>Guest Post: Motherhood Uncensored

  1. zeldafitz says:

    >Oh my God, that made me laugh so hard. Yes, it’s amazing what flies right straight out the window in the name of desperation. We had the midnight bedwet and the inconsolable pre-bed scream followed by the 2:00 a.m. what-am-I-doing-back-in-my-bed shriek-howl. We were carting around toddlers like figures on a cuckoo clock. And we didn’t miss a beat.Greater love hath no…something.

  2. Mega Mom says:

    >Just when I think I am starting to come to terms with Motherly Guilt, something new bites me in the ass!

  3. Nancy says:

    >You are right, desperate times call for desperate measures. I hope Q is feeling better soon.

  4. >ohhh, poor sweetie..yes, we give them everything when they are feeling bad..I took my daughter to Chuck E. Cheese after she tripped over MY shoes in the hallway! 1 Bruised Chin=$25.00 at Chuckies.

  5. Karen Rani says:

    >Great read Kristen, as always! I’m trying to imagine my husband holding on to the bed with his buttcheeks! ROFL! What an image!

  6. >I compleely understand. My kids only have an ear infection and they are back to drinking out of bottles all day long.So sorry about her leg!

  7. >You are SO kind, future MIL.

  8. Mom101 says:

    >These are not lapses in parental judgment…these ARE parental judgments! I mean lord, if you can’t give your kid chocolate cake while watching a Noggin marathon when she’s laid up with a cast, when can you? Meanwhile, if our baby just cries for like thirty seconds Nate is all, “oh sweetie, do you want a pony?” Sounds like you’re doing just fine.

  9. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Mom101 hit it on the head. There’s a time for indulgence and a time for sticking to the rules, and being laid up with a cast is definitely worth being indulged. 🙂

  10. Emily says:

    >I say when they need it, spoil them for all they’re worth…I have camped out in many ERs with sick/hurt kids over my years as a mom, and I swear the mommy guilt aftermath is always more expensive than the hospital bill, even if you DID spring for that $24 shot of baby Tylonal.

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