>Trouble in Paradise

  1. Nut's mom says:

    >wait till they start spitting sparks out of their mouths and roatating their limbs. oh yes…. stepford is alive and well.God, I hope I am a funky soccer mom.

  2. Waya says:

    >Note to self: my kids are not playing soccer.

  3. >Wow, I’m glad I did not have any issues like that with basketball. This was my first year in an organized sport. I was Ms. Novicello. However, when it was my turn they had an 8:30 AM game. So I thought, what could I bring that would be good that early but wasn’t sugary like donuts. Well I came up with the brilliant idea of granola bars. They didn’t like them. OH well, what do 10 year old boys know about nutrition anyway? Then I saw what the other mom’s brought for their turns and understood…chips, cookies, donuts…how could I compete? I still think I made a better choice.

  4. meredith says:

    >LOL.I have run across women like that at PTA meetings. I didn’t think to look for the transmitter…

  5. jag says:


  6. Denise says:

    >The hell? Gawd…I hate women sometimes. Why are we so damn catty about something as simple as SNACKS?

  7. ficklechick says:

    >I’ve gotten so bad lately that when it’s my snack day, I just give all of the kids cash and send them to the snackbar.I wonder why they don’t aske me to be in charge of the snack schedule anymore? 😉

  8. shauna says:

    >”The snacks are a concept that leaves some doubt”?!?!?That’s just weird.

  9. >Some folks have apparently way too little to worry about if snacks for a girls’ soccer team are something to get all kooky about. Sheesh! I’ll take a granola bar, though! ‘Specially if they have chocolate chips! Wo0t!

  10. Anonymous says:

    >Granola Bars FTW!

  11. Serra says:

    >What do you want to bet that Rookie Mom bitched because her gagalicious protein spread was rejected last year? She probably went to the head Soccer Mom and whined that someone might be allergic to something in those granola bars, along with implying that you don’t care about the girls’ health and should be banned from being Snack Mom.

  12. Heather says:

    >Ugh. What a bunch of asshats. The complete bitch in me (I like to think she’s just below the surface) would bring a whack of granola bars to out-do every other robo-mom’s stupid snack.

  13. Jamie says:

    >I’m so glad you’ve already given me the inside scoop on chocolate chip granola bars. When I meet some Stepford Wife like that I automatically think they have way too much damn time on their hands. So far I haven’t met any psycho moms through soccer…it’s early yet, though.

  14. Vic says:

    >this kind of shit really scares me.

  15. Gertie says:

    >Whatever happened to orange slices? That’s what was always served at our soccer games…..

  16. Renee says:

    >Kinda reminds me of the “Everybody Loves Raymond” epp where Debora gets in trouble for not bringing the snacks that were on the approved snack list.

  17. Sarcomical says:

    >oh my god. it’s that scene from everybody loves raymond. do you know what i’m talking about?

  18. Kristi says:

    >Those ladies need a blog to pour out their neurosis(ieszzss). There but for the grace of God go I…

  19. R. Robyn says:

    >I think that lady had a glitch in her operating system.

  20. Lisa says:

    >Thanks for making me smile this morning! Who the hell wants to eat healthy bagel halves and risk getting strawberries stuck in their teeth? 😉 Believe me, these moms are everywhere. Girl Scout moms can be weird too.

  21. vincenzo says:

    >That’s what happens when you migrate Stepford Wifeware 2.6 to Vista.I say bring the Granola bars to every game. Give yours and anyone else who wants a Granola Bar. By the time the season ends, they will all come to you at every game looking for a bar, while the Wives look on, confused.”Does… not… compute…”

  22. >They are so jealous of you! They are so catty.I’ve encountered women like that, they are everywhere. Put them on ignore…..

  23. yellojkt says:

    >Sounds like you are being snubbed. I wouldn’t be sruprised fi they start giving you directions to the wrong field.

  24. Anne Glamore says:

    >HA!! You know how I feel about team snacks, so I’m totally with you on this!

  25. B.E.C.K. says:

    >LOL I was totally thinking about that “Everybody Loves Raymond” episode, too. Must be a very common thing. I remember when my son’s quasi-preschool teacher (not quasi-teacher, although she kinda was) complained that my son never ate his snack. I was like, “Okey-doke. So…?” Dunno why snacks are an issue at all. BTW, I would’ve eaten the granola bar and left the weird protein-spread bagel alone. So there ya go. ;^)

  26. Lahdeedah says:

    >Slip a granola bar in your step-daughter’s soccer bag until the interesting concept with snacks and the issues revolving around said concept can be resolved. That way, if the resolution involves protein/fiber spreads on whole-grain flax bagels with carrot juice, she’s not only spared yakking an unattractive color mix, but will actually thank you for your rebelliousness. Just tell her to scarf it down in secret.

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