Black Friday

  1. Amy says:

    >I’ve never done it. I was sore afraid. But I have a plan with a good friend that next year we’re going to try it, list in hand, and see what it’s all about.

  2. Allie says:

    >I went out this time, my first time as well. I did very minimal shopping, and saved quite a bit, although, I went to two stores that I knew wouldn’t be as busy as Target or Best Buy. I kind of think its overrated myself.

  3. Gertie says:

    >I went to Circuit City to get a particular laptop. We got there at 4:0 and the line was at least 300 people long. By the time I got in there the laptops were sold out. I then proceeded to wander around in a daze while my friend hunted down a bunch of crap for her 12 year old son. I bought a weather radio that wasn’t even on sale. We then went to Toys R Us where I walked in and walked right back out. I couldn’t even breathe due to the sheerr number of people storming the aisles. Never again.

  4. >Girl, you attacked that all wrong! The ads aren’t usually released until Thursday’s paper. (or online at – but there aren’t pictures so it takes forever to wade through it all online)I get a paper, sit down and make a pile of all the stores I usually like and toss Lowes/Home Depot and the such that I usually don’t care for all that much. Then I flip through each ad with a marker in hand to circle what I want AND a notebook where I jot it down/what store/price/what time the sale runs from. Often stores will have the same item on sale for different prices. Once I’m down with all that, I review the stores I plan on visiting and make a game plan of which store to hit first. Once that’s all in order, I drop my kids off at my parents to stay overnight, go to sleep for a couple hours until the wee hours of Friday morning, get my husband up and off we go a-shopping. (He hunts so this is our trade off.) He stands in line while I grab exactly what I want and join him. Oh, and I don’t ever get a cart–you get “stuck”. I use a basket so I can easily weave in and out of aisles. Eventually my husband and I met up with my parents for a nice breakfast out and get the kids back. I can usually knock of most, if not all, of my Christmas shopping and get our family some neat gifts for dirt cheap. I do have to say that this year I didn’t think the sales were all that great, but I still did okay.

  5. artemisia says:

    >This was my first year, too, but I went with my husband who is an old pro. We avoid the electronics stores – I’d rather pay full price than deal with those crowds, shudder! – and hit a sporting goods store that has always had great ski gear. It’s not even for Christmas, it’s just what we do to get the kids outfitted for the season.

  6. Angel says:

    >I have never gone out on a Black Friday and hate it. I posted a story about this in my blog though…Hubs went out at 4:30am while I stayed cozy warm in bed. He got us a $200 flat screen 19″ t.v and a I finally got a new printer for 25 bucks. It’s an all in one:) NOT BAD!

  7. dennis says:

    >I slept.Much like purchasing presents on Sweetest Day (which I refuse to do) I also beleive there is no bargain out there worth getting up to go shopping at 4 a.m.The only time I have broken this rule is when wife.imp was pregnant. However, I am intrigued about the public displays of ‘Holiday Violence’ and might consider going out for the ‘Show’ next year…

  8. justmylife says:

    >I avoid Black Friday, My SIL goes every year, I just don’t see anything worth dragging myself out of bed for.

  9. Barbara says:

    >Interestingly enough, this was the first year in quite a while that I skipped.As a “veteran” I would have to make two observations:1. I am not crazy enough to try for the electronics deals, since those people are too hardcore for me. They actually camp out, and that is not something I will do. Ever. And I like a deal.2. This year, there were no deals worth getting up for (for the people on my list).In years past I had saved enough to make it worth it to me. I often was able to save more than 50% on items that were on my list. Now, the kids are getting older and the things they wanted were not on the deep discounts, so I didn’t go. I did miss the excitement, the “thrill of the hunt.”

  10. charlene says:

    >I love black friday but refuse to let it turn me into a monster. If I ever think a deal is worth butting in front of someone or pushing – it will be over for me. I go for the thrill of the hunt and there is something so sweet about a 6am breakfast with hubs after we have been up for hours and have most of our Christmas shopping done. This was the first year that many of the things we wanted were in such demand that people camped out for them and since I live in MN that didn’t sound worth it to me. So we missed out on laptops for our kids (heading off to college soon) but some of the other deals were great and it was fun.

  11. Liongoddess says:

    >I didn’t go this year, but my mom talked me into going with her last year. Talk about an exercise in frustration- we went to J C Penny looking for a vacuum cleaner that supposed to be $25.00, only to be stared at blankly by 3 clerks when we asked where it would be found. One actually asked us if the store really sold vacuums and was shocked when we showed her the ad. Needless to say, we didn’t get it. We called our shopping excusion off after this old bat with a hover-chair rammed it into my heavily braced, already injured leg. Her defense? “I wanted to get to that mixer (which I wasn’t even looking at) before you did.” My normally mild-mannered mother told her that if she had reinjured my leg (work injury- 9 weeks in an immobilizer- errrrrgh!), she’d be sent to hell before we were too. (insert big grin here)On the other hand, we did get my dad some flannel pants that he has since worn to shreds and had a really nice breakfast after we gave up the shopping! And my physical therapist was so impressed that I was nuts enough to brave the stores that she cut the torture session in half for the day.

  12. Jenn says:

    >If by participate, you mean I rolled over and fluffed my pillows and thought, “They are insane”, then yes, I participated.

  13. Marie says:

    >I’ve never done it. And I think the same thing as you every time I set foot inside WalMart! Y’all are brave!

  14. nashvegas says:

    >I’d rather die.

  15. Anonymous says:

    >I am a Black Friday shopper, unfortunely. My hubby has made me go for the past 5 years or so. You would think since my daughter was born; I could get a no shopping pass. Nope, if I can not find a sitter, she has to go too. He likes the craziness of it

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