>Gifts That Keep On.. Well, I’m Not Really Sure What They’re Doing Exactly, Besides Taking Up Space

  1. toyfoto says:

    >Oh my lord … Centuries from now they’re going to make a movie of the book about this: It’ll be just like The Red Violin only it will be The Red (or Blue) Harmonica.

  2. Ivy says:

    >ROFL, my grandparents gave me the most — USEFUL gifts for my birthday, too. I got flannel sheets for my 11th birthday. I got a book on gardening when I was 9. Whee!

  3. Natsthename says:

    >Yeah, woman, break out that mini-crockpot and make them some mini-meatballs. Have the kids play, “Hot Cross Buns” on the harmonicas, too. EMBRACE those ill-thought-out gifts!! ;)You crack me up.

  4. >Honest to God I was just thinking about buying someone a harmonica last night.I was drunk though…

  5. Rachael says:

    >Whoa, my grandmother gives me knee-highs too! She puts them in baggies, and then labels them with masking tape with my name written on them. I always assumed it was because she had little baggies going for all my cousins too.

  6. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Heh. I actually snorted (and not many posts cause me to snort) at this: “‘Uh, you dropped your harmonica,’ he said.” Classic. And so socially awkward. Glad to see 16 was able to celebrate that harmonica. She’s awesome. 🙂

  7. Kat says:

    >Aaaahhh…the mini crockpot. We pull it out once a year for Superbowl. A can of no-bean chili, a block of cream cheese. Fritos to dip into the cheesy, melty, dip. Yum.I gained a pound just thinking about it. Thanks.

  8. >Those are some high quality harmonicas though. Made in China I see.

  9. Marie says:

    >You know, both girls could stroll down the street with their Harmonicas — playing, oh, Dueling Banjos or something… They could round up a posse and bring em home… to eat whatever you’ve concocted with Beef Jerky in that little crockpot! Then Hubs can juggle while Punky makes faces and Bruiser eats to his heart’s content. It’s just what the grandparents had in mind, don’tchathink?

  10. Anonymous says:

    >hey I have one of those!

  11. tiffany says:

    >Better a harmonica than a drum set…or a garter belt.

  12. >Embrace the mini-crockpot! Celebrate the mini-crockpot!

  13. Jen Holland says:

    >I love my mini-crockpot!! Perfect for dips!

  14. cce says:

    >Is it possible that our families share the same grandparents? We have harmonicas AND a mini-crockpot. Both gifts from the elders. Also, anything they deem interesting in a magazine or newspaper is cut out and packaged and mailed off in a great big manila envelope on a weekly basis just in case we are hard up for reading material. It’s impossibly sweet and funny and kind of a sad commentary on senility.

  15. Butrfly4404 says:

    >TG for gift cards. And checks.We decided for xmas a few years ago that we needed a crockpot and mentioned it a couple times. I now have a roaster, a medium and a mini. The mini hasn’t been used in forever because whatever goes in it is usually accompanied by Velveeta cheese. My brother and sister’s grandma has always bought them really bad gifts. When my mom married their dad, we were ‘tweens’ and she MADE us crafty sweatshirts. (you know, with lace and hot glue guns and puffy paints??) gag.

  16. Linda says:

    >I always got slippers and mittens from my grandparents. Grandma made ’em, grandpa got credit. ‘Course, he also threw silver dollars on the floor and had me “fetch” them in a backbend position – I could easily earn $10 a visit by doing that. He thought it hilarious that I could walk like that.My mother and MIL are much more FUN…lots of candy, toys and AWESOME clothing for my little ones. Oh, and money in a card. I’ve never seen such excitement as there is in my son’s face (he’s 3) when he finds “MONEYS” in his cards!!!

  17. Brillig says:

    >1. I LOVE that she decided to “embrace” the harmonica.2. I LOVE that she told you about embracing the harmonica–knowing that you’d find it funny and not feel the need to chastise her for being disruptive or something.

  18. Miss Britt says:

    >Mini-crock pots are absolutely DIVINE for keeping chilli conqueso warm.That’s about it. But still. They’ve got that going for them.

  19. Anonymous says:

    >I can honetly say that my Grandparent always gave cool gifts of cash, but I do have the ultimate winner of a gift. Years ago my father in law gave my husband and I “Light His Fire” Light Her Fire” relation help tapes. Ok we were not even married then??? and sex was still almost everyday. When I opened mine at our family christmas party I laughed so hard I almost pissed my pants, my husband, boyfriend at the time was so ill I thought we were going to have to leave. He did not even open his after he realised what the gift was. I made him promise never to say a word and I still have the tapes. My father in law was such a wonderful man abd I miss him so much since he has passed, but every once in a while I open the trunk I shoved them in, pull them out and laugh my ass off.

  20. raehan says:

    >This is just so sweetly written, Lindsay. : )

  21. Monica Ricci says:

    >Do. Not. Get. Me. Started. I’m on a personal life mission to get people to stop buying stuff for kids. Toys toys toys toys toys! Arrrrrggggghhh. Half my clients have toyrooms that are better outfitted than FAO Schwartz. Kids just plain don’t need all the crap that’s in their lives. Poor little things get overwhelmed just like we do. ~Monica

  22. buffi says:

    >Be honest, Lindsay. You wrote this whole post just so that you could use the word “harmonicrime” didn’t you? 😉

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