>Guest Post: Niihaus

  1. Mega Mom says:

    >I’m so naturally crafty that I don’t even NEED FF magazine….I regularly spin sugar like Martha and deck out the ant hills in my backyard so that our ants feel superior to our neighbors just like I do.Sorry…I forget that I’m new here. Sarcasm y’all. That is sarcasm. But I do own a bedazzler!

  2. Kristen says:

    >Those magazine guilt the crap out of me – my daughter usually gets a good week of crafty parenting before I go back to my old “wanna do a puzzle” ways…

  3. Mom101 says:

    >I do not know this magazine. I will make sure to not get a subscription just as soon as possible. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Crazy MomCat says:

    >In my experience, the moms who are home making the Martha-like crafts, are not as perfect as they seem. Many times, you can catch them in a “Joan Crawford” moment if you pay attention. They are the ones who you hear screaming bloody murder at their kids to clean up their damn messes or else when you drop by for a visit unexpectedly. Then, after the doorbell rings, that Martha switch gets turned and they answer the door so sweety with a curious, “Oh, how long have you been here?” question.I like arts and crafts. But, I’m not Martha. If we do that stuff, my house will look like the crafters association threw up all over it for at least 3 days after.

  5. MommaK says:

    >You’re totally cracking me up!! I think you should send in a picture of the Vagina Pig to FF. That would be priceless and great revenge for all of us craft-challenged moms. Great guest post:)

  6. Beverlee says:

    >I’m not familiar with the magazine but I loved how you talked about liking to read about “the others” and how they are raising their … children.Are we talking aliens? another planet? Yes, yes we are. In the height of our crafty-ganza years, there was nothing we couldn’t make.But trust me, you wouldn’t have EVER seen any of it in a magazine!

  7. Lena says:

    >Try getting the whole damn book like I did and having 600 pages!Of activities for the whole family! to remind me of 600 more reasons why my daughter got a raw deal.Your daughter’s Vagina Pig wil go right along with my daughter’s Crochet My Crotch change purse. They only need one good friend anyway, right?

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