>A Hypothetical

  1. >Sure, 12 foot ceilings, but only 7 foot doorways. He’d (I’m assuming it’s a he but it would be ridiculous if it was an 18 foot woman) have to like practically bend in half to get through the door.Doesn’t hubs think these thing through?

  2. >Well at least we know who are the brains in this here outfit. 😉

  3. MetroDad says:

    >Loved the essay, Lucinda! Congrats on being honored over there. Enjoyed the interview also.

  4. Tori says:

    >Clever ‘Cinda…Niece piece…Now can you blogroll me…or I might get pregnant!

  5. T. says:

    >My husband read this and commented that you seemed to have sucked the fun out of that for your husband. Don’t worry, I poked him in the ribs for you. Loved the essay. And remember to be kind to the little people when you achieve global domination!

  6. Jozet says:

    >LOL! Well, honestly, it might be worth raising the ceilings if someone were going to carry me off to bed each night.Although, I think I might moreso prefer 18 people who were just one foot high.

  7. B.E.C.K. says:

    >I had a boyfriend once who used to poke fun at me for taking things literally. He’d say, “Yes, Mr. Data,” and now I say that to you. ;^) (But I do like the idea of someone carrying me to bed — a hunk of regular height will do nicely…)

  8. KathyB says:

    >My vision of the 18 foot man was taken to a different level… if you’re nose to nose, your toes are in “it.” If your toes to toes, your nose is in “it.” hee hee.

  9. Beverlee says:

    >Send the 18 footer over here. Pick me up, rock me, carry me when I’m tired of walking, pull me in a wagon – all that stuff. Sometimes I need taking care of darn it!

  10. holly says:

    >lucinda, great story and great interview! it’s really impressive, all the things you’re tackling, including making perfect strangers chuckle as they surf the net. you are a gifted writer. congratulations…i’m sure it is the beginning of a beautiful friendship with writing, or a public friendship, or something.

  11. holly says:

    >also…i think i had a dream about an 18ft person accusing me of things..he wasn’t very nice.

  12. Heather says:

    >Sounds like something my husband and I would say.

  13. My float says:

    >Are all your conversations so surreal?! First Charles Dickens, now giants. I loved the fact he sighed, as though YOU were the odd one. Hahaha.Loved the post on Mommybloggers, it cracked me up.

  14. Rayne says:

    >Excellent post on mommybloggers. I really enjoyed it, not just the writing which was excellent as always, but because I now feel better about myself. I have used the same excuse. If I wanted to take classes at the uni or felt I needed new and exciting art supplies I would sigh and complain about my lonely, useless, boring, life and then say, “Maybe we need another baby. That would keep me busy.” and presto! Art classes, easles, Van Gough’s mummy in my basement, what ever I wanted would appear like magic.

  15. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Hey, great interview! 🙂

  16. kittenpie says:

    >love the essay over there – thanks for sending me. I also love finding out the weird little bits I have in common with people I’bve never met. I too slept with two body pillows while pregnant and loooove Cole Porter. who knew?

  17. Mega Mom says:

    >Wait…your name isn’t Lucinda? I feel totally duped.I may never read again. Or I might get pregnant.

  18. Jodi says:

    >OHGAWD, I don’t want to get pregnant. I will go read your story posthaste.I like the idea of 18 one-foot people too. then you wouldn’t have to modify the house at all. I wonder if they would be considered illegal domestic help? Would we have to pay Soc.Security on them and workmen’s comp.??? Or would this be a stricly volunteer position? I need more info. before I can take a stand either way. 🙂

  19. >18 one-foot people? Brilliant and yet equally creepy in its way.And yes, Holly. I like to think that this day marks my public friendship with writing. 🙂 Or civet dung. Depending on my mood.

  20. Kathryn says:

    >Tiny little bit tipsy from my girls night out, but I laughed out loud for a while about this one – while I was getting ready for bed. Crawling in to bed with my soundly sleeping husband. Wanting to wake him up to explain the 18 foot man. He would not get it, but I love this post. I’m with him. It would be great to have a huge guy carry me around.

  21. Chrixean says:

    >There are myths and folklores in our country of actual 18 to 20-foot people-like creatures who actually do visit people’s homes to terrorize them! Haven’t seen one in my life (and have no plans of doing so…*shudder*), but I will definitely not want to have him sway me to sleep. No siree!

  22. >That is too funny.Congrats on the Mommyblogger. Well deserved recogntion for your fabulous writing.

  23. bellabelly says:

    >guffaw! totally something I’d say.

  24. mommyof4 says:

    >LOL! That is a good way to put it. Maybe thats why some babies cry and cry because they are scared of that big thing hovering over them;)

  25. Marie says:

    >You’re a real pill to live with, aren’t you? Hahaha!

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