>How do I explain this one?

  1. Tonya says:

    >LOL! Too funny!

  2. Mooselet says:

    >Wait til she starts wanting to know why Mommy’s boobs are so big and what the baby does with them.

  3. adria says:

    >That is priceless!

  4. Renee says:

    >Darly says she’s lookin in the wrong spot.

  5. wanderglow says:

    >That is too freakin’ cute! Times like these are the perfect reason to have a blog – so we can remember all the adorable things our little ones say.

  6. Nut's mom says:

    >hey, look at it this way. at least she was reaching for your clevage…

  7. >LOL!!!!That’s hysterical!!!

  8. >she knows already!!!didn’t take her long to figure it out, too cute.

  9. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Aw, that’s cute! My son has figured out that stealth-tugging on my neckline is a sure way to surprise and embarrass Mommy. Not cute. ;^)

  10. mamaloo says:

    >bwahahahahahahaa!Well, I guess it beats having your then 2 yo son shoving his hand down your top to give your nipple a little attention – whether you were his mummy or an aged aunt!And, isn’t it glorious how maternity wear is always cut to show off your newly juicy decolletage and cleavage?

  11. >My son thinks my friend (who is pregnant) will pop when the baby is ready to come out. I have tried to explain it a little better, but so far he is positive she will eventually pop.

  12. Vincenzo says:

    >Oof. That’s gotta be tough to explain.I don’t know if I want to explain it to my 9 year old yet…

  13. Jen says:

    >hahaha!! That is so funny!

  14. >That’s funny!!I always put my hand down there too when my wife was pregnant. It wasn’t to find a baby though.

  15. Sarcomical says:

    >oh my. if only it were that easy.

  16. Velma says:

    >What a hoot – that is hysterical!

  17. jennster says:

    >i love this! LMFAO!!!!!

  18. yellojkt says:

    >A kid after my own heart. Any excuse to cop a feel. Just tell her that’s daddy’s job.

  19. carrie says:

    >That’s funny. My daughter tries to climb up in my shirt and “be” the baby (even though she was the last baby, she just doesn’t get it yet!)!!!Carrie

  20. >Awww! That’s sweet! But babies don’t grow in boobies.

  21. >BAH!!!! You realize that if that is a man child you are carrying, your cleavage is where he will live.

  22. She says:

    >LMAO…from the mouth of babes!

  23. Lahdeedah says:

    >Jaw-dropping cleavage is the best thing about pregnancy. Have you had the toddlers lifting up your shirt to ‘see’ the baby in your belly yet? I loved that one!

  24. dennis says:

    >Ok, I spit my coffee all over the table!I have to admit to being with Tony on this one. I am more or less attracted to wife.imp’s cleavage but not in the interest of finding a baby…Mooselet its not what she wants to find out about the baby doing with them, she’ll be wondering why mommy keeps telling daddy no he can’t do what baby is doing…

  25. My float says:

    >My son does the same thing. At 2 and a half, he’s getting a trifle old for that behaviour. He’ll have to wait another 15 years before he gets back into it and it sure as heck won’t be with me! By the way, what’s Baby going to do with Baby II once she finds it? Very funny.

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