Warped Childhood, Restoration Hardware Style: VOLUME III

  1. j2the3rd says:

    Awesome. Love the commentary. Spot on. Keep it coming!

  2. Denise says:


  3. Stacy Morrison says:

    BWAHAHAHAHA!!! This is perfection. Not Restoration-Hardware-style perfection, but perfection nonetheless. xo

  4. Melissa says:

    I actually really like the train prints! If they didn’t cost an arm and a leg I would be all over those for my boys’ room. And if I had an ounce of craftiness in my body I would go all Pinterest and try to recreate them. Guess my sons will have to live with their plethora of toy trains that litter my living room floor and the train whistle from the nearby tracks. I think they’ll survive without too much trauma. 😉

    • suburbanturmoil says:

      Melissa, you could probably find vintage prints online, print them out and frame them- Or find a book of vintage train prints on Amazon… It’s a great idea.

  5. Rita Arens says:

    I love you.

  6. Cindy says:

    I work at a camp, and I can assure you Millbrook has been here and been absolutely mortified! Mummy yanked him out straight away and they checked in to the Marriott so he could ‘rough’ it without the ruffians.

  7. Angie Dawn says:

    i love these posts, lindsay! you always crack me up. and, i’m thinking butterworth is a fantastic name should i desire to birth a fifth child. thanks 🙂

  8. Shobha George says:

    OMG. I couldn’t stop laughing. I actually like RH but the kids stuff is too OTT for my fairly rambunctious children (not naming them Philomena and Tarquin probably got them off to a bad start).

  9. Caren McTamney Cronin says:

    “Cassowary.” The best.

  10. cheesehead4ever says:

    Awesome! Love the painting with the poo and teenage boy Ludlow.

  11. Kimberly Lane says:

    “Why can’t I have a real bed?” Priceless!

  12. Miss B says:

    These are beautiful, mostly unsafe, and absolutely RIDICULOUS! I will admit that I love the periodic table prints in Ludlow’s room though. My geek husband and I are not having children, but if we did I would certainly consider something like that for my child’s bedroom decor. Perhaps God knew that I would torture my children with grand aspirations for their academia, and in His wisdom condemned us to childlessness. Can’t blame Him.

  13. Gertie says:

    I was having a kind of crapball day and this made me laugh. Thanks!

  14. katie ryser says:

    My dog is named Tarkington. I am sure he is appalled at the injustice of sleeping on a bed from Costco.

  15. This is so funny! Thank you for bringing us all back to reality!

  16. Nancy says:

    would love to see one of these after REAL children were in them for 5 minutes..I do like the train prints(Hastings) and the pink bedding(Phaedra)..how did you come up with such elitest sounding names

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