>Who’s the ass here?

  1. >Great post. You need to send that to Readers Digest or Playboy.Thought your encounter with the trim n fit 90 lb wet/sweat babe after your treadmill views was hilarious but that was only the prelude to the rear viewing glass exposure that you experineced.I’ll check your writings out more, they are good. Keep at it.

  2. >Haha– at my gym my work out partner and I call them “The Bikini Girls” why are they wearing the lack of clothes??? to say “HELLO MEN–I am a whore.. look at what I look like cuz its all I got!!!!!” I dont care how hot thier bods are– I work out with a 22 yr old gymnastics teacher– her bod is PERFECTO and she manages to put on clothes for the gym….I am a mother for god’s sakes– I may not be all jiggly, but I have more than just a hot bod! ……js

  3. MommaK says:

    >You’re so brilliant. We need to go to the gym together. Shopping, drinking and to the gym…not in that order 🙂

  4. >Love it! I live in fear of those moments at the local gym, so DH and I have our gym at home. In our bedroom. Treadmill, Weight machine. We work out together at night, after the kids are in bed. We get our hearts pumping, then we get the blood flowing in the right direction… I love working out at home!WV: pyogugoyMaybe a slang term in the Philippines?

  5. Serra says:

    >Shoot spitwads at her ass while you’re working out.I’m such a bitch.

  6. Crazy MomCat says:

    >You are so silly! I do totally get your assessment of asses from the treadmill though. I mean, you’re just sitting there jogging…what else can you do to kill the time? I personally have a really over-weight cottage cheese legged person who walks in front of me. Part of me applaudes her for consistently coming and working out, hoping she’ll succeed. But, she also looks like a bloated version of a girl who stabbed me in the back in college, viciously. So, part of me wishes it WAS relaly her and that she would get nowhere with the workouts. HA!I’m nice, aren’t I?

  7. >looked at my bum in jeans the other day, not a pretty site, I’m one of those Moms on Oprah that they grab off the street and say ‘DAHLING, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? JUST LOOK AT THAT SAGGY BOTTOM. Wish me luck in my weight loss goal before summer.

  8. Chilihead2 says:

    >Oh, but I’ve been there! (no pun intended) I lol’d at least three times on that one.

  9. wordgirl says:

    >Why is it that some people never seem to get cellulite…even when they’re heavy? What’s that all about?

  10. Mom101 says:

    >I too am ass-obsessed. However that “wide load ahead” girl? Yeah, that was probably me. I can’t help it if everything looks like hotpants on me. Thanks a lot.

  11. T. says:

    >Good on you for facing the 90-pounder and not letting her chase you off. Me, I’m content to pretend I’m the 90-pounder, while I sit at home, watch American Idol and eat Cheetos.Works for me. But you it’s a hard regiment to stick to. I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone.

  12. Carol says:

    >You should be so proud of yourself for being so consistent about going to the gym!! Handing her the tshirt?? That was my favorite part

  13. Chrixean says:

    >I think I’m one of those who tend to stare more at a woman’s thighs. I have what we call here “thunder thighs” (complete with saddlebags), and I can’t help but stare at these fit women’s thighs (and cursing them silently in my mind…) especially when they go skipping around in their tight fit low-waisted jeans or short shorts.So proud of your dedication to your gym workouts! I promise to do just that after 7 months…or 8….

  14. aka_Meritt says:

    >I know who you are competing with… that would be my SIL. When you see the 90 pound freakling next time, tell her her SIL says hi and sends her love… and we’ll have to get together this summer at Dads. PS:When she isn’t at the gym? She is out jogging. Really.

  15. Anonymous says:

    >HA! I KNEW IT! We have a treadmill at home. Sometimes, my husband tries to convince me to go to his gym and run there. “NO WAY!” I tell him. “People will just stare at my ass while I run!”He doesn’t believe me, but now I have proof.

  16. Jamie says:

    >90-pound freakling….snort…chuckle. Well I need to get my own jiggly disappearing mommy ass to the gym. It’s too bad asses aren’t like hairstyles…you could ask her where she got hers!

  17. Jamie says:

    >Coming back to clarify that’s disappearing mommy ass as in flattening out (the fat has migrated to my belly). Not disappearing mommy ass as in a good thing. 🙂

  18. kfk says:

    >That was a riot. I’m a total ass-checker but only for inspiration and something to aspire to.Thanks for the laugh and also for the additional laugh I got when I read your link to Momma K.

  19. >LOL!!! This is hysterical!!!LadyBug

  20. Franny says:

    >Oh my, you make me laugh. It’s truely ironic how the minute I start working out again, I feel smarter, in better shape, and of course better looking than everyone else.. Too funny what a little excercise will do to ya!!

  21. >Yikes…At my gym the treadmills are also lined up in front of the elipticals. I have wondered many of time what I must look like as I bounce along my cardio workout. Alas, I’m willing to be it isn’t pretty.

  22. Miss Misery says:

    >Rofl! I think every woman is secretly of the ass-obsessed… its just in our nature.

  23. Webmiztris says:

    >to hell with the 90 pound freakling…I think guys prefer a little junk in the trunk!

  24. >I could squish her for you.

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