?” Punky asked. I hesitated for a moment. The truth was, if I had tried this sweater on in a store, I would never, EVER have bought it.
“Okay, Punky,” I sighed. “Let’s see how it looks on you.”
Of course, it looked fabulous. OF COURSE.
The sweater was added to Punky’s pile. My situation was looking dire.
My final item was this pretty red ‘Leisure Knit Coat.’
Is this not a fantastic head-to-toe look? I pinned this photo, I liked it so much. The coat was simply awesome.
Until I put it on.
Cute, but… On me, the coat was a shrug. That model had to have been, what…. THREE FEET TALL?!
I took it off and handed it wearily to my daughter without comment.
Life is so not fair!
Oh, come on. Do you HAVE to kick a mom when she’s down?!
This was so not okay.
“Take the clothes, AND GO,” I said in a strangled voice. My daughter had a whole new fashionable wardrobe. And I? I had nothing. Nothing.
“NastyDress,” I whispered. “How could you?” And then I threw myself on my bed and cried for the rest of the day.
In closing, I heartily recommend NastyDress to all of you who are no larger than a girls size 10/12, who don’t mind if your new clothing arrives with holes in it and (lots of) random strings hanging from the seams, and who understand that the photo of the garment you’re ordering is just a vague approximation of what it will REALLY look like — if you were to put it on a doll.
You should also know that there are a lot of different websites out there that appear to be part of the same company, and offer the same exact clothes– SamiDress.com and DressLily.com and RoseWholesale.com, just to name a few. Singaporean readers have informed me (over and over and over again) that NastyDress.com is registered in China, but all of my clothing came from Singapore. What does that mean? I have no idea.
The bottom line is that the next time I have a hankering for cheap clothing at rock bottom prices, I’ll hit up Forever 21.
My daughter, however, has added another item to her Christmas list: MORE CLOTHES FROM SINGAPORE!
Does Santa take orders from NastyDress? I guess we’re about to find out…
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Priceless! At least the clothing hasn’t gone to waste!
Seriously, you two should take this show on the road. Hilarious!
Hysterical! Wow – you’re daughter sure made out like a bandit though!
On the other hand, my husband is now very disturbed that she looks just like me AND dresses just like me! LOL.
she definitely is your mini me! Adorable! And hysterically funny, thank you.
Score for the little one!
Fantastic post! Loved it!! Keep ’em coming.
Fantastic post! Loved it!! Keep ’em coming.
I’m very happy they didn’t go to waste and Punky looks fabulous! But I would be so pissed! It’s not you were basing your decisions on just pics of clothing. They were shown on supposedly real women! Definitely false advertising!
Um. Asian women *are* real….
Asian women are real. But using models who wear the size of a ten year old girl, not reflecting real women of any race.
Asians generally have smaller build. I fit into model size clothes in S and sometimes xs. I’m 20 years old. Not 10 years old. LOL She should know if she wanna risk buying Asian clothes..
Are you calling me a ten year old? XD
I’m a size 6 and 5’2, and I’m considered the average size here in Singapore. I do have boobs and a butt, and I can fit into Girls size 152. From the photos that were posted these are Korean ladies; they are incredibly tall AND thin. We in Singapore are not this slim.
What would help would be to see if websites like these have measurements for chest, waist and hips etc. The more legit ones usually list them. I buy from places like http://www.lovebonito.com/ . Quality of apparels are much much better, and they carry various sizes.
I’d say many asians, if not most, have a fairly small build. I am 5’5 us2 size and i do fun shoots for photogclass. I look normal in photos, and the legginess is flattering but beside standard size people or westerners, i look extremely thin.
My wife is 4’5″ and is a US size 2 is big on her. She has to wear children’s clothes. I can attest to the fact that in pictures you cannot tell her size. If we go out in America she immediately looks tiny. That’s OK, when I used to live in her country, where I met her, I was 3 times the size of everyone and could not fit anywhere or find clothes to fit me. They would try to charge me double on the bus!
not beside all of us goney, you would look extremely sHORT next to me but not thin!! don’t generalize..
Asian women are not the same size as whatever race you are, obviously. Should they genetically engineer giant Asian girls just to sell things to you? FYI, my 30 year old Asian wife, and mother of 4, is the size of an average 11 year old in America. She is still real. And cannot change her size to appease you.
The racism here…
Umm..but they DO reflect real women of Asian race..which is the point because the target market is real women of the Asian race…
The problem is that they’re marketing these clothes to AMERICAN women on Facebook.
That could be because there are ASIAN women in AMERICA. I’m 5′ flat and I can fit in XS asian clothes. My friends gift me clothes that come from the children’s section and even those are big on me
if i look on amazon for a pair of red nikes for my son, the next day in my newsfeed or to the right will be 10 other red athletic shoes for men/boys form different companies, so please do not act like you are stupid or do not know they see what we look at and can tell if i’m a short asian girl or not, and then advertise to me!!
The clothes look totally different though. Add to that the wildly inaccurate size charts and of course customers are going to be confused!
um those aren’t asian women!!
I agree it’s false advertising. Sometimes you get something looking so different from what’s shown on the website.
I agree that Asian women are real. There are actually more of them than most other races…
When I lived in Japan, a man’s size large (shirt) was a women’s small/almost medium. You really have to consider the size differences in each country. I know you measured, but the whole time I lived in Japan I had to order clothing from AE, Old Navy, and Aeropostale.
OMG I am laughing so hard…especially at the red jacket. Too funny!
there wasn’t any information on the website that shows that nastydress is from singapore. The contact information suggests that it is operating from West Midlands, England. In fact, under the Company Information, Terms & conditions list the company is registered in China. Quote “This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which you purchase the goods displayed on this website from ShenZhen Global Egrow E-Commerce Co Ltd, a China company, having its registered office at Room 526, 5th Floor, Building 2, Nanyou 4th Industrial Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, China. Or Global Egrow Limited, a UK company, having its registered office at the meridian, 4 copthall house, station square, coventry, west midlands, england, CV1 2FL.” Unquote
Get your facts right.
What do you expect, ordering from Singapore? I live here and most of the girls and women are tiny, skinny little things – some are indeed only about four feet tall, and the clothes sold here are cut and made to fit Asian women, not us Westerners. That wasn’t necessarily false advertising – just judicious use of small Asian girls to sell clothes for Asian women (who do have different tastes to us, by the way, and often wear stuff I wouldn’t be seen dead in). You can often see photo shoots around Singapore and the girls they use are indeed very small and slim. Best to stick to western clothes firms, not Asian ones. I order online from the UK (I’m British) or get stuff made to measure. Even size XXL doesn’t fit me here for locally produced clothes, and I’m only a UK 12!
I’m from Singapore as well. I can say this website she ordered from certainly doesn’t represent all the shops here. Yes, a lot asian girls here are indeed smaller, and the sizing is indeed smaller in local boutiques. But judging from the pictures, the online shop she ordered from probably has all their clothes brought in from china (even their pictures) and by the sizing in her post, it wouldn’t even fit us the “smaller” nicely or be flattering. And yes, even most of the people living here didn’t even know about this online shop and would definitely not patronise this shop as well.
4 feet? We’re Asian, not Hobbits.
Skinny little things, yup you have exhausted your vocabulary.
yeah this was sooo tactful
“only a uk 12 // what do you expect”
I didn’t mean to be rude or not tactful. Actually most women here in Singapore are tiny, and skinny, and I would LOVE to have a figure like that but I’m a UK 12 which is HUGE here. People call me fat all the time! I find that having a sense of humour really helps 🙂
Nice of you comment about how we dress.
I would love to be a UK 12 with boobs and junk in the trunk. 🙁
You’re not being rude. I’m a Chinese Singaporean and you’re right, most girls here are all size 8 or 6. I’m a size 12. I look like a whale next to my friends. It’s tough finding clothes because they fit your waist but not your boobs, and then there are those gaps… between buttons for buttoned shirts. Gosh. You’re not alone though, this blog says it all though: http://amandajaynelee.blogspot.sg/2014/07/heres-truth-about-being-fat-in-singapore.html If you do find shops in Singapore that stock size 12 share it! I think many of us can benefit from it.
I’m a uk 12 and have no prob findinh clothes that fits me in singapore…
So what you’re saying is…Westerners are fat?
No, and please calm down. Westerners are not fat. Asians are of a smaller built, compared to Westerners, both in terms of bone structure, as well as muscle/fat distribution. Us Asian girls are also more (sadly) prone to being flatter chested. Basically, it’s a different body size demographic there, so the clothes made there obviously were not made to fit an average Western person’s body. That’s all there is to it. No need to take offense.
Sadly I’m a mixed asian breed. I have the unfortunate huge breast (58-II) “no implants” with tiny butt. Lol So you can imagine how hard it can be to find my correct clothing size.
Not Western. There are a lot of smaller girls in Europe. A lot of what Americans eat is illegal in Europe, due to it’s health dangers.
American women are. Almost all of them are fat. That is beisdes the point though. European American women tent to be HUGE. Fat would not necessarily be the right adjective. They are tall too. And have shoulders bigger than most of the world’s men.
Just think to yourself, how many American women do you see that are 4′ tall and 80 lbs?
Lol. I’m Singaporean and 5 foot 6. And yes, I’m a girl.
Correction. There are some woman who struggle to find cloths that fit them since most are made for people with no chest, waist and butt aka the flat.
Asian girls have nice breasts and butts. They just do not weigh 300lbs like American girls….
i disagree being one of the flat and tall, clothes are NOT made to fit me either.. i’m not sure who the clothes are to fit, not me, not you..i guess just “Punky” lol
We know this information. When you go to the site there is a conversion chart that is obviously very off. Super hilarious results.
It IS false advertising. Ebay and Amazon sell the same items without initial mention of the their clothes are scaled down to fit miniature women and are poorly crafted. The clothes for the most part aren’t the same. Sites also show fair skinned black women with big boobs and buttstocks with the model looking like a western body type. Now tell me who are the target audience their marketing to ……..WESTERNERS!
I’m sorry have to label The companies over there….Crooks! Many times they refuse to return your money.
Are Asian girls “minature”? Or are American girls huge? Some of the comments here sound kind of racist.
lol you’re the one repeatedly commenting negatively on americans, whatever
Let’s add the fact that the clothing is made from low grade materials that rip or degrade quickly, aren’t sewn properly, have different and cheap additions (buttons, etc) and some come with a lovely chemical smell that won’t wash out.
In none of the photos up there at least do any of the models have big boobs, they look an A or B cup at most.
omg you’re so right Alexa so they’re NOT using over a B cup girl who is a white model and targeting us gimme a break!!
Actually from what I can tell on each picture, they’re Asian. 😛
But the problem is that these websites specifically target Westerners. For example, if you click on the “why am I seeing this ad”-button on Facebook, it will tell you the company is trying to target women of the ages 18-25/25-45 in [insert your area here].
Bottom line, it is just a scam.
YES, YES!!!! You are absolutely correct!!!! Scam artist and crooks! and they are targeting Americans.
I expect them to fit the way the picture shows it doesn’t show a tiny little asian girl on there it shows a Caucasian tall model model, so that’s what I expected to fit wouldn’t you? When I was a manager for a less Wexner company, we bought clothes in Singapore or had them made their rather, and they said our girls in America. So why would I expect these to fit any l less and for the benefit of the doubt they should have at least fitted a petite size model but it never says that and it wouldn’t fit a petite size model unless she has not hit puberty yet.
I’m from Singapore, and have never heard of nasty dress. Seems like dubious website
I bought few skirts on eBay, yup they are cheap nock offs. Sizes was not the issue – they are just not what the picture showed. Unfortunately the styles are highly sought after in US and a legit company would make a fortune.
A legit company that price of that low would make a fortune.
Hahahaha! Well, I’m from Singapore, and wear size XS. When I order clothing from US/UK sites, I can easily fit into children’s size 6-7years old
So you are under 4 get tall? That’s about the height for those sizes.
I’m an american woman who’s 5’2″ and i fit a girls size 12. That may be for girls at age 10 or 11 but maybe this woman was exaggerating a bit.
I’m 5′ 10″ and wear a size 0 or a girl size14/16, and I would think by looking at the stock and I have that those clothes would fit people like me they might be short because everything sure if I have very long legs but that I should be able to order a medium from that company and it should be able to fit me but that’s not the case because the orders never arrived at all and when they do they are so small as you can see from sitting a small child
not really. my adult cousins and aunt are around 5 feet. And we Chinese have airport runway for boobs. XD My height of 5’5″ is considered on the high side, although nowadays youngsters are getting taller.
sizes in Asia are different then here in the states. the people are much smaller so the sizes correspond.
Does wool correspond with fleece over there, too, hot Carl?
Actually the word fleece refers to a soft thick material from a animal,usually wool. Polar fleece is what’s common today and generally refered to as fleece. polar=polyester. No I’m not a lawyer.lol
I can’t stand when they call synthetic wool “fleece”.
Not sure what country you are in, just assumed America. Maybe not? In America wool is not the same as fleece. Wool is the hair of sheep. It is used to make fleece.
It said “woolen”, which is probably just enough to get them to not be sued by the sheep farmers.
But they still have size charts with actual measurements that DO NOT match the clothes. I had a similar experience buying a dress on ebay. I matched the measurements on their chart for size medium but when it got here it was more like an XXS, I couldn’t get it on past my thighs!
I’m american, but I’m lucky and 5’1″ and roughly 107lbs. I have a terrible time finding clothes in the US that fit me. Typically I wear a size xs in shirts from the gap and they will still be big in me, even though I’m about a C cup. So I LOVE asian clothes. They fit awesome for someone my size. I have also lived in China and taiwan so I can attest that they do not have many options for westerners. Asians are just built smaller in general. Id be considered tiny and petite here in the us, but was very average in height and maybe even a little heavier than average in weight. Their bones are considerable smaller than westerners and it isn’t uncommon for girls to be 5’4″ and weigh 90lbs. So their clothes are cut smaller, and the proportions a lot different than they would be on a westerner. Like I said I wear an XS top in the US but a large or extra large in asian clothes. If you’re already wearing a medium in us clothes, you’d need at least an XXL or a 3xl for a more slouchy look. But they just don’t make clothes that big. There’s not a market for that size in Asia. If your daughter loved those clothes there is a korean vendor on Amazon called Allegra K and Ive purchased a lot of their stuff. Some of it has been better than others but I always get compliments when I wear those clothes.
Hello my name is sue I am about to start an Ecommerce website that will be selling clothes for people who wear XXL to XXXL to XXXXL,XXXXXXL to XXXXXXXL,
we will be creating our own clothing the only thing we will be exporthing from a defrent wholesale company will be the shoes,handbangs,accessories,and men acccessories.
we want to launch the website around Oktober,
We will be launching the website in the Caribbean,Latin America and of course United estates ,
I’m Singaporean, and I’m 5’4. These aren’t “Singaporean” sizes for the record. We’re Asians, not midgets. You just got scammed by one of the 500 websites who sell clothing supplied from China! Did you check the measurements of the clothes you ordered? They usually include it in the description box in a tiny font.
I live in Singapore and yes we’re that tiny. Western and Asian sizes are very different! Though I’ve never heard of said “nastydress” ._.
helllo 4ft is 1.2m. I think u failed your PSLE or O levles. Singaporean girls are not that tiny. Unless there’s a Singapore in LOTR.
Check the measurements next time. Asian sizes run small. Some online shops don’t provide the measurements but most do! Singapore online shops can be great and cheap if you know where to look. Check their facebook for feedback
I’m from Singapore and I am sorry to hear that you had such an unhappy experience. I have never heard of that brand before and personally, while many SIngaporean girls shop online, we hardly buy at websites that offer such huge discounts because the clothes we get are often (very) different from what we see in photos. I have a few experiences with such cases too!
And yes indeed, most of these models are often very skinny and tiny, so I would suggest for you to go for western-based clothing firms.
On an interesting side note, when I went to Europe for 6 months, I had a hard time trying to find clothes and I find myself shopping in the Zara kids’ section (but it was fine, since they are generally cheaper). Kind of sad actually, since most of my friends there are tall and slim, while we are short and tiny but i guess grass is always greener on the other side!
Hope this experience doesn’t discount your opinion for Singapore and I hope you can come visit Singapore sometime, you will love it here (hopefully). At least I think we have great food to offer! (Although my American friends commented that the food here are Asian-sized as well)
oh and btw your daughter looks GREAT in all your clothes!
I’m from Singapore as well.
Dodgy websites that sell a massive range of cheap clothes usually do not operate from Singapore, so I am a bit surprised by this. I believe they source their clothes from China factories. The quality can be quite variable, and the stuff you received is probably not bad already. As for sizing… Ladies here range from 140+cm to 160+cm, with a minority being taller.
When I purchase from China websites, I have to order a size XXL to get something that is barely long enough for me and just fits my shoulders. I am 163cm tall and shoulders 40cm. Size wise, I’m probably a US 6 to 8.
Hahhaha this is a very funny post. Im Singaporean, but I’ve never heard of this website before.
You’re just too fat broad.
Thought you had a few more years before sharing clothes with Punky, didn’t ya?
Love this post! I’ve actually ordered from a similar website called sheinside.com. Since they post the measurements for each article of clothing, I found it best to compare their measurements to my own, rather than going by the supposed sizes. I’m a pretty average sized woman and have found some cute clothes that fit this way! Although I won’t argue that the clothes are cheap and not the best quality, but they’re no worse than anything you’d get from H&M or Forever 21. Hope this helps and if all else fails Punky will get more new sweet digs!
do you have a link of your above mentioned website to prove that nasty dress is from singapore? i went nastydress.com and it was a UK site.
sorry, not UK, but chinese website
Hey there! A lot of times, these clothes manufacturers use photographs of models and mimic-produce what they are wearing. So it’s highly inaccurate as the photos do not come from the clothes house. Hope you have better luck with shopping next time! : )
Ha those clothes are not from Singapore. They are usually from China (highly likely from China) or Taiwan or korea.
We are living in the tropics so no way a local brand would ever do coats like that. Anyways those close would not fit most Singaporean women too. Those who would fit are in their early twenties.
clothes. not close. please don’t give Singaporeans a bad name by not being able to spell!
it was a mere typo.
This nasty dress is from a China website. Singapore do not produce clothes. If we did, it wouldn’t have cost so little. These are all Korean inspired clothes produced in China, sold in China on a pretense that it’s a Singapore company. I’m wearing a US size 10 and I’m a Singaporean. we’re not all midgets or elves.
Sizing aside, it is obvious the clothes come from some warehouse in China. Do online shopping long enough and you would have immediately noticed the images are reused thousands on times on Korean and Chinese online stores.
And besides, pay peanuts and this is what you get.
I’m sorry you had such a bad experience with them. I’m from singapore and I saw their website too. I wanted to buy quite a few items from them too. But from what I know, they import the clothings whosale from china, hong kong and taiwan so sizes tend to be small. I don’t believe that the clothings are made in Singapore, it’s just the store based here. However they do provide measurements for each size in cm and conversions to western sizes, so referring to those measurements would have told you the sizes were small for westerners and saved you a lot of the trouble.
Hi, as what the others have already said, the shop is based in Singapore, but they import their clothes from Korea, Taiwan and China. We don’t manufacture clothes; it is definitely going to be costly. And yes, the clothes are made for Asians, so do be very careful with the measurements. Have bought several items from similar shops and the quality don’t differ much; probably only last a few wears. But it doesn’t matter, fashion fads come and go pretty fast 🙂
Actually Singapore does manufacture clothes – for anything from boutique local labels like Mu and Womb to bigger international brands like Old Navy. Just FYI. 🙂
ya that’s kind of rare.. my mum used to manufacture clothes.. but most of the factories have closed down…
I thought Old Navy was made in Bangladesh? I also was unaware the Singapore was a clothing manufacturer…
Actually in Singapore we don’t shop on sites like these – in fact it’s quite easy to tell if the clothes are from a cheap wholesaler in China, or designed in Singapore then manufactured (with quality control) in China. Unfortunately you came across the former. While it’s true that Asian girls are smaller, we have online shops that cater to bigger sized and taller ladies too. So sorry you had to have this unfortunate run-in with the cheap wholesaler site!
this was funny but also slightly offensive, just a few things
1 obviously NastyDress is a cheap name inspired NastyGal
2 clothes arent made in singapore, definitely china (this is the part where you go omg singapore isnt in china?!?)
3 not surprising that sizes are off, because point 2 and the cheap price
that said your daughter looks really cute
Hi! I’m from Singapore and this is the first time I’m hearing about Nastydresd, sounds like a Nastygal spin-off.
Anyway, all of these clothings are made in China. Most are imitations of actual brands out there. Like the pics using caucasian models. They copy the designs and that’s why your jacket looked like woollen on the blonde model but turned up fleece at your doorstep.
The asian models you see on the site are Taiwanese and they are very slender. I’m a UK 8 and sometimes have trouble fitting into something labelled “Free Size”.
Hello! I’m from Singapore and am terribly sorry for your bad experience! Honestly, singaporean girls shop a lot online and I have never come across Nastydress before – it’s actually v misleading because the clothes are obviously wholesale clothes from China. Perhaps they used singapore’s spotless reputation? 🙁
Nonetheless, am sorry for your bad experience and truly hope that you are able to visit Singapore one day 🙂 Cheers!
I am a Singaporean myself and i usually shop online. The sizes that they state may not be the correct size usually. I have clothes that i bought online and it did not fit or it was too big. For this blogshop, i have never heard of it before. The next time you still intead of shop online with a singaporean blogshop, i suggest you check out any reviews as well. I do have to agree that uk or us sizes is much bigger since asian sizes are smaller though.
You named your daughter Punky?
Had a friend order from RoseWholesale and had really terrible dresses come from them that hardly resembled the actual thing. She paid a premium for them too. She’s Singaporean.
Singaporeans do shop from online retailers like http://www.lovebonito.com which have a proven track record. The wholesale site you bought from clearly got their items from the manufacturers in China and does not have a quality control department. They just resell what they got from the manufacturers.
It’s really a lesson in online shopping. I’ll only purchase if I see plenty of submissions from other ladies who I know are around my build. I found that sites like Choies have more accurate sizing and better quality even if I know the items are definitely from China. It’s really about how dedicated the vendor is in providing true to photo apparel to consumers.
Lol. I visited the website. Nasty dress isn’t from Singapore. Besides, Singaporeans don’t speak broken English like, “return no accept”.
Sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident, though. I’ve had similar experiences. Ouch!
Just gotta point out though that NastyDress is based in ShenZhen, China.
No hard feelings though, we get mixed up often (despite being located about 2,000km south).
That said, I think the problem was really the QC on the Chinese side (the models in those photos are definitely NOT child sized). We do have a few blogshops based here in Singapore with comparable prices with better quality control. You might want to give those a try (not much coats though, it’s hot here).
Anyway, glad to hear that it all worked out (well, mostly for your daughter).
HAHA this was hilarious thank you for the lovely photos, your daughter looks amazing in everything (even I’m jealous)! Yeah, I would recommend not getting stuff from blogshops especially dresses – I’m asian, 1.7m and usually the dresses end mid calf – can’t imagine how it would be like for anyone taller!! We also usually have asian no-boob syndrome (at least I do haha) which explains what some things end up cutting really weirdly. Also, these wholesale sites are generally ridiculously dubious because their stocks come directly from china with barely any quality control, so…yeah, I guess punky gets to enjoy her new wardrobe this time at least, and we get a good story 😛
I’m from Singapore and I’ve never heard of Nastydress. I do have to say though that I suspect they got their clothes from Taobao.com which is a kind of wholesale website from China. I’ve bought some stuff from there too and had a disappointing experience. The clothes there are dirt cheap but the quality and sizing is SO BAD. Totally not true to what is seen on the website. There are some hidden gems on this website but the lower the price, the quality goes too. I have a feeling Nastydress could have ordered and bought their clothes from Taobao and shipped it to you which is what a lot of smaller online shops do.
Although it is true that about 95% of us girls in Singapore (and most asian countries) are petite (say about 5ft ish? I’m 162cm which is about 5ft3?). Haha!
I hope this experience won’t deter you from visiting and trying our local delicacies and have a good shop around (though come to think of it, most of the retailers are from western countries like F21, H&M etc!)
Have a great day!
I’m Singaporean, standing 5ft7, size UK8/10, and I do have some problems shopping locally as well. Most of the time the length of the top/dress doesn’t fit too well. So 90% of my wardrobe are mostly from Zara, Mango and ASOS. I’m an avid online shopper for more than 5 years now due to price competitiveness and sizing. I’ve tried Rosewholesale once and I felt cheated even though the dress was less than S$15. When I tried to ask for refund because it was not true to size, they refused and said it was not their fault that “I am tall”. Loads of bull. Like you said, the recipient has to be the age of your daughter to fit! I should’ve known better.
Nevertheless, Singapore does have many local blogshops which manufacture their own clothes, true to size and of good quality too. Out of 20 online purchases, only 1 would prolly not fit that well for me, which I could easily arrange for an exchange locally. And local blogshop’s services are great too. Hence, online shopping is quite a pleasant experience for me thus far – ONLY at reputable sites.
I’m from Singapore but I’ve never seen that website. However, I have ever bought some clothes from rosewholesale.com. Some of their dresses is of a really good quality but others are not. It’s a hit or miss. But generally, the quality is not bad for the price. The shipment, as I noticed, is from china.
Although you might be right at the sizing part as I too have problems finding clothes for my size. Sometimes same problem as you do, sometimes the opposite.
That aside, you and your daughter are so cute! I feel bad for laughing at your misery. But too funny!
Looking on the backdrop, it seems to be from Taiwan. (the photo at least)
Thanks for the great review and i agree that clothes you buy from those stores tend to be on the small side (I’m size 4-6 and these clothes can’t fit at times; I’ve already given up ever buying from them).
Just wanted to clarify that these clothes are not in fact from Singapore. The website is indeed based in singapore but the sellers are just getting their merchandise from (most probably) China, Taiwan and Korea. For more reliable true Singaporean online stores that offer better sizing options, you might want to consider lovebonito.com or mgplabel.com (these stores are amazing and reliable!) though they’re slightly pricier, say usd25 and above.
Hope you’re still willing to give Singaporean online shops a try!
I’m so sorry to hear of your misfortune. I always shop at Burberry and I have no qualms of their product and I think you should shop there too!
Hope this helps! 🙂
Try out reputable online shop in Singapore like hervelvetvase.com.
Well, i am pretty sure this case doesn’t only occur in Singapore. In fact, it rarely occurs in Singapore (at least from my shopping experience). It amuses me to see your unfortunate encounter with such low-quality online shopping, especially when it is topped with your hilarious faces. Still, I hope this shopping experience doesn’t blind you from understanding Singapore’s beauty 🙂 oh, and on a side note, Asians are considered as more petite, so the typical M size in Singapore is around US 4 or 6, in fact, I wear a size 0 and i do not get mistaken for being anorexic! Just a point i think you should keep in mind when shopping online on asian websites 🙂
Oh ad if you are really interested in better quality clothings that, in my opinion, looks pretty great.
I would say these:
However, I still think that the sizes are more suitable for your adorable daughter 😉
Usually this clothings are meant for Asian figure , which have shorter and smaller bodice.
Poor girl! Many of those sites are fake and shipped from China – mostly of that quality. Take a tour of those taiwan and china clothing sites and you’ll see how to spot the china goods. Especially for china sites, my advise is good = expensive, bad = cheap. Of course, due to conversion rate and standard of living, our “expensive” might be your “cheap” (or maybe the other way round…)
& yes, most of Singapore online shops sell smaller clothing. But that’s just how the community had turned out with the influence of japan and korea. On a side note, it might not fit singaporean girls as well… Sadly you had to find this out over such a huge disappointment, but now you can advise your friends where to get cheap clothes for their children 😉
PS. & THEY ARE CHINA GOODS! NOT SINGAPORE!!! Authentic singapore online shops sell clothes at a much higher price
Reading your article and seeing your photos really cracked me up. Sorry to rain on your parade and sorry bout your misfortune. But I don’t think those clothes are from Singapore but a China online mall called Taobao. I’m Singaporean too n run an online shop. Have lived in Shanghai for 2 years and yes, have ordered from Taobao cause it’s fucking cheap. But yes, crap too. Sizing are all wrong and doesn’t even fit my Asian size L, which us usually US size M. Hope you won’t loose your faiths on Singapore’s online shops.
Same thing happened to me rosewholesale.com is just as worthless.
I am Singaporean as well and it’s sad to hear about your unhappy experience . I’ve definitely never heard of NastyDress before and so can’t give you any review on them .
Singaporeans actually buy a lot of our clothes online because they’re usually cheaper and come in more choices (even though it is more so for the ladies than the men) . I think if you really want to buy something , you NEED to read up on reviews , especially if said prices are so discounted . Of course , online shopping comes with a risk , but most of us know that if you’re looking for something so cheap , you’d best be well-read with what and how the site is doing .
Then again , most of the online shopping we do are either on well-known sites from overseas or reputable Singapore-based online shopping sites . I don’t think NastyDress is a good representation of the clothes here in Singapore .
Also – yes , Asians are slightly more petite compared to our Western counterparts , however Asians are not ‘tiny little things’ . Not everyone is a size 1 , not everyone is tiny . We do also have people here that can’t fit into normal store sizes and usually why we turn to online shopping .
LOL! I’ve not used Nasty Dress, but Rose Wholesale and DressLily. You definitely have to order the LARGEST of everything and try to evaluated before arrival what might be too small (everything!)
You’re hilarious! 🙂
You are a Size M , US M that is like Asian Sizing XXL and if you are tall that will not even fit .. probably XXXL is the best fit
Yeah… No.
Actually yeah. I’m a US Med/large and have to buy Asian xxl. You bought the wrong size, simple as that. Should have done your research. Amazon is filled with reviews which would have helped you.
I am a medium in America. A nice, tight medium so my wife can show me off. In E. Asia XXXL and XXXXL fits me like children’s shirts!
Hi. Funny post! Just want to say the clothes definitely came from China, possibly distributed from Singapore. Why? The models are Chinese, for sure. Cos Singapore is hot like hell and no one dresses that way. I’m a Singaporean who has lived in Shanghai. Yes a lot (not all) Chinese models are tall and super skinny like 23 inch waist. For real. I know Singaporean “spree online store” owners who order directly from China factories and sell clothing at such incredible prices. Everyone uses the same fashion shots. Just that some actually offer better quality pieces while others don’t. But I just don’t think it’s worth the time!
Hello! I am Singaporean and have no idea that nastydress is a local site I highly suspect that no locals shop there!
Your post was hilarious and brought me a lot of laughs. Thanks!!
Unfortunately I had the very same experience with clothes from http://www.martofchina.com. Ridiculously cheap, yeah. From 5 pieces I ordered only two I managed to fit in (even though I double checked the measurements chart) – the rest ended up on my little sister aged 13. The fabric and color were different than in the picturers and all was of terrific quality.
On-line shopping from Asia, never again 🙁
She’s just fat.
Hey, I live in Europe and I really love many designs from all of those identical cheap asian markets, for sure Asians get fashion much more creative than us! Or at least they fit my style better. Anyway, I tried to order a few things from eBay and I do not even want to think about it 🙂 I paid about 200$ for all and what was the worst some of them were ordered for my mother who just trusted me about their quality… What came here (some of them weeks, some months later) that was poor fabric sew together so terribly you could destroy it just pulling it stronger. The clothes were not even the ones from the photos, more like some weird and (not) funny copies. We were both so sad and agry. They have even icluded a begging letter to not ask them for getting our money back and if we do it they will need to close their manufacture and the employees won’t have anything to eat… Anyway, my question is: do you girls know ANY asian online boutique with NORMAL quality clothes? I mean, I can even pay 50$ not 5$ for such a great design if the quality will be okay! And I am sure I am not the one, is there really no market taking this risk? Ah and one more important thing, feel free to order any cheap jewellery from Asia, the quality is nice, it is THE SAME stuff you can buy in your town boutique (really) but for 2$, not 20$ 😉 I was laughing hard many times shopping in popular stores and seeing there the same jewellery I bought on eBay for 1-5$.
The korean jewelry knockoffs are much nicer than the chinese ones, I find.
Nissen is an existing Japanese online clothing shop I frequent. They have this line equivalent to ASOS curve for us marshmallow girls too, yay!
same exact experience on Aliexpress–when i saw the halloween costume they sent instead of the bridesmaid dress….i went immediately to the postoffice and sent it back and guess who never got a dime of her $115.00 back. Dont shop at Aliexpress–certainly not for clothes or shoes!!!!!!!!
same exact experience on Aliexpress–when i saw the halloween costume they sent instead of the bridesmaid dress….i went immediately to the postoffice and sent it back and guess who never got a dime of her $115.00 back. Dont shop at Aliexpress–certainly not for clothes or shoes!!!!!!!!
I am from Singapore and I have not heard of Nasty dress before, I am sorry for your bad experience though. I do not buy clothes on-line as I do not trust the sizing at all. I agree with the numerous comments that the images given can be very deceiving. It would be good to try brands that have reliable reviews.
I’m from Singapore too and usually order the smallest possible local size (anywhere from XS to XXXS) from such websites. So it’s a matter of structure and body shape difference. When I order Size 0 from the USA, I, too, lament that I have to take it to the tailor’s to cut away half of the dress to fit my small frame. As such I don’t believe it was complete misrepresentation on the part of the merchant. Nonetheless, hilarious post.
While I can sympathize, I think you should stop making sweeping statements about Singapore. As much as we in Singapore don’t read about Michael Fay and think the USA is a land of hooligans.
Well you can take comfort in that your post in now viral in Singapore! That’s how I knew about this situation as reported in the papers. Well as a Singaporean myself (UK 12, 5 feet 7), I do not buy clothes from the local blogshops as they do not fit me.
Hey there, that shop might be based in Singapore but the clothes are most probably from China. And we all know that chinese goods are not exactly what they always claim it to be. Though it’s true that our sizes are on the smaller side, you should try to look at some of our local online stores such as Runwaybandits.com or lovebonito.com because their clothes are always true to the pictures and they often manufacture their own clothes too. You should check them out and see if they have anything that might fit you.
Honey, I’m a shopping maven living in Singapore. I never, ever buy from Singapore sites. For starters, anyone with B-cup boobs and above will find that their clothes are too tight. Also, if it’s at a discount that sounds too good to be true, it’s … too good to be true. Great that you have a daughter to enjoy the spoils of war! Happy hunting!
This company is not from Singapore: “This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which you purchase the goods displayed on this website from ShenZhen Global Egrow E-Commerce Co Ltd, a China company” under this page http://www.nastydress.com/terms-and-conditions/
Aaaw.. Sorry you had such a bad experience. I’m from Singapore and I absolutely LOVED seeing the pictures and reading your post. I’m 30 but I can buy clothes from H&M kids. I’m glad at least the clothes won’t go to waste coz your daughter can fit in them. The models they use for the clothes are really skinny so even sometimes when I order from these types of sites, they’re stil super snug when I wear them and it ends up a disaster too. 🙂
Totally like my experience buying clothes online so I never did again. Worse is they are cheap material and I can’t return them as I would be charge hefty shipping and try monitoring the refund is also a nightmare
The clothes that you bought seems NOTHING like the ones they displayed! Honestly, even as a singaporean, I would feel cheated too. Those models aren’t from Singapore. They look like more korean-ish or other asians frm other countries.
I am Singaporean, and I have never heard of Nastydress. Those apparel are probably poor quality imitation items from China. There is no textile manufacturing industry in Singapore. For local Singaporean online apparel stores, you should actually take a look at The Blush Inc, Love Bonito, The Closet Lover etc.
Anyway, your daughter looks lovely in the clothes!
http://www.scamadviser.com/check-website/nastydress.com – seems like the site isn’t from Singapore, but China instead. I shop online a lot locally but I’ve never heard of nastydress.com until now lol! So sorry to hear about ur unpleasant experience! On the bright side, Punky’s a happy camper haha! 😉
I feel you. Most of these clothes
are from Made In China and they’re for an alternate universe I swear. This is despite the fact that I’m asian and size 14, I still have to buy 3XL sized clothes. Makes me feel like a cow every single time. And forgot it if you have boobs. They have nowhere to go. I sell these clothes in my own store and it takes a hell lot of research to find clothes that fit anyone above a size 10.
Thought I had commented already but maybe it didn’t post?
Anyway, I love this post! Too funny!
I order from a similar website called sheinside.com. It’s probably clothes from China, and the images are usually taken from legit websites like Nasty Gal BUT they actually fit (for the most part)! And they have a customer style gallery where real users upload how the clothes fit and how they styled them. I highly recommend it! Keep using your technique for cross referencing their measurements against yours and I SWEAR you’ll end up with some good stuff! I will admit that a few items haven’t fit, they were weirdly tight in the elbow or just generally didn’t flatter my figure, but that’s to be expected any time you order online. And the quality isn’t any worse than the clothes you might get from H&M or Forever 21.
I ordered once from rosewholesale.com and I had the exact same problem. Checked the measurements online but when the dress came it would have fit me when I was 10 but NOT NOW!
Try sheinside.com for your cheap-clothing-from-Asia fix!
This applies to RoseWholesale… or now is known as RoseWH (I think) that comes out of the Netherlands…. I had a very similar experience from beginning to end. Obviously not true to size and most items were not well made. Burned once but not twice. Lesson learned… if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. 🙁
Not rosewe, too! I also was burned by them once but I wanted to give them a second try…
I think the “coat” is a bit large on Punky – you might be better off wearing it as a cardigan
A lot of Singaporean girls actually buy their clothes from Forever 21, Topshop, ASOS, Brandy Melville and the like. At least most of my girl friends did when I lived there. None mentioned this NastyDress. I’m guessing it’s one of those shady online resellers based in Singapore that imports their clothing from Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese “blogshops” as they like to call them. Oh well, on the bright side, Punky got a kickass new wardrobe!
Hi, greetings from Singapore. Just a note to let you know that you’ve made our local news 🙂 http://women.asiaone.com/women/shopping/us-woman-complains-about-ridiculously-cheap-clothing-singapore.
Great blog post BTW and Punky (awesome name!) is just adorable. FYI, no one here has heard of, nor shops at, “Nastydress.com”. The domain itself is registered in China http://www.ip-adress.com/whois/nastydress.com. Good luck with your future online shopping. Cheers!
Thank you for your comment! As you can see from the tracking statement in the post above, my shipment originated in Singapore. I have no idea where the clothing was manufactured, just as I generally don’t know where clothing was made that’s sold in stores here in the US. Perhaps someone in your country could find out why this business is shipping clothing from Singapore if it is in fact located in China… It’s obviously not great P.R. for your country, since these clothes are going to destinations all over the world. 🙁
LOL. I don’t think anyone here’s too concerned about Nastydress.com bringing down the reputation of Singapore. I was pointing out that you were likely dealing with a China company, albeit with a very English looking website. The extremely low prices and use of Asian models would have been another clue. Try using this in future http://www.onlineconversion.com/clothing_womens.htm, although I think it’s still best to avoid online stores with dubious track records altogether, since many China based outfits literally just copy designs (badly) off fashion magazines.
It was indeed curious why your items shipped from Singapore since there’s practically no garment manufacturing industry here. Maybe they have some distribution arrangement with someone locally, who knows.
If it’s any consolation, I’ve ordered size M shirts from the US and found them over-sized when I received them. Mind you, I’m 1.82m (6 foot) tall. The length was alright, but they were way too loose. I must be grossly underweight for an American 😉
There is no bad PR. You are the reason for the bad PR because there are no evidence to indicate this is a Singapore-based shop.
Just because the shipment originate from somewhere doesn’t mean the country owns it.
You have your iPad or iPhone with you? Since it is shipped from China I presume, you would rave about the products from China? How about a blog post that says “AMAZING PRODUCT from China!!”
“This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which you
purchase the goods displayed on this website from ShenZhen Global Egrow
E-Commerce Co Ltd, a China company, having its registered office at Room
526, 5th Floor, Building 2, Nanyou 4th Industrial Zone, Nanshan
District, Shenzhen, 518057, China. Or Global Egrow Limited, a UK
company, having its registered office at the meridian, 4 copthall house,
station square, coventry, west midlands, england, CV1 2FL.”
I suppose you know what the above quote means.
I like reading your blog, it’s so interesting. I’m from Singapore and yes, our blogshops do sell smaller sized clothes.
However after visiting the Nasty Dress website, I realise that Nasty Dress is from China, ShenZhen as stated in the second paragraph.
From experience, these are clothes from China judging by the size. The sizes will forever be in centimeters. And one can never follow these sizes.
The Chinese in China are REALLY SMALL. and when I mean small, I mean really. Its as if they have no boobs. HAHA!
Well, Europeans are larger than Asians. You get it right? 😉
P/s: A China model is about the size of your daughter, literally
I’m from Singapore. I am a US size 4-6, but Asian size XL. That probably explains your shopping misfortune.
And FYI nastydress is not a Singaporean company.
Thank so much for your report about the NastyDress! I too saw it on my FB and was contemplating buying some of the clothes, although I was really dubious about the prices etc. I wasn’t sure about the sizing as well. I did notice however, they have a lot of XLs and XXLs! They probably were trying to sell to the US/European market, but of course they are still way too small from looking at your pics. I’m a little disappointed as I like some of their coats as well, but thank you so much for sharing. I knew this was too good to be true!
Your daughter’s so beautiful. She’s lucky to have a great mom! This is hilarious, im sharing!
Over here in hazy overcrowded Singapore, we’ve had it with these PRCs and other foreigners, many masquerading and passing themselves off as locals when in fact they are not or have landed for only a short while. Meanwhile they set up business using Singapore as a front and have been tarnishing our reputation internationally and even Singapore Girl has become a misnomer for gold digger as many of them are recruited from 3rd world countries. It does not help if the pm and his ministers welcome them with open arms. We are equally suffering from bad food cooked by these people.
This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which you
purchase the goods displayed on this website from ShenZhen Global Egrow
E-Commerce Co Ltd, a China company, having its registered office at Room
526, 5th Floor, Building 2, Nanyou 4th Industrial Zone, Nanshan
District, Shenzhen, 518057, China. Or Global Egrow Limited, a UK
company, having its registered office at the meridian, 4 copthall house,
station square, coventry, west midlands, england, CV1 2FL.
Hello, just because the clothes transited at Singapore during doesn’t mean as what your title misrepresented it to be.
Hello! The clothing that I ORDERED came from SINGAPORE, as you can see by my shipping statement. Hence the title. The truth doesn’t change – sorry. 🙂
You look at the comments from the viewers.
1) “I never, ever buy from Singapore sites”
2) “Hi, as what the others have already said, the shop is based in Singapore”
3) ‘m from Singapore and I am sorry to hear that you had such an unhappy
experience. I have never heard of that brand before and personally,
You are suggesting the truth is you bought clothes from Singapore? Did “Singapore” sell you the clothes?
So when you buy your iPhone and iPad, “China” sold you the iPhone?
How about a great post on the “Amazing iPad from China?”
Your logic is flawed and the truth is you seem to be more happy with the publicity than admitting you are misrepresenting it even though it is clear your readers have understood the way you intended it to be.
That same model in the red coat is modelling clothing items sold on http://www.wish.com I’ve recently made some purchases from Wish for family members. I’ve so far received ONE item, and it does NOT match what the model wore in the picture. It’s cheaply made. And came from china, not singapore. It will likely fit my skinny 22yr old daughter, whom I purchased it for, but what was supposed to be an elegant hoodie sweater, is just a simple cheaply made regular hoodie a guy could wear. It supposed to have a wide hood that would drap over the shoulders, it doesn’t. I will never order from wish again, just as I’m sure you likely won’t be ordering from Nasty Dress again. 🙂
Indeed. Cheap.
Last week I ordered that cute white coat with the tulle trim for my youngest daughter as she had asked for it as a holiday gift. Based on the size charts on the site, I ordered an extra large, though she is normally a medium. (8-10 US) Hoping that it fits her as I don’t have any little ones to pass it along to, at least not yet. My granddaughter is four, so if it is too small for my daughter I guess I’ll just wait a couple of years……
Lol I am Asian, but I’m 5 ft 7, as you can imagine I have the same problems with Asian clothes manufactured in hk and Taiwan. Clothes usually look 10cm shorter on me than on the photos in the online stores. Next time buy from websites that have the specs of the models for reference…
Well I am from Singapore too -sorry for your mishap but am glad at least your daughter could wear the clothes.
However, there is no reason to “cry for the whole day” over some cheap clothes. Cheer up yeah – all of us have had bad online order experience before, regardless of size, materials, country of origin, colors, or style.
I rarely order online, but if I do, I would start with 1-2 pieces to test the quality of a particular online shop before daring to place more orders. Good luck with future online shopping!
So glad I found your post. Couldn’t find a review at all. Its nice to find something like this from AN ACTUAL CONSUMER rather than bs from a company drone. Order canceled!
Did you get to cancel your order? If so, how did you do it? I cannot find a way to cancel my order on NastyDress and it’s really bugging me.
This is a great post! I’ve been drooling over the dresses on those sites for months, but was dubious about how they’d fit. You just saved my wallet!
I had a fun time reading your article and thanks for the heads-up relating to purchases from NastyDress. However, I think that you are mistaken in understanding the website to be from Singapore. If you have checked, you would have realised that the contact address and numbers are all located in EU/US. Please kindly rectify the misleading title / website link. Thanks! Great read nonetheless!
Just FYI, 599fashion.com is a pretty rad discount clothing site. Ships from the US, ALL items are $5.99 or less. The sizing is sometimes a little off, but ordering a size larger or so is safe. Some of the items are low quality, but some are super high quality and worth WAY more than $5.99 in my opinion. I’ve order over 5 times, and have always been really happy with the large majority of my purchases. Basically, I just pay attention to the descriptions of the model’s measurements and what size is on her, and try to base what size I should order off of that. I am on the smaller side (5’6″ 120 pounds), so I have an easy time wearing the small and medium sizes offered, but they also have “plus size” options as well. It probably sounds like I work for this company, but I’m just a crazy fan 🙂 Shipping is low too, less than a dollar per item, and usually arrives in less than two weeks. Oh, and they add new items ALL the time, so if you don’t see stuff you like now, check back later (also, usually have a coupon for 5-10% off available, so its even CHEAPER than $5.99, all my dreams have come true!!!). Probably still manufactured by child labor in China…but their doing a better job…insensitive?
I bought a military jacket I loved in a Large (I’m a 6)…….I will be gifting it to my tiny little niece for Christmas. *sigh*……..
This KILLED me. I ordered a shirt(from a different overseas company) that fit kind of like the long dress. It was a one size fits all,sort of thing…It fits like a regular tshirt. I wear it, but it is DEFINITELY not the long draping shirt I expected.Glad someone else feels my woes!
I think you broke the site. Great post and I’ll be back to read more when the traffic slows!
I bought a jacket on rosewholesale that was supposed to be a wool material, and made to look like a motorcycle jacket in charcoal grey. I ordered two sizes up, and got a grey fleece zip up that did not have a motorcycle jacket styling, just a regular jacket style, and the arm fell off the second I put it on. I ended up contesting the charge with my credit card company and they refunded my money.
Some things are just too good to be true.
Well at least you earned cool points with your beautiful and sassy daughter 🙂
I am size 4, considered avg height and am wt proportionate. 5’5, 130. I shop from these sites and wear a medium/large. It’s a no brainer that those ARE asian women in those photos. They are simply built differently. I’m sorry you were dissatisfied.
I am not from Singapore. But considering how everything fits on you, I may have to go soon. If only to see these Lilliputian ladies up close and personal.
This made my day while I should be doing actual work at my job. Children usually terrify me but I found myself being lured into giving an awwwww reaction…the clothes looked on her pretty much how I envision every item of mannequined attire would look on me, only her fabulous results are rarely mine.
I started reading this with the coat I recently ordered from dressylily in mind. The picture had a cute thigh lenght coat for 26$ on a lovely,obviously tiny woman. I’m 5’6 130 so measurements be damned I ordered the extra large and got exactly what I expected, a cute fitted hoodie. If you look closely at the pictures and think it through the models have crazy small frames and the prices indicate minimal fabric was used. No one to blame – it is just how it is.
actually it is sammydress.com, not samidress.com. i know because ive been scouring that site for awhile. i would never buy clothes off the internet though. vanity sizes are in fact that.
as far as the images go, they are most likely the photos of the designer label clothing that nasty dress is knocking off.
Loved reading this! I’m sure Lindsay wishes you would order more clothing from Nasty Dress. For you…for her!
Your daughter looks ADORABLE in those clothes, though. So if nothing else, at least you learned of a cheap place to buy her some trendy clothes. At least, for a little bit longer until she hits a growth spurt!
But yikes. I was utterly tempted when I’d seen a pic of that white coat on a friend’s FB too and I’m VERY glad I didn’t hunt it down too hard!
I ordered a pair of leggings from Samidress that looked like the fit a nirmal person ( size L) and when I received them they wouldn’t go past my ankles! I had to give them to my 7 year old niece! ridiculous!
All I see is someone too old to shop at that site, Woman in Singapore and other asian countries are smaller than western woman so of course there clothing is smaller and I am a white girl who has no real shape to speak of so I have to either get clothing from Singapore or shop at kids stores the real issue is that Americans think everything should fit them or it’s not perfect and they’re all too fat
this is hilarious! but i’m glad you were able to pass the clothes to your daughter.
I hate to say it, but most of the clothes manufactured in that area of the globe aren’t going to fit non-Asian women. Maybe I should be more specific– those clothes aren’t going to fit ANY woman who isn’t from there and isn’t the typical build from there. Hell, I’m an Asian woman and I couldn’t fit into those damn clothes!
This post was hilariously true, as I once purchased a swimsuit at a size large from a Chinese online ebay store. The swimsuit is seriously meant for a child, or a size 2 at largest. I’ve banned purchasing those clothes!
At least your daughter is happy?
thanks for the extremely timely and helpful blog! I was just getting ready to order a jacket from rosewholesale.com that was one size fits all-now I know it doesn’t!! Glad someone at your house could put the clothes to good use!
BMI 21, 27″ waist, Asian XXL. Living in Singapore is hell for me
What did you expect with such prices ? It’s a shame to read such things (and I don’t understand people saying this post is hilarious! )
There is people struggling in every country to create and sell local products and clothes, and you choose to buy clothes fabriquated in asia, probably by people in some kind of slavery (with prices so low it’s an evidence!)
You should be ashamed to brag about it. And you give the clothes to your daughter, but did you tell her these are probably made by children the same age???
And I’m astonished to see I’m the only person to have this reaction! there’s still a long way to go I guess..
It’s frightening to see how people are blind when it’s easier for them…
Sarah from France
Last year I ordered some sweaters fron a simil website but at least it said that the models where all under 5ft and to oder according to that. XL was more of a small/medium.
Just to ask the dumb question? couldn’t it be that you misconverted from cm to inches and rounded..wrongly ?
Impossible. I am never wrong. 😉
Of course, i just had to ask 🙂 and btw you asked for a wool jacket not fleece .
do you know your article has been translated – poorly imho – in italian and published on the italian version of the huffington post ?
Yes, I get notifications when the Huffington Post publishes anything of mine. 🙂
If you like I have something for your Punky! -.-” (LoL) Size extra-Large. (?)
OMG this is hilarious! Your lucky daughter! LOL
LMAO I love this post so much. Your daughter can go to school now and talk about how her wardrobe is “so international”. Every one will want you to be their mom.
Nice fashion blog!
In the present time, there are lots of options for plus size women who want to look elegant and beautiful in stylish outfits. Now, with the growing movement in fashion clothing, most reputed fashion designer brands have started designing garments especially for plus sized women. Most of this fashionable plus size clothing can be worn at several occasions and events. This clothing is shaped in a way which conforms to the contours of plus sized women, making them appear very attractive and showing off their best assets.
Try this kind of clothes :goo.gl/iAJemt
I don’t like when I order something then I get it, and then GOD DAMMIT ITS FROM ASIA. i wasn’t aware. The company was from the damn Netherlands and they use asian sizing. What the hell is wrong with Asian’s bodies.
I did not even attempt to buy anything for my broad American butt, and looked to Nastydress.com for clothing for my 11 year old. The second half of the order I placed at the beginning of December arrived today (from the Netherlands!) and not only does it look fabulous on her but she absolutely adores everything, just as she did the first half. So much so that I placed a second order today for some leggings. So, cheap, attractive kid’s clothes are a go….while my insides writhe with envy because some of those outfits are so darned cute, and I would look like a beach ball stuffed into a hot dog casing even attempting them….
im so sorry for your luck but thankful for the information..and more thankful for the laugh!!.. although at your expence..you had me laughing in tears!!
[…]always a big fan of linking to bloggers that I like but don?t get a good deal of link enjoy from[…]
I just received my boots from there ! And they are badly put together one has no insoal ! I wear a size 8 but got 9 so I can wear warm socks ! Don’t fit even with no socks ! So upset and can’t seem to get ahold of anyone to complain to
Thanks!!! this was awesome I’m a size twelve so I guess is out the question- I was looking for reviews on this website thank God I found this- they look great on your daughter!!! lolol
I am so glad that I researched this before making the same mistake you did. I am 6’1″ and although slim, It would look like I was trying to put Malibu Barbie’s clothes on. Thanks for the review.
I didn’t receive anything thru the mail..I ordered that white coat…sick of this crap
I ordered a couple of items from Nasty Dress also. I only received 1 of them, stuffed in a tiny plastic bag. It was so small that I thought it had to be a joke. I am not fat, but there is no way I could fit into that sweater. I cancelled my other item and filed a complaint with Pay Pal. They are handling this for me, so hopefully it gets resolved to my satisfaction. No more of this scam artist co. for me.
Also, here in America, the girls are much taller than in Asian countries so there is no way we can wear some of the clothes that these people talk about buying in the childrens’ dept. of a store. I’m a woman, tall, thin and long legged, but the size charts on Nasty Dress were totally off. Thumbs down to that shady operation.
These are just very poorly made knock offs of the actual items on the models. It’s not so much the height and weight difference but that the people making these imitations are just making them so generically that they think the public won’t notice. Shame on them for fooling the public into buying this crap.
Fashion mia is a scam! I ordered 2 weeks before Christmas and it’s now January 13th I still have not received for my daughter Christmas, they don’t answer my emails but the fashion mia are the ones I’m dealing with from china! Fashion Mia is a SCAM!
This is false advertising, since she consulted a chart and measured herself with precise measurements. It’s obvious that they are just sending you random things and are not actually caring what size you ordered and/or what the sizing chart says. BUYER BEWARE OF ONLINE PRICES THAT ARE “TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE”. Unlike eBay there’s no feedback when you buy from these sites either, so you can’t see how many people are unsatisfied with their purchases.
haha! This article was so fun to read, thanks for taking time to write up your experience. I’ll never order from these websites!
awesome, hilarious post!!! my mom made me order her a jacket from this site back in November. and today 1/19/2015 it is “still In transit” I wish I would have seen this a few months ago:) your daughter is precious by the way!!!
Thank you so much! Although I am sorry for your misfortune thank you for saving me from a huge mistake and a very costly one at that, my cart was full.
h&m is a good store a little better quality then f21 and they have cheap options.
[…] were all from a Today Show producer who wanted to talk to me about those clothes I bought from Singapore. I was impressed by her thoroughness in reaching out– as well as a little unnerved, since my […]
Very funny article. I ordered one cute looking black dress from China a few years ago and sure enough, it was about four sizes too small (and I was a size small at the time). I almost ordered a cute looking jacket today and then found this article. I think you just saved me twenty dollars.
I ordered three dresses and another item for my girlfriend from NastyDress.com for Christmas. One was an off-the-shoulder Santa’ish dress, that I hoped she would wear for a Christmas party just prior to the holiday. I ordered early in the month, two of the four items came in mid-December. The Santa dress was American Girl size, It was not even a shirt for my size 10 g.f., although they claimed “one size fits most”. The edges were raw cut fabric, without any hem. Really crap quality. I tried contacting NastyDress about the wrong size and missing items, only to find the help center (to get return authorization and address) din’t work. I sent message via a chat window. Heard “sorry that is not working for you” but nothing more. Emails went unanswered. Paypal to the rescue. At one point NastyDress suggested a resolution of me giving an obviously provocative dress to another girl it would fit. Oh, there’s an idea to make my holiday festive. It’s now the end of January, and PayPal has just authorized a bill-back refund. Thank goodness. BTW – this is not a Singapore operation. PayPal discovered the site is run by a guy named only Hassan, and is in New York. It appears that the picture on the site are from other websites. Hassan may be having those items copied overseas. I noticed that NastyDress now has a size table, that shows US sizes S-XL, with appropriate inch measurements. It also shows CM size, which in no way is close to US inches. Example: My g.f. is a size 10 with a 38″ chest measurement. Chart on the website says she is a Large, If I check the conversion of CM to that of inches it is no where near 38″. Their Large converts to 31″ instead. Buyer beware, what you see is not what you will, or in my care, maybe get.
Same story happened to us here in KSA. Although
I ordered the biggest size but it is still small. The Chinese
size differs from our size. So, I decided
not order any dress form them.
You have to be careful. This blog may be deemed as racist. My wife is from East Asia. I inputted her measurements into google and got results (including from US .gov sites) that she is the size of an average 11 year old in America. 4’5″ and 80 lbs. In fact, we walk by middle school kids that are bigger than her. East Asians do not eat like Western women do. They are malnourished and hungry. Some American women try to accomplish this by intentionally starving themselves. I am a 6’5″, 300lb Viking and we suffer discrimination all the time. “Oh your daughter is adorable!” Makes me want to go all Ragnar Lothbrook on their… anyways. Yeah, she has to shop in the children’s section. And good luck finding stuff that does not look like it was designed for a child. My wife likes brown, pine green, and navy blue. Not PINK SPARKLES! So now you know, East Asians are smaller than European Americans. It’s bad enough trying to buy Chinese stuff at Wal*Mart sized for Euro-Americans with American supervisors over there. Sizes still come out wrong. Good luck buying direct. When I lived in SE Asia I could not find anything to fit! Size XXXXL waist would fit around the circumference of one of my thighs. I just went around naked with some animal hides strewn about my nether regions. Vikings don’t need clothes after all.
Also, those clothes would be at least a fifth the price in Singapore. If not a 1/10th. Lesson learned, eh?
I just received an order from Rose Wholesale…had the exact same problem..Ordered a large size, they were so small they fit my 9 year old cousin. The clothes had no tags and were falling apart already…will never order from them again…
I ordered a beautiful corset for the shocking price of $20. I too bought a size up. Couldn’t even get it over my head.
Thank you tremendously for writing this review. I had a funny feeling and after this..thankfully, I will NOT be ordering. Thanks again. I’m even posting to my FB to warn others.
I’m really sorry this happened to you but OMG was I dying when I read this! It’s classic!!! I’ve seen so many amazing clothes on Asians sights and I’ve always been tempted but now I’m thinking twice! Glad I found your site! Ps. Your daughter looks so stylish!!
Thank you, as a PLUS SIZE GAL, I had been looking at SamiDress.com website. I’ll stick to what we know and pay the price. Good Job!
I just laughed so hard, that I had piles of tears rolling down my face. Sorry to hear about your misfortune but after reading and SEEING how the items didn’t even look a smidgen bit like the pictures on the site, I will stay away from shopping on cheap sites. I’m gals I read this before I hit that buy button on Sammy’s dress and lovelywholesale. Ufffff… I just saved me a tantrum because I would’ve been so pissed off if I had spent money, waited 5-10 business days and my clothes came back looking like sham.
THANK YOU THANK YOU… I had just filled up my cart, and was about to do a 100+ dollar order.. and did a quick google search before continuing.. you saved me from the mistake.. grrr im mad cuz I have looked at this site many times, and hesitated, but was gonna do it today.. saved me from wasting 100 bucks.
OMG…I just went through this with my 10 year-old niece. She got almost every single item I ordered from rosegal.com. The only item she didn’t get was a chiffon dress that turned out to be several sizes too large for me. Everything else was too small and the smug child got it!
Well at least you received something. Most of us have paid for items that have never been shipped. I ordered from Twinkledeals and I’m so very happy I used PayPal to complete the transaction. I put a complaint in to them and I recieved my refund the very next day. There was no way I was going to give them my CC number, and I’m so glad I chose that form of payment.
Dont buy from fashion mia either i orderd over a month ago shoes still not here
hmm…..what about the site fashionmia.com? They have (what looks like) the same type of clothing. I normally wear a 4 or 6 (5’5; 125lbs) in women’s but their sizes are S(2-4) M(6-8)……
I saw some really cute (cheap) dresses, but now I’m not so sure…….
I order stuff from Asia/Overseas all the time on kinda sketchy websites like this NastyDress, and they almost always have conversion charts or reviews that I look at. Its about 2 sizes up for Asian clothes. Like I got a mens shirt once, which i usually fit into small/medium American Men’s, so i got Large. It was a tad too small because I forgot to take into consideration it was a button down and didn’t stretch, but i can deal. I’m pretty good at the whole converting sizes now though.
Hysterical .. love it and the photos.. I felt the same way buying from RoseWholeSale.
I should order some fun stuff for when my daughter’s older… but she’s already 2 feet tall at 3 months old, so maybe they’ll fit her as a toddler? hahaha
Haha awsome! I am a tall 5.9 (177 cm) Swedish woman from Sweden living L.A. Me and my even taller sister found your blog when we where checking up the company “DressingLilly.” They also sell clothes from Singapore…. On the DressLilly webshop we recognize the Asian short model girl and some of the clothes from the shop you ordered from. Lol! Thank you, now we don’t have to bother with these weird shops!
Thanks for an awesome blog! Have a great day!
Ugh! Darn it! I just discovered all these inexpensive sites. I should have known it was too good to be true. But has anyone run into any sites that ARE safe to buy from? In other words, a decent quality, replica site. I don’t even expect super high quality, just maybe Forever 21 quality with even lower prices. Surely somewhere there is foreign based site selling inexpensive replicas that DO fit Americans lol. Someone has to be smart enough to tap into that market, right?
I got a dress from Sammie dress or what ever it’s called. It fit perfectly however when my mom got a tight dress it was a little short.
Hi! Aparently you are not the one in this situation… i bought two hoodies from there and the same as you, instead of medium size i ordered large and came from them like XS or something. And the material wasnt even 10% out of 100% cotton as they said. It was some material that i was afraid if i will be near a fire it will dissapear in the very next minute.
But at least your daughter is happy, you for her and so on.. i dont have kids so the rubbish bin were happy in my house.
Omg I havent laughed so hard in a long time, just happen to fall on this blog, and glad I did, I am sorry for your misfortune but you sure can put a bad story together! I had to share it with my 8 year old daughter we were both getting teary eyed as we would scroll down to your daughter modeling her new clothes! Say no more, we will abstain from too good to be true deals 🙂
Here’s one I ordered from sammydress.com. Even though I am petite and Asian, the length was way too short. The color was more Aqua than blue. And the neckline on the model is more scoop neck; mine was more of a crew neck. Also, the material was not what I expected, and the threads are all loose. I am with you on just going to Forever 21 instead.
I was actually looking at them last night lol Rose wholesale ALMOST HAD ME LOL
This was the best by far… Too cute with your daughter.
I order from Asia for my daughter so I know what size to order but not for my boys because the pants are cut very bow legged and the sleeves too short. The girls stuff is always cute.
As far as adults is concerned unless you are petite the clothes they well online may not fit your size conversion. Order up and anything ankle length will probably be at least 2 inches above the ankle or even shorter.
The lining for longer dresses or skirts are below the knee or mid thigh..
Also ask if they provide non stock photos
Personally no one should ever buy any asian clothing. It’s never what you see in the photos. NEVER! Worst quality. Way to small and I’m tiny. Takes forever to receive. They should not be allowed to sell. It’s completely false from what you are receiving! Haven’t found one asian company where I received exactly what was in picture
I ordered clothes for my daughter from a company similar to this, Dresslilly…..exact same issue, all the clothes fit her 8 year old, lol. I won’t do it again. Plus, I worry that clothes sold so cheaply are being made by Child laborers, like SO many other inexpensive clothes sold in bulk.
Looooool…I haven’t laughed like I just did in monthes…thanks for a hilarious post. You described the experience of thousands of women buying online…including me.
I’m actually having the opposite problem with sizing these days, and I notice it everywhere. I’m very petite (5’2″ and a little underweight right now as well), and even the small and petite sizes have been too big for me which ends up being super frustrating. I just ordered a size 4 petite in shorts from Old Navy recently, and the waist was still way too small. I don’t want people to jump all over me, because I’m just relaying my experience, but are people getting larger? I remember a time (and I was also probably a more normal weight them), when buying clothes that fit me wasn’t so hard, but now it’s a challenge. Also, there are reasons why I’m underweight (health issues), but yeah, muy frustrating. This issue for me is kind of the flip side of the coin. I am also very active and play tennis a lot, so it makes it very hard to gain weight in the waist area. Yeah, I know, a lot of women would say they would rather have my issues with sizes being too large, but it becomes very frustrating.
I ordered from fashionmia.com, basically the same site.
I had the same thing happen to me. It was freaking tragic. I’m almost 6′ tall… I ordered a bunch of items that 1) do not fit me or 2) are COUNTERFEIT. The Counterfeit goods bother me the most, as I own some of the items “pictured”. I feel your pain. So so much.
We were ripped off by the same people. I’m telling everyone about it, too.
Can us super skinny girls have something for once? Do u know how hard it
is for me to find clothes that actually fit my size 0 frame? I’m a
grown woman with 3 kids and have to constantly shop in the kids
department. These Asian sites are the only sites that I can buy my
clothes from. People that order from them are complaining about how
small the clothes are…well duh that’s why it’s so cheap! They are
using less material to make the clothes so they charge less, just like
plus sized clothing cost more cause of extra material but no one ever
looks at it that way. I bet if these Asian sites get enough complaints
then they’ll start making the clothes bigger which is not fair to us. I
feel like if regular sized women want clothing then they can easily find
it in any store. There are stores for plus sizes and regular sizes so
why not Xtra small sizes?
Two words: Baby Gap.
I hope my comment didn’t offend people…I wasn’t targeting u or anyone else specific. Many people enjoy shopping but I don’t as much because of my size. Your article was hilarious and I really enjoyed reading it. I’m glad your daughter fits into the clothes u got…I secretly try on my daughters clothes just to see if they’ll fit but not yet maybe in a couple more years;) btw I love Baby GAP!
haahahha let me just go ahead and close out my cart.. (rosewholesale)
My girlfriend buys from there all the time, she said the key is to buy 2 sizes bigger then what you wear..
lmao! This is my biggest fear.
Oh wow . . . I was just checking out on nastydress.com with my $140 purchase. So so so glad. Something told me to just google it one last time and voila . . . here comes suburban mom’s blog. Thank you. I just clicked that little X and left. LOL
PS: Your daughter looks gorgeous! That is so hilarious!
You guys are so cute 🙂
You guys are so cute 🙂
[…] and that the manufacturer or seller will send you the garment you paid for. My favorite example is here, a post from the SuburbanTurmoil blog that is the best explanation of buying clothes online that […]
Had the SAME experience with Zaful.com – stay away ladies! Items showed up with ripped seams and the dye lines on dresses were bleeding all over the place. They offered me a refund and then came back and said that option wasn’t available. They want ME to pay to ship it back to China. SERIOUSLY!? not spending another DIME on them – stay far away!!!
[…] Have a laugh by clicking on this link to see what happens to a lady when she ordered ridiculously cheap clothing from […]
[…] hands before parting with your hard-earned cash, and you have only to read Suburban Turmoil’s hilarious blog post about buying cheap clothes from Singapore to appreciate some of the dangers of buying from the […]
The photos are stolen, the site is a scam, this Nasty Dress is also Sammy Dress, the items are tiny replicas of the real clothing, They are defrauding people and stealing their identity. Its also fraud when they ask you for a color, clear photo of your ID and Credit Card. They purposely do this. Most of the time the items are never sent.
The sites are a scam, look up sammys dress, its the same site, its false advertising, they should not use photos of American Women and photos they steal from other sites if they are just making the clothing in their own country based on a child size. This has happened to thousands of shoppers that shopped at Sammy Dress or Nasty Dress. Soon they will be taken down from google. All you will get is lies and the run-arround from these scam sites. I am behind a huge investigation to take them all down. Once you research what they are doing you will be in shock!
Okay I was upset for you but laughed and loved the mini you model aka your daughter thanks for the post to save me the upset and disappointment
Hillarious.. and thats how it really is.. if u buy cheap clothes and that too from CHINAaaa
I have had the EXACT results as you! The prices & pictures all seem
perfect but the purchase NEVER adds up! 🙁 THANK YOU for your humor & personal experience pix LOL. Time to uninstall the WISH app
I’m so happy to have found this post. My 13 year old daughter is very tiny and always complains because she doesn’t want to wear “kids” clothes. I was able to order her a new wardrobe and she loved it. There were a lot of loose threads and i had to fix a loose hem but was happy with the order over all. My daughter is absolutely thrilled to have “grownup” clothes. Everyone at school has been loving her new outfits. I ordered size Large–she wears a 10-12 in girls and probably should have went with a medium because they are a little big but they still look good.
Just laughed my way through your post then interrupted my own 10-year-old from falling asleep so I could re-laugh my way through it with her. Thanks for the great story!
I actually purchased the coat listed in the beginning (the white one) and it’s actually quite adorable. The back is a wee bit tight and I had to reposition the buttons but after that it looks adorable
I have been thinking about ordering some of these clothes, so I am thankful for the review”that they run incredibly small.” However, I hope someone from Mia is watching and listening because this is a huge, incredibly huge business opportunity. There are people who want well made, decently or at least fairly marketed clothes that do not cost an arm and a leg. But more importantly they want something stylish…customize your sizes to US standards, charge a bit more maybe twice, and you will have a runaway business….supply and demand.
Yup; same thing happened to me. Just received a coat I ordered from a Chinese-made coat, which I was hyped about, only to realize that they sleeves circumference was too tight. And going by Asian-to-US sizes didn’t help, since I picked the size that was supposed to fit me! I’m so pissed I don’t even want to think about ordering a coat anymore.
Lindsay thanks for the hilarious wardrobe poses! I was curious to find someone who actually had photos of these beautiful clothes in the real, and you did us a great favor by exposing the actual items!
OMG so funny! And so not the same looking clothes! Your expressions are priceless! Glad you have a sense of humor, because I’d be really upset! Your adorable daughter looks great in these fashions so I hope she had fun wearing them. My daughter buys online all the time, and some of her clothes look oddly made, could be from this company. Thanks for the warning! Made me laugh! -Jan
This honestly cracked me up. Not about your misfortune – I’ve had the same experience when I’ve ordered from similar sites, but how happy your daughter looks getting some awesome new clothes! She’s probably like, “keep ordering mom! i’m sure one of them will be the right size! Also, you look great in pink.”
I saw a really great looking coat on one of those websites and someone who bought it, put up a picture on facebook showing what they actually sold her. The description is called “stylish turn-down collar long sleeve asymmetrical button design women’s coat”. I Google imaged the picture, and found about 10 websites selling this coat.
My list includes: Sammydress, Rosegal, Dresslily, twinkledeals, rosewholesale, trendsgal, nasty dress, dealsplus, extreme coupon deal, blushpearls, goshopfashion, fashionworld-la.com, and zerotosixfigure.com. All of those others are also .com’s. That one cruddy coat is supposedly being sold by a whole bunch of companies. I don’t want to make the effort to investigate, but I’m sure every single one of these “companies” all originate from the same place. Keep in mind, no heavy duty overcoat is going to be sold for $30 unless it’s actually cheap fabric. The coat she bought was an adult size, but it was about as stylish as a felt board with some button holes punched into it.
this post is hilarious 😀 I stopped buying normal clothes online. Always ended up like what you had experienced lol.
this post is hilarious 😀 I stopped buying normal clothes online. Always ended up like what you had experienced lol.
[…] hands before parting with your hard-earned cash, and you have only to read Suburban Turmoil’s hilarious blog post about buying cheap clothes from Singapore to appreciate some of the dangers of buying from the […]
Err mah gawsh! Here I sit fuming over the ONE sweater I ordered being too small for me and looking like it *might* fit my 11yr old if she’d wear it. She too said it didn’t look like what I had ordered. You put me to shame though. Shopping spree a little? It’s like you went on a Singapore Stitch Fix! LOL
I ordered my “sweater” on 11/11/15. It didn’t ship until 12/11/15. Is this going to arrive for Christmas you ask? Nope! Of course not. Dang! One less gift under the tree for me!
Love, love, love the stuff on Punky. She’s totes adorbs! Here’s hoping PayPal can get me my money back.
Err mah gawsh! Here I sit fuming over the ONE sweater I ordered being too small for me and looking like it *might* fit my 11yr old if she’d wear it. She too said it didn’t look like what I had ordered. You put me to shame though. Shopping spree a little? It’s like you went on a Singapore Stitch Fix! LOL
I ordered my “sweater” on 11/11/15. It didn’t ship until 12/11/15. Is this going to arrive for Christmas you ask? Nope! Of course not. Dang! One less gift under the tree for me!
Love, love, love the stuff on Punky. She’s totes adorbs! Here’s hoping PayPal can get me my money back.
I ordered from that same place ad half my order still hasnt shipped or was wrong…no one is taking me serious… I have yet to get a refund or a reply…. NASTY DRESS IS THE WORST SITE DONT ORDER… they keep sending me the same
messages and its been almost 3 months
I ordered from that same place ad half my order still hasnt shipped or was wrong…no one is taking me serious… I have yet to get a refund or a reply…. NASTY DRESS IS THE WORST SITE DONT ORDER… they keep sending me the same
messages and its been almost 3 months
These clothes are horrible. I personally have had the ill fortune of buying from a couple of these companies. I am a L/XL on a bad day. I ordered pieces in XXXL, and they fit my 13 year old niece. They’re cute on the website, but that’s where it stops. Bad quality, too, IMHO.
These clothes are horrible. I personally have had the ill fortune of buying from a couple of these companies. I am a L/XL on a bad day. I ordered pieces in XXXL, and they fit my 13 year old niece. They’re cute on the website, but that’s where it stops. Bad quality, too, IMHO.
Oh. My. Goodness! Your post popped up when I was oogling a dress from stylewe.com. Beautiful photography–dress looks gorgeous on the super-tiny, underaged model (prob if your post is any indication, haha), and I am now not going to order from the site for fear of this happening. What unfortunate representation–I only wish the word was out there even louder. These sites are advertising everywhere and are all over Polyvore and Pinterest. Beware! Great post–thank you for saving me a big let down.
Oh. My. Goodness! Your post popped up when I was oogling a dress from stylewe.com. Beautiful photography–dress looks gorgeous on the super-tiny, underaged model (prob if your post is any indication, haha), and I am now not going to order from the site for fear of this happening. What unfortunate representation–I only wish the word was out there even louder. These sites are advertising everywhere and are all over Polyvore and Pinterest. Beware! Great post–thank you for saving me a big let down.
At least you had a daughter to give them to. My stuff is sitting in a pile.
At least you had a daughter to give them to. My stuff is sitting in a pile.
Omg! I can’t stop laughing! I too fell for all these. I ordered off Ebay. After about 10 items, only 2 fit….sorta. I ve decided I will never order this crap again. I even ordered some snow boots. US 9, UK 7. They even got these wrong. They’re more like US 7. Too bad, seriously cute. Maybe Punky wants them?!! Lol
Omg! I can’t stop laughing! I too fell for all these. I ordered off Ebay. After about 10 items, only 2 fit….sorta. I ve decided I will never order this crap again. I even ordered some snow boots. US 9, UK 7. They even got these wrong. They’re more like US 7. Too bad, seriously cute. Maybe Punky wants them?!! Lol
I absolutely LOVE this article. My boyfriend and I laughed much to hard while reading it because I too have come under the spell of these stores and ended up with terrible results. I now have a perfect system to go by when dealing with them. I never, NEVER order shirts, coats or dresses because they are always misadvertised in every way and ended up with the same problems you described and then some. I once got a sweater that had 3 inches of extra fabric at the inner hemline! So on top of being I’ll fitting it was bulky and ridiculous. I have ordered about 10 pairs of leggings the past few months and love most of them. They fit like I hoped and have ha no problems with any of them besides one pair that was Capri length but a pair of tall boots solved that problem
I absolutely LOVE this article. My boyfriend and I laughed much to hard while reading it because I too have come under the spell of these stores and ended up with terrible results. I now have a perfect system to go by when dealing with them. I never, NEVER order shirts, coats or dresses because they are always misadvertised in every way and ended up with the same problems you described and then some. I once got a sweater that had 3 inches of extra fabric at the inner hemline! So on top of being I’ll fitting it was bulky and ridiculous. I have ordered about 10 pairs of leggings the past few months and love most of them. They fit like I hoped and have ha no problems with any of them besides one pair that was Capri length but a pair of tall boots solved that problem
Hahaha!!! So funny! 🙂
Hahaha!!! So funny! 🙂
I believe in your story, it’s a shame actually since i’ve been looking out for those sites for sooo long,,,cheap clothing, beautiful and different and close to buying but not have checked out yet, i can see they seem to follow asian sizes due to all the models they use and that the largest size is XL, a size bigger should do the wonders, but i have experienced exactly the same thing when i ordered some clothing from a chinese company at ebay, and i measured myself rightly, even aksed my sister to help out measuring me, then i looked at the size chart, and ordered a fitting size, but it was such a fail, it was tight around the breast area, and short at the back close to the ass, it was super short and showed of your underwear, i also have lordosis kinda back, so i asked for longer length at the back when writing to the seller before buying, the person did answer and gave me an ok, but the thing i was wearing was not long at the back, its was extremly short, the stomach part was also kinda loose and had big weird sausage/creases, nothing looked good at all, and i was so heartbroken and sad, even my sister looked disappointed and disgusted at how it looked on me. Tips for those who actually want to order from asian companies/or inspirated by small sizes is: Have no curves, have tiny boobs or no boobs at all, have no lordosis/sway-back, thick calves..forget ordering one bigger size than your actual, it’s not going to do much for you, it’s just gonna make you cry anyway that it dose’nt fit, or just fit some parts of your body but not on full level, and be prepared that you’re not gonna look anything like the model with the outfit on….
I believe in your story, it’s a shame actually since i’ve been looking out for those sites for sooo long,,,cheap clothing, beautiful and different and close to buying but not have checked out yet, i can see they seem to follow asian sizes due to all the models they use and that the largest size is XL, a size bigger should do the wonders, but i have experienced exactly the same thing when i ordered some clothing from a chinese company at ebay, and i measured myself rightly, even aksed my sister to help out measuring me, then i looked at the size chart, and ordered a fitting size, but it was such a fail, it was tight around the breast area, and short at the back close to the ass, it was super short and showed of your underwear, i also have lordosis kinda back, so i asked for longer length at the back when writing to the seller before buying, the person did answer and gave me an ok, but the thing i was wearing was not long at the back, its was extremly short, the stomach part was also kinda loose and had big weird sausage/creases, nothing looked good at all, and i was so heartbroken and sad, even my sister looked disappointed and disgusted at how it looked on me. Tips for those who actually want to order from asian companies/or inspirated by small sizes is: Have no curves, have tiny boobs or no boobs at all, have no lordosis/sway-back, thick calves..forget ordering one bigger size than your actual, it’s not going to do much for you, it’s just gonna make you cry anyway that it dose’nt fit, or just fit some parts of your body but not on full level, and be prepared that you’re not gonna look anything like the model with the outfit on….
I use to work in the apparel industry, designing and making patterns. I once worked with a company that “attempted” to manufacture in India. Pictures and drawings were not well interpreted in other countries, which is why I was hired. I imagine that garments are presently being knocked-off from pictures alone, with little regard for what the real item is supposed to look like. It’s not about size. It’s about basic proportions. These are not miniature garments but pore pattern interpretation.
[…] For if you’ve ever considered buying something from a super sketchy foreign website: This is What Happens When You Order Ridiculously Cheap Clothing From Singapore – Suburban […]
[…] te pełniące funkcję drogiej ozdoby domu… #KULTURA OBRAZKOWA – Tak się kończy zamawianie ubrań z azjatyckich, nieznanych sklepów… Na obrazku wszystko ładnie pięknie, a na żywo… #FILMIK TYGODNIA– Szalony […]
[…] worth noting that not all of these sites are created equal. Sure, there might be a sea of hilarious blog posts and enraged forums detailing horror stories from shopping destinations of this nature. But […]
[…] https://somethingtotallydifferent.com/this-is-what-happens-when-you-order-ridiculously-cheap-clothing-from-sin… […]
[…] This is What Happens When You Order Ridiculously Cheap … […]
[…] https://somethingtotallydifferent.com/this-is-what-happens-when-you-order-ridiculously-cheap-clothing-from-sing… […]
yes it is good for buying cheap and bulk shopping, it takes time to deliver but definitely, you would get some cheap time here.
So so funny. I learned my lesson with overseas purchases. Never again. Very cheaply made. Pictures make it look so good.